Writing-up ISCD survey for polydrug users

um, like the survey and understand intent. You could do a bit better with chart design--a simple bold vertical line dividing the drug classings would help immensely

yeah the structure of it was difficult to read and i lost interest.

just because you cant be bothered to ask the same question for every drug, doesn't mean i can be bothered to read a confusing visual mess.

drug users have very short attention spans:)
I agree with Fixed, you could probably get a lot more responses if you chose categories of drugs, and then asked for the specific drug(s) the person has experience with in that category. I've done all the drugs required except for ketamine (though I've got experience with PCP) so I can't do it...
I started to take it and finished the first page and then decided it was retarded to spend so much time going back and forth on a terribly flawed layout.

Whatever data is obtained will be meaningless because there's no way people are giving 100% of the answers they want to give due to the stupid layout.

Answer honestly: Who designed the stupid thing?
I think you're off by at least an order of magnitude there. 500mg of amphetamine would probably give me a heart attack.

500mg of amphetamine is NOT a moderate dose, as stated in your survey. 5 points..half a gram, 50 or 100(!!) IR dexedrine pills as available in a pharmaceutical product. I think you ought to check your dosing guide.

Is 500 mg of amphetamine really a 'moderate dose'?

^ As others above you have posted, it is not a moderate dose.
^Seconded terrible layout, if it was easier to use I might consider taking it. Plus the doses you describe as moderate seem to be very sporadic, especially 1 g. of dried Cubensis being moderate???
The title speaks for itself, I was trying to buy 4-mec and 3,4(please help me out with information about that one to) in a shop, but they asked me if a free sample of ethylone (I need help with this one to) and a free sample of m-ppp was goood enough Insttead of 4-mec. Ive taken all the classic uppers nd I loved mephedrone and methylone, but my favouriteRC to this date is Methedrone, but I beleive Im kind of alone with that opinion...

So please help me out with m-ppp. Ive already decided to buy ethylone and 3,4, but Im not sure about m-ppp... what can one compare it to? Dosations?
Im gonna inject all the producuts, so i need ALL the information I can get about dosations etc of all of the drugs that I have mentioned.

Maybe I´ll skip m-ppp? I dont know why but it sounds scary... ow is my english? Im from bleedin sweden and im speeding so please, cut me some slack.

Well, this will be my first entry, hopefully I can learn something, and maybe learn a fellow brother or sister something...

But hurry up with information, the dealer will post it in a few hour if I dont change it... tell me all about your experienes with the drugs that I have written about, dosation, what to think of etc, and especially about m-ppp. I am going to inject everything, so if there is something i should know, please tell me!
Its too hard to fill in the page since it requires so much scrolling around - also have never tried ketamine.
Is 500 mg of amphetamine really a 'moderate dose'?

It's barely a moderate dose if you qualify for taking this survey. And obviously most of you aren't getting beyond page 3 of the survey because the layout is only bad on the second and third pages. I'm actually glad someone put together a survey asking the questions that were asked. It tells me where research might be heading.
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Its too hard to fill in the page since it requires so much scrolling around - also have never tried ketamine.

Well, I must say that all the stuff after the charts made the survey worth filling out. The chart, in my opinion, is simply a way of seeing if you've done the actual drugs in the, yes moderate, doses they listed and still have brain function enough to memorize which box means what based on shape and relation to other boxes. [snip] Everything I've read from the comments so far tells me that y'all have not done what the survey was looking for, not that there is anything wrong with that.

Just think of what doing the amounts I did resulted in and led me to down the road. This is not a survey to try stuff out for so you can take it either, I REALLY wouldn't suggest you do that as it could easily kill you, INSTANTLY!!
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I would like to participate in this survey because well, I love science and want to do my part. Unfortunately I have no experience with ketamine, only other disassociatives. I'll check back here and participate if I ever do have an experience with ketamine.

I would try to partcipate anyway but I don't want to poison the data because of that gap.
I would like to participate in this survey because well, I love science and want to do my part. Unfortunately I have no experience with ketamine, only other disassociatives. I'll check back here and participate if I ever do have an experience with ketamine.

I would try to participate anyway but I don't want to poison the data because of that gap.

same here.

Thank you both for thinking of others and thank you for sharing the fact that you won't participate since you haven't taken all 5 drugs =o)
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I would like to participate in this survey because well, I love science and want to do my part. Unfortunately I have no experience with ketamine, only other disassociatives. I'll check back here and participate if I ever do have an experience with ketamine.

I would try to partcipate anyway but I don't want to poison the data because of that gap.

same here.
I think the "500mg of Amphetamine" is because ICSD is based in the UK where "base" speed is sold, 500mg is a typical dose.
Whatever data is obtained will be meaningless because there's no way people are giving 100% of the answers they want to give due to the stupid layout.

Yea...fix the layout if you want people to give accurate answers. When going through it I double checked my responses in each row but felt like I still could have mixed up some of my responses.
There ya go! ! I did it using my droid. It was a little small but I got it done.
Haven't done ketamine, but have done LARGE doses of DXM (960mg on my 6th time to robo-trip (32 CCC)) in which I completely dissociated and remember visions of dying in different ways, so I used that for the ketamine section. And i've never done specifically "amphetamine," but used to be a meth addict and have smoked .5g in one sitting, and that was at the beginning of a 3 day binge lol. Sorry if my answers piss people off.