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IV cocaine addiction - detox next week…

I start detox next week. I’m dreading it but Cocaine has ruined my life. I love it of course.

Tips anyone?! What should I expect?

Thanks 🤍
Congrats for taking the giant leap to get well. You can do this.

If you don't mind I'm gonna shoot this over to our Recovery section where you will get lots of love and support.

OK by you if it's moved?
i had a massive crack addiction and a penchant for speedballs so i think my experience will be fairly similar to what you can expect, but YMMV amount and duration of use in particular will impact it.

basically, i was completely joyless for the first few weeks. i couldn't laugh. my dopamine receptors were fucked. the day i caught myself laughing (at something totally dumb) was amazing. dopamine receptors actually sort themselves out relatively quickly (compared to opioid and GABA anyway).

tbh i've barely ever craved crack since i got to rehab, speedballs and heroin yes, but crack destroyed me so comprehensively that it was easy to not want. i've lapsed a few times since and caught myself smoking in the way i did when i was bad in my addiction so i have absolutely no delusions that i couldn't end up like that again.

how long will you be in detox for? are you going to rehab after? what help are you getting? you will need as much help as possible. take every option available to you.
Monumental cravings. The thing with cravings is they are a fantasy and they get more fantastic in the short term.

I’d work on techniques that shut cravings down.. focus on the big picture because what we are presented is that 10 second bell shot. Yeah ten seconds is not worth the utter hell that follows. What’s the big picture.

Using dreams.. they will likely be fucked like you read about… get to load a shot and all the sudden your about to hit and then the needle melts spilling the load into a nasty dirty carpet.

Fuck them.. identify them as hard core manipulation and disregard them completely . they are only a manipulation to break you down.. it’s fucked as your subconscious is trying to break you down.

There is nothing left there.. now you have take up the flag and colors of your recovery.. and your opponent is your subconscious.

Come up with a recovery plan.. work it out while your still struggling. Knowledge, support a whole plan.. exercise, counseling, fellowships, rehab.. learn everything from everyone and find the wisdom to accurately determine what you need to push the fuck outa hell.

I wandered out.. that means you can.

As far as physical detox. That’s not what your up against..I used to meet my guy at the tennis courts.. fuckers are always late.

A little bit of exercise, sleep, good food and a little supplement and your likely right as rain in a couple of days.
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IV cocaine was the reason I went to rehab the first time. (I was also a fully formed alcoholic, but wasn't ready to address that yet)

The cravings are rough. Maintain some kind of support group. I'm not a huge fan of 12-Step groups, but they probably saved my life the first year or so.

It won't be easy, but it's doable. Listen to the advice of your rehab counselors. Stay busy. Talk to people who've been there. Find a healthy hobby. "Using dreams" are definitely a thing--- don't let them derail you.

Best wishes to you ❤
Chinup said it all.

You will be fine, don't be afraid. Everythink is gonna improve from now on, let me congrat you as you are making the right choice, the live saving one.
IV active cocaine addiction is the most dangerous I have had and it is the perfect definition of a living hell for me, but as terrible as it is, it has a very good thing: if you want to quit you don't have to face the utter misery of a opiate wd or , God forbid, a benzo, barb, or alcohol wds where you can easily lose your life
And you won't need to spend your days avoiding the stuff, like after beating a coffe or cigs addiction.

I wish you all the best, just go there an fucking do it. It will be over before you notice.
Thanks guys. Of course cool to the move.

So I have been funded inpatient (4-6 weeks) detox then OP rehab. But this won’t be for a few months. So I decided to make my own plan at home because I cannot continue my current use. A/ it’s so expensive, I spent 1k last week B/ more importantly, social services are now involved and I’m not allowed to care for my children alone.

My plan was to finish Friday (today is Monday). I had my last shots on Friday evening. They were crap, partially missed because of shoddy veins and total let down. By the evening I’d met with my dealer and got another gram. Finished that my the morning. Again, last shots were not proper highs but better than the previous.

So I’m now (Saturday am - Monday pm) 48 hours ‘clean’ but I’ve got 2g arriving in the post tomorrow. I feel so alone. My use is high, nearly a whole spoon per shot. I feel like I’m going to die. The cravings have been horrific. Physically the symptoms are hard. I oversleep, depressed. Pain from all my ulcerated bits but without the reward. I’ve physically detoxed a few times so I knew what I was expecting. I lost my driving license so I can’t get to meetings, I’ve never been to meetings.

