Its gettin' bad

Your update just put a huge smile on my face, OD. :) I love that not only, you've been able to stay sober for two years now, but that you're also making your dreams come true. Your story is such an inspiration and I'm glad you're finding peace within yourself. You *so* deserve this. <3 :)
oh, OD (((((((((<3))))))))). I am so happy for you, bud. You have everything it takes to be a fantastic addictions counselor. You have worked and worked and worked to get where you are. I have seen you so tempted that I have felt it, literally felt the tension of it a thousand miles away, and I have seen you square your shoulders and go deep inside and quietly say,"no". I know that you will take all that strength and share it with others. I am so happy for you. I know I already said that but since I can't grab you and hug the hell out of you, I have to just repeat myself.:)
For whatever reason, I don't have any friends but I get a ton of support. Scratch that. I DO have friends, its just that I haven't met them yet.

spork, you were (and are) always so compassionate towards me <3. I used to whine, bitch and moan in my journal/blog and you made me feel like there was hope and reasons to keep on going (shit... I developed a HUGE crush on you from that era ;) )

herbavore... what can I say? You reached out to me when I was hurting and I never even mentioned that I was. You seemed to sense what was up. Your heart, wisdom and kind, true words got me through days that seemed impossible to get through.

ocean has always been there for me. Fuck girl, there isn't anyone that can compare to you. (I'm calling you soon) Please don't mistake my lack of correspondence for ambivalence. You stole my heart early and I plan to insure you stay in my life for the remainder

n3o, (sigh) your encouragement and unrelenting positivity when everything seemed like shit balanced my world. I wish I could have went back east and hugged the shit out of you when you visited the states.

DAVE!!!!!!! I fucking LOVE you, brother. I don't think there is anyone wiser. You were able to view things from my perspective even though you never experienced what I was going through. You, very simply, got it and understood.

khadijah (formerly of another name), you kept shit real and honest. You offered friendship to a stranger.

drug_wench, you told it how it is but were caring in doing so. You kept saying my days of using had to stop otherwise I would face a rough road. I finally did it girl, wherever you are I hope you are well.

sweetpea, you are simply brilliant! I've never "met" anyone like you.

Fuck.. there are more. I think I'll pop over to the appreciation thread

I love my friends that I've never met <3 <3 <3
^Awwww. <3
<3 I am over the moon happy to hear you're doing so well.
It's been too long since I heard from you and I was REALLLLLLLY hoping for good news.
This pretty much made my night.
Congrats on the job! I know you will have a great success in the future in this field!
You've accomplished a lot and have been an inspiration to more people than I think you realize.
2 years!!! Wow. I'm smiling so big right now....I remember the bad days and man, you've come a long way!
Oh man....I'm so proud of you. <3
Jesus this thread is as old as you are man =D . Shouldn't you have taken your Geritol and taken out your dentures and crawled off to bed by now ;) . It sucks that i never got down to your neck of the woods to meet you but hopefully one day our paths will cross. Long time no see and it's good to see you around again my man..

Shit you just reminded me about Sweet P! If i can at all I'm going to try and find out how shes doing and whats up with her. I really miss talking to her :( . If i do find out anything I'll let you know.
Jesus this thread is as old as you are man =D . Shouldn't you have taken your Geritol and taken out your dentures and crawled off to bed by now ;) . It sucks that i never got down to your neck of the woods to meet you but hopefully one day our paths will cross. Long time no see and it's good to see you around again my man..

Shit you just reminded me about Sweet P! If i can at all I'm going to try and find out how shes doing and whats up with her. I really miss talking to her :( . If i do find out anything I'll let you know.

I miss your fucked up accent, ya bastard! You're on my list too, ya fucker :sus:
^He should be on a list of a different kind. :D lol
Not the 'nice' list. The shit list ;)
I miss your fucked up accent, ya bastard! You're on my list too, ya fucker :sus:

Aww your just cranky cause you haven't had your arthritis meds today :p . I missed you too ya old cunt :)

^He should be on a list of a different kind. :D lol
Not the 'nice' list. The shit list ;)

Am i on your naughty list? I guess you'll have to punish me when i finally get to meet you ;)
OD I am so happy to read of your success.
Well done dude, the possibilities & opportunities which surround us are incredible.
Well, I typically post updates here when I've had another year clean. This update is early simply because I'm feeing rather grateful.

