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it's days like today....

i remember a long time ago, when you sent me this, and i thought is was just about the best thing i had ever read. i can still recite it, word for word, becuase of the certain impact it had on my life. some words have a tendency to touch us that way.
i think we both need this right now. well, at least i do.
a cup of coffee and an old friend.
Ironically enough, my coffeemaker broke yesterday...and my friends are no where to be found.
when you get back to boston, i think there's a coffee shop somewhere waiting for 2 old friends to catch up...
there's a coffee shop or two waiting in CT for you too... or at least a friend in CT willing to drive to boston :)
word of advice: get him to schedule that "drive to boston" in advance. *wink*
this will ALWAYS be my favorite of yours.
i can recite it word for word.
something about it just grabs me every time...
everyday i read...everything you scream...and I can't hold up any reassurance...I can never tell you "everything will be okay", or "it will all work out", I can only yell back at you. I know it's not enough. I know it's not much. But your words always have been and always will be beautiful.
I feel as though lately you've come back into my life, is that crazy? There are days when I think I'm the same person as that girl you hugged, there are days that convince me otherwise. I'm not sure any of that matters too much in the end; but knowing how your day is going, that is just as important as it ever was.

I know it doesn't help much when you're sitting there wanting something to reach for, because heart + soul aside, California is a long way from Boston. But there is a never-ending cup of coffee here for you whenever you want it, and a friend who will always appreciate the man that you are. Keep those rambling emails coming, will ya? Miss you sweetheart.
Bump on an amazing piece!!

I needed to read this again....and I needing a night that this tonight.

this has always been my favorite.
and for reasons i wont write here,
it has even more meaning to me now.
soulfly said:

a night that i wish i could dial a few simple numbers into my cell phone, and without fail, you would meet me anywhere i needed you to.
most likely somewhere intown boston, for coffee and a side of comfort
tonight, we would feel safe in each other's confusion

and there will be no one to argue with when i try to pay the bill at the coffee shop...
i wish you were here...

this made my heart ache...such a bump for such a worthy peice...its not often a peice moves me to tears but u made me realise that within ur writting are all the loneliness and longing i feel right now for someone...

huge hugs

starfalls :)
i guess time doesn't change *some* things...
i still know this piece by heart.

hope you're doing well.
I'm hopeless at expressing myself... But if I wrote something about how I feel tonight, it'd be something like this... Although not half as good.

Definitely one of my favourite posts in this forum ever.
soulfly said:
but tonight i will find no answers, i will still be overcome by fear...by indecision
and there will be no one to argue with when i try to pay the bill at the coffee shop...
i wish you were here...

damn. such a hopeless feeling. :(
soulfly said:
i will bare my soul to you, not to be saved, but simply noticed...
but tonight i will find no answers, i will still be overcome by fear...by indecision
and there will be no one to argue with when i try to pay the bill at the coffee shop...
i wish you were here...

I usually don’t dig shit like this, but this is one of the best poems I’ve read on BL. Those befittingly placed words that make me feel not so alone.

Thanks to whoever bumped it again.