I feel like I’ll end up doing the inpatient thing but god knows what I’ll do for money for drugs until then. I need a plan to detox at home but I don’t know how to go about it. I really don’t want inpatient because I’ve spent years as psych inpatient before and I always find that things are fine whilst you’re in and then when you get out and the reality of three kids at home is there that actually it’s pretty useless!
This is gonna be one of the hardest thing you ever do......but it's also going to be the most rewarding.

You're miserable and you hate the way your life is going. Here's your chance. Take the rehab/detox/ inpatient thing and run with it. Run as fast as you can to it. Eat that shit up that they tell ya at these places and make it your mantra in life. Take the plunge. I know you know how good you are going to feel when you get your life back on track. You kniow you're gonna love the feeling.

Stay strong, keep your eye on the prize and don't worry about IRL shit at the moment. That shit will get sorted out while you are in rehab. When you get out....it's one moment at a time, one hour at a time. Just think how great you are gonna feel. It's time baby. It's past time. Get your ass back out there and be the person you really want to be.

We're all here for ya !! :group hug:
Thank you 🫶🏼 So, you think I wait and go inpatient? That’s what my support worker and doctor think, they were dead against me doing it at home.
You will have the greatest chance of success at inpatient. I know we all want to do it at home ( more comfortable, more control ) but that's not what we need. We need to be UN-comfortable and give up our control. As we obviously don't have any over our drug use when we are home.

Yeppers............inpatient it is. Some hard work man but if you really want it I am willing to bet you will come out a much more stable and happier person.

Give it a shot.....What do you have to lose. Your family and real life stuff will still be there when you get out.
The only fact that you went two days without it shows your will to quit, and most important, shows you can quit.
I totally get you being hesitant to go impatient, but it will be for the best. I really thing so.
You need a full stop, a kind of stop you won't have at home with 3 kids.
Eventually, you will have to cop with it again, so you have to rest and think in order to re- focus.
It sounds like you are at your limit, the last thing you need now is to home detox, can't bare life and relapse, detox again, relapse again... you don't deserve that.
Let alone you are doing full spoon shots of cocaine, it is a very dangerous addiction and I hate to hear that you feel as you could die, but you might be right.
As Nurse said, run to impatient detox.
Get healthy and strong for yourself, for your husband and kids. Give yourself yet another chance. Get help and get advise, let people take care of you.
But you need to make the first move, the first step in the right way. It is like the poet said "Walker, there is no path, you make your own path by walking"

Do it now, Surferchic.
All the best, girl.
Thank you 🫶🏼 So, you think I wait and go inpatient? That’s what my support worker and doctor think, they were dead against me doing it at home.
i say do what you can at home but do the inpatient too. they have funded you for a reason. it doesn't mean you just go balls to the wall til you get in, because the more you can do for yourself beforehand, the more you will get out of the IP. honestly take every bit of help you are offered, it gives you the best chance of succeeding. if social services are involved then being shown to be compliant with your treatment plan, and proactive yourself, should help. i've met people who were only allowed supervised visits with their kids and had their access hugely increased once they had successfully completed rehab, though obviously they were still kept tabs on.

you've done amazingly to get 48 hours. i couldn't even make it 48 minutes at one point no matter how much i intended not to. every victory is hard earned, and having stuff in the post does not negate that. its not exactly ideal either though. is there any way you can contemplate getting rid of it? or getting your husband to keep it til the weekend? anything at all.

i'm not surprised doses like that are making you feel like you're going to die. i've had some pretty gnarly IV coke experiences and it is not fun, and it is really damanging your cardiovascular system.

one thing i'd really recommend, in rehab i was given huge doses of b vitamin complex because apparently cocaine has a negative impact on your nervous system.

also the point @nznity made re dreams- crack dreams arre the worst drug dreams i've had by a country mile. but they dissipate in frequency. i didn't get them every night but am still haunted by some that i did have. beats still using though.
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That’s interesting about the vitamin B, I’ll look into that. Thanks all for the 48 hour well done (s) - I feel like a failure. I cannot wait for it to get here though. I keep imagining it. The thought of getting everything ready makes me feel giddy. I think I’m going to have to go inpatient which means a couple of months, they’re behind still because of covid.

It’s nice to hear from fellow/past iv coke addicts. I don’t know anyone. 🫶🏼
You will have the greatest chance of success at inpatient. I know we all want to do it at home ( more comfortable, more control ) but that's not what we need. We need to be UN-comfortable and give up our control. As we obviously don't have any over our drug use when we are home.

Yeppers............inpatient it is. Some hard work man but if you really want it I am willing to bet you will come out a much more stable and happier person.

Give it a shot.....What do you have to lose. Your family and real life stuff will still be there when you get out.
Yep… you’re right re: uncomfortable.

More than anything, I just don’t know what to do here, there’s no distraction.