I currently have 3 years, 4 months and 4 days clean. That's pretty damn good since the beginning of this thread. I am NOT the same person I was 3 years ago by a long shot.

I'm currently an addictions counselor working with adolescents diagnosed with conduct disorder, substance use disorder (and typically a mental health diagnosis is peppered in as well). Many of the guys are affiliated with gangs and I've been introduced to many groups that help transition them from the life (including paying for tattoo removal)

My dream came true and I LOVE my job and my life.

Its nice to be at peace and comfortable in my own skin.

Thank you herbavore, ocean, spork, asclepius, neo, red leader, drug wench... fuck... the list goes on. I would never have experienced such growth (and most certainly would still be slammng that shit) if it wasn't for people being there for me.

Thanks BL <3 I rarely post anymore but TDS helped give me a life worth living. That is something I never would have expected when I first logged on in 2008.
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Dude I am proud of you! Great work. An inspiration to people like me for sure.

I am 45 days clean from buprenorphine. So I hope to one day have a full year.
You are such a huge inspiration, OD and should be very proud of yourself. Reading your updates now always makes me happy and smile real big! Congrats, I'm so proud of you and all that you've accomplished!! :) Lots of love, always. <3
OD, I am so happy for you. You set your goals and not only did you achieve what you wanted, you love it. I know you are an awesome example for the guys you work with.<3
Now's a good time to be giving back to BL, by reaching out to those desperate souls that come here, suffering that same despair and hopelessness you once felt - it's good to pay it forward.
Just wanted to say man, I saw your thread, and looked at the first few's all well and good that you're doing well right now...but, if I read correctly, you didn't pay half the debt you owed to a 59 year old man who fronted you 10k worth of coke...and who could've used that money to see his kids before he died.

Do I really need to say more?
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Dude I am proud of you! Great work. An inspiration to people like me for sure.

I am 45 days clean from buprenorphine. So I hope to one day have a full year.

We've known each other for quie a bit now, Captain... shit... you GOT THIS %)

You are such a huge inspiration, OD and should be very proud of yourself. Reading your updates now always makes me happy and smile real big! Congrats, I'm so proud of you and all that you've accomplished!! :) Lots of love, always. <3

spork, if it wasn't for your warmth, compassion and open-mindedness, I would not have had the courage to spill my guts as I did in Blogs <3

So inspiring OD! <3 thanks for the update.

thank YOU, ad lib. You kick ass as a mod here in TDS/Recovery Support

OD, I am so happy for you. You set your goals and not only did you achieve what you wanted, you love it. I know you are an awesome example for the guys you work with.<3

you sent the most beautiful "fruit baskets" at my darkest times. Times haven't been dark in a while. Thank you for being a part of my foundation

Now's a good time to be giving back to BL, by reaching out to those desperate souls that come here, suffering that same despair and hopelessness you once felt - it's good to pay it forward.

agreed! I've done that in the Moderator, Senior Moderator and Administrator roles here on Bluelight. I've since passed the baton on to others MUCH more efficient and qualified than myself.

Just wanted to say man, I saw your thread, and looked at the first few's all well and good that you're doing well right now...but, if I read correctly, you didn't pay half the debt you owed to a 59 year old man who fronted you 10k worth of coke...and who could've used that money to see his kids before he died.

Do I really need to say more?

no worries (I caught your post prior to the edit).

I agree. I fucked him over. There are other ways to make amends. I didn't have the ability to make things correct when the time was right but that doesn't mean I can't (or don't) do my best to make past mistakes remain in the past and not make the same mistakes repetitiously.
I am thrilled that things turned out this way OD!!!!! I started reading your thread about two days ago, and then forgot the name of accident a couple of hours ago, found it. It's been on my mind since I started reading it, and I was hoping it was a success story, and it is. I couldn't be happier for you.

Something that's changed is the support style here since you started this thread...I've been here about nine mos. I have a feeling if you started the same time frame, you would'n't have received quite so much support. Giving up on someone, no matter how hopeless they seem, is a mistake IME. From your beginning post, it may have seemed hopeless, but as you've proven, isn't....

It made my day to see the positive outcome, and also that you just recently updated. Really happy for you. S