  • Sports & Gaming Moderators: ghostfreak

is the Wii good

Acidfiend said:
I knew they were extremely scarce when I bought my wii (sometimes harder to get than the wiis themselves) so I stocked up early. One way you can snag an easy wiimote is to reserve a copy of wii play for 60 bucks at gamestop. You're basically paying for a wiimote plus another 10 bucks for a crappy game. But at least you get the wiimote.

wii play is pretty fun in groups.
One interesting thing about the Wii:Excite Truck and Need for Speed are causing me to develop a callous on the left side of the first knuckle of my middle finger. And possibly the index, depending on how I hold it.
^^ Me and my friends used to play Tony Hawk on the Dreamcast and one day we played so long that my friend wore the skin off his thumb and it was bleeding all over so he wrapped a napkin around it and taped it on and kept playing.
I actually did something quite similar with the original DBZ:Budokai, except I tore off half of the skin on my palm. I did it again and tore off more skin. So I got a band-aid and continued.

We gamers are harcore.=D
Kul69 said:
^^ Me and my friends used to play Tony Hawk on the Dreamcast and one day we played so long that my friend wore the skin off his thumb and it was bleeding all over so he wrapped a napkin around it and taped it on and kept playing.

heh! Yeah - we've been there - with Street Fighter 2 on the SNES! :)
lurkerguy said:
..every console has a place, and that I predict all three consoles will more than break even, and be profitable.

Exactly :)

The gaming market is big enough nowadays so that it can be broken up into sub-markets with each console specialising in each market and often crossing over into others. Everyone's a winner! :D
thanks for the tip acidfiend!

i got elebits but noone likes it :( i haven't played it more than 10 minutes yet.