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  • Words Moderators: Mysterier

it's days like today....

not self-fulfilling prophecy
just history, fucking with us again, repeating itself every time you don't expect it to...
i know the feeling.
**Proud to be an Official member of the Stuck-Up/8-Up Crew**
"Fuck PLUR! it's all about hardcore ass fucking!!"
We'll make great pets...
"drug suppliers, typically wearing 'Ecko' brand sweat shirts shuffle around the dance floor, chanting softly, 'want some pills? k?'" - Shu Shin Luh, The Chicago Sun-Times
Don't give up...as of yesterday, I moved away from home to come and live with that boy I wrote about in my last reply to this topic...life has a funny way of working things out sometimes, don't ever ever lose hope.

~*~I hope you take a piece of me with you...~*~
I'm sorry that we are so poor, but at least we've got eachother, right babe?
I hope this brings a smile to your face when you read this at work and know that i'm thinking about you now, and always.i hope your friend is ok..
i love you hun, and that's all i have to give to you right now...
[This message has been edited by AleEsh (edited 05 January 2001).]
holy shit. this was an amazing piece. it gave me the chills... shit i still have the chills... jay... wow...
animals are for petting!
"does anyone know where we are? because i think i dont have a clue"
"damn the man, save the empire!" - empire records
Corruption is key.
i'm bumping this because EvilJunglist's post made me think of it...
ya know.... i was going back in the depths of the words pages last night, looking for one of my own old posts, and saw these and wondered if and when you were going to bump them again...
still great words, jay. keep your chin up.
omg... how is it that i missed this?
/me thinks back into the past.
i never saw this post, YET once i read the title, i could almost recite your whole piece word for word.
i miss you jay. its been awhile :(
Of the probably ten times that I've read this, why haven't I responded before? I don't know, but I won't make that mistake again.
In Baltimore this year, sitting by the water, you were on my mind so much. And I wished that you were sitting there with me again, so that we could talk about the year that has passed, the year to come... anything to hear your voice sweetie. I miss that, and I miss being there at four in the morning when you wake up and need someone to talk to (and a beer), and I miss coming into words and seeing that you've written something new... but you will always have a place in my heart. Always.
thinking about u....
bump for old time's sake.
i know you could use a little inspiration in your life right now...