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IV-ing OC

sixpartseven said:
^ Thats probably the WORST way to do it. First, you suggest putting it in your mouth. I shouldnt have to explain why that is not something you want to do. Then you suggest crushing it up using money. Do you know how dirty paper money is?

Im sorry, but your advice is terrible.

for iv yes... but just plugging it? wtf
^ I need to read before I post. I totally missed the part about plugging it. I got all excited and...well yeah. Sorry. Still, it doesnt hurt to point out that you do not want to do either of those when IVing, so Ill keep it up.
LightTrailz said:
Actually i am prepping to do so . and i just had a thread about this with a pretty big arguement . and thus if people would use the search engine like it was intended to be used they would see that . Oxycodone is readily soluble in cold water . when you boil that crap all your doing is dissolving even more filler into your shot . you wanna do that be my guest but i sure as hell dont.

for the last time you are not heating the solution for the fucking hell of it....if we could get a solution with just mixing water in and filtering we would do it...however the shit just sits in a clump and the water is trapped. you then heat it and the solution separates. unless you get the brand name OCs everytime, you have to do it this way. btw u dont really boil it in attempt to dissolve anything, you slightly heat it and then let it cool. its not like tar where u are applying heat to help dissolve the product.

we all know most opiates are highly soluble in water.

btw this def applies more to generics especially the TEVAs or globals
I have never added heat , nor have I seen anyone add heat. There is no point to. Like everyone else saids, its soluable enough in cold water, all you do with the heat is melt other binders you dont want to shoot.
yiggy said:
for the last time you are not heating the solution for the fucking hell of it....if we could get a solution with just mixing water in and filtering we would do it...however the shit just sits in a clump and the water is trapped. you then heat it and the solution separates. unless you get the brand name OCs everytime, you have to do it this way. btw u dont really boil it in attempt to dissolve anything, you slightly heat it and then let it cool. its not like tar where u are applying heat to help dissolve the product.

we all know most opiates are highly soluble in water.

btw this def applies more to generics especially the TEVAs or globals

What the hell are you talking about? You CAN get a solution by just mixing cold water and filtering. If you are talking about using the generics that gel, its even worse to add heat because it causes that gel to dissolve, meaning you are putting it in to your veins.

You should NOT be shooting generics at all anyways, and do not use heat. Cold water is what you should use, and its all you need.
i love when people give advice about things they have obviously never tried.

I love when people think they know what other people have or have not done.

Go ahead and keep suggesting your way. Everyone else is going against what you are saying, so theres a good chance the OP wont listen to you. Thats the beauty of open discussion of harm reduction, the information that is wrong or irrelevant gets filtered out.
man oxycontins are the easiest thing in the world to shoot. I get the 80mg pills for pain management.

I whipe off the coating with a wet paper towel. Crush the pill in a pill crusher, put powder in spoon, add 50 units of water. Stir with plunger, add cotton, suck up through cotton in syringe, get bubbles out of syringe, tie off and blast.
thanks for the tips on injecting it.

TheodoreRoosevelt, have you done it yourself? So once the solution is very clear, I am able to add into the needle and inject??

Is the pill "OC 40" okay to do so??


Yes, I have. And yes, all oxycodone pills can be injected safely. Yes, you can plug OC, the same as E.

With injecting pills you need to do a lot of filtration. Failure to do so can lead to particulate and fluid build-up in the lungs, which are long-term damages that do not have acute effects so you may think you are doing something correctly and safely but in reality you are not.

You MUST do multiple filtrations whenever you shoot pills. A simple cotton draw-up is not sufficient, and injecting OC's should only be done with a clear fluid.

yiggy said:
owever the shit just sits in a clump and the water is trapped. you then heat it and the solution separates. unless you get the brand name OCs everytime, you have to do it this way. btw u dont really boil it in attempt to dissolve anything, you slightly heat it and then let it cool. its not like tar where u are applying heat to help dissolve the product.

Yiggy your post is wrong and dangerous, and I would appeal to the mods to have it edited out.

NEVER ADD HEAT TO PILLS. You are only dissolving filler and binder material into the water that cannot dissolve in cooler water.

When you add a crushed OC to water, the oxycodone will readily be soluble. While when you add heat it appears that more is being dissolved, in reality you are only dissolving dangerous filler material that will get trapped in the lungs as particulate matter and fluid, which is extremely dangerous.

What you are doing is extremely dangerous, and because there are no acute effects of doing this, you mistakenly think you are doing something safe but in reality you are hurting your body very badly.

Never add heat to pills. All the drug that you desire will be in the water with adequate crushing and stirring. By adding heat you are not adding any more drug into the liquid, only binder and filler material. What you advocate is extremely stupid and harmful, dangerous advice. It is not different with different brands of pills, it is always the same.

Use cool or cold water, and add the crushed pill and stir. Never add heat, this only dissolves waxes, binder, and fillers. All of the oxycodone will be dissolved readily in the cool water with proper stirring and given the pill is adequately crushed up. It is the same with all brands and all types of oxycodone pills.


I have injected both Oxycontin and Percocets before, so I know what I am talking about. If you think that you must add heat to dissolve the solution, that simply means you are not crushing your pill fine enough and not stirring it enough.

I whipe off the coating with a wet paper towel. Crush the pill in a pill crusher, put powder in spoon, add 50 units of water. Stir with plunger, add cotton, suck up through cotton in syringe, get bubbles out of syringe, tie off and blast.

This is stupid. You need to filter multiple times with oxycontin pills. A simple cotton filter like this is not enough. I would recommend that you have a syringe, load it with cottons inside it, and then squirt the solution with another syringe into the back end of the cotton-loaded syringe. Then put the plunger in, and squirt out the solution.

You should also use multiple filtration of the cottons. I would HIGHLY recommend you use a syringe with a removable needle, as drawing up with a needle still on will prevent you from ensuring the tight contact on the cotton to have adequate filtration. With the needle still on, when you draw up you will suck up liquid around the cotton without it passing through the cotton first. When you draw up with the needle on, it should take a good minute or two to draw up. People are inclined to release pressure when drawing up takes long, making sure to not have adequate pressure and simply just sucking up surrounding water.

Remember, oxycodone is water soluble. You are not losing any drug when you do multiple filtrations, since all the drug is in the water. You do not need to add heat, since all the drug will be readily and instantly dissolved in the water.

The leftover powder that dissolves when you add heat is not the drug, but binder material. You do not want this in the solution!
im just curious how u get a solution from the clump of gel pill mess WITHOUT heating and cooling?

again this isnt an issue with the brand names(hence their popularity), but with any of the OCs that gel, you simply cannot pull a solution otherwise. ESPECIALLY if u arent getting the 80s because then u have to have more pill for less oxy.

.......he will see when or if he trys

nowhere did i even begin to say that it was safe to do this....this is just as bad as IVing ms-contins.

however, when u are desparate and cant even pull 10cc into the rig, you do what u gotta do

but whatever apparently i get the only OxyContins in the world that gel up with water
yiggy said:
im just curious how u get a solution from the clump of gel pill mess WITHOUT heating and cooling?

again this isnt an issue with the brand names(hence their popularity), but with any of the OCs that gel, you simply cannot pull a solution otherwise. ESPECIALLY if u arent getting the 80s because then u have to have more pill for less oxy.

.......he will see when or if he trys

nowhere did i even begin to say that it was safe to do this....this is just as bad as IVing ms-contins.

however, when u are desparate and cant even pull 10cc into the rig, you do what u gotta do

but whatever apparently i get the only OxyContins in the world that gel up with water

I think perhaps the better question is....

if you are going to have to start melting down the binders for a good shot is it still a good shot and is it still worth doing????
Wouldn't heating pills that wax up to inject have the possibility of re hardening in your veins ?
^ Its possible. Thats why you dont inject generic OC's.

yiggy, your information is wrong on so many different levels. First, you dont heat pills. Ever. It will cause stuff to dissolve that you dont want in your veins. Knowing that, you especially should not heat pills that gel because you will be allowing that gel in to your veins. Thats even worse than having other pill fillers and binders in your veins. If you have generics, you simply should not be shooting them. Suggesting otherwise is dangerous and irresponsible.
What about brand name "DAVA?" They are generics and if you chew them up they get stuck in your teeth and become very slipper and gel like. Are these considered a decent brand, in general not for IV use? :\
yiggy said:
obviously u have never shot oxycontins before......

we are not telling him to heat up the solution for the fucking hell of it, its a pharm pill i doubt theres bacteria even if its not meant for IV. the point of heating it up and then letting it cool is that the waxy shit tends to self coagulate and eventually forms a layer or a single clump that is easily separated from the rest of the solution. you still have a decent amount of water trapped in the binders but atleast you can draw up a solution through a normal sized rig(28-30g was what i always used).

however man i think you are making the right decision here....and no, im not saying that just cause of the needle issue. frankly, oxycodone orally is just better. maybe if u had oxy-IRs or fucking ampules or something but not with some good OCs.

save ur IVing experience for dope or diliduads....something thats worth the needle.

HAHAHA!! No bacteria?! There is bacteria crawling on every surface of pretty much everything you come in contact with during the course of a day.

In my opinion, micron filters are a must for injecting anything, especially something that was not made for injection.
Shooting a Waste!!!!

For all who havent done it yet, please don't shoot Oxycontin!!! It is a complete waste of money and time. Just snort it like you are supposed to do. It is a much, much, better and longer lasting high. Please trust me form experience and don't waste you money. It's not worth it. Your much better off even just eating it that banging it. Its a complete waste of time.