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Is my american friend nuts? or a genius?

Thank you for all the responses. Though after reading them, I admit, I'm more confused than when I started.

On the one hand....
Oh there's a shitstorm coming that's for sure. Funny too how the department of homeland security is buying all of the bullets for practically every type of gun from public suppliers and stockpiling it leaving next to none behind for the citizens to buy...

... Shit sucks, but whatever. It's sure time for a change.

I do have to say though, I also feel like there will be another revolution. Not because the Democrats and Republicans are at a stalemate, but rather due to the fact that the government is doing things behind the people's back.

Your friend is pretty spot on. This country is in a bad slump and has been for at least 8 years if not longer. Still one of the best countries ti live in though.

world war 3 is coming to America
Obama is going to double cross America
That is why they are buying up all the bullets
and not normal bullets Hollow points which are used to kill
and illegal in war to have according to the United Nations

North Korea,Iran,Russia, China, Brazil, India, and some other countries
are going to invade and attack America and its allies
World war 3 is going to look like Muslim/Commie Nations Vs America & its allies
Obama is buying up all these tools of war and storing them all over America
For our enemies to use on fellow Americans during the war
Obama is a down low Commie/Muslim as it is anyhow he just hides that fact
He hates this country his goal is to bring it down and Israel down
Why else would he and his administration be supporting the Muslim brother hood and other enemies of America/Israel
He has giving them millions of dollars of support and tools of war

America is training so many of these other countires military on our own soil
we have been already invaded and most people do not even know it
They are just waiting for the call and they will be ready

But first America is going to get slammed by many " Natural disasters"
such as Tsunami's / Tornado's / Hurricanes / Volcanoes / Earth Quakes
Than these countries will come to " Help out fellow Americans"
right when we are down to our lowest we will be bombed and invaded
With Obama and his administration hiding in their bunkers
everyone on top will be fucked......

And then there's....

people claiming the govt is going to take their guns has been around since the first European settlers landed here over 400 years ago

so, to put it lightly, your friend is a fucking idiot

point and case

I live in the US, I'm dismissing this, think what you want

im guessing OPs friend is a right winger....

And nuts.

Blahblahblah America is so bad blahblahblah, bullshit.

I don't think we're on the verge of revolution at all and frankly I'm surprised that people think we are. What exactly would be the goal of this revolution? Don't get me wrong things could be better but, they could certainly be a lot worse and I for one do not feel oppressed....
... We have no real cause and until that changes I think "revolution" is just a crazy fantasy.

Think I'm just going to sip some tea, eat some crumpets with cream and strawberry jam... and forget about it.
....pass the crumpets. oh, hey look! there's fireworks!
..oh no man, that's just america having their wee little world war 3. lovely, isn't it?

OP: you should read what your friend wrote, because he's mostly correct.
the only reason that there is so much emphasis placed on political parties in the US is because it's one big fucking distraction. everybody's too busy cutting each other's political party down and why "they are right/you're wrong" while the gov't laughs and sneaks around, building concentration camps, millions of coffins, and snatching our rights of freedom RIGHT IN FRONT OF US. but people are too busy trying to prove who's right and who's wrong, when it really doesn't matter.

people are drowning and are suffocated by the media, and it's sad. they shove the shit they want us to hear/know down our throats, while muffling everything we should be hearing. it's disgusting and sneaky, and i thank my lucky stars that i was born in canada, because it's not long before I'm going to haul my cookies back there and get the fuck out of this gongshow of a nation.
Little penguin you are spot on. I'm not gonna run to Canada though. There is some people from my past that have it coming to them. I'm just waiting for chaos and anarchy to erupt before I get my revenge.
Sounds like another delusional kid on Facebook. The Patriot act was the brainchild of Republicans, not Democrats. Obama didnt say or imply anything even remotely towards "confiscating guns from Americans," he actually toned his rhetoric down after that Newtown shit. He even said something like "everytime we strengthen gun laws, you have people who think the governments coming to take their guns, and that is absolutely untrue." He was afraid to go any further than expanding background checks because he didnt want to be perceived as tough on guns.

Sorry I stopped reading after that, but your buddy is retarded. Seems like we have a bunch of delusional nutbags like him in this thread even. I cant help but feel that perhaps theyve done one too many brain damaging drugs or something. I think Johnny Blue summed it up the best out of all the posts in this thread.
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the key is to just not vote IMO

and now of course there's gonna be a backlash from all the die-hard freedom people out there

and its like fuck off, if I don't like any of the choices I'm exercising my freedom to do whatever I want regardless of what a room full of overpaid and under worked suits who have to buy each other's support so they can get 51% of them to agree on ANYTHING, even shit that is clearly obvious, think of my actions

if you really care about your community, you shouldn't care about politics

because it's all just appeasing whoever bitches the loudest and scratches the most backs

if you really want something go out and get it yourself

when more people start doing that and stop waiting for Obama to fix everything we won't have this two party bullshit system with nothing getting done

and it's always been like that throughout time, but history repeats itself because we teach Americanized history in our schools
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It's people like your friend who make the rest of us think Americans are all crazy. I live in Canada and when I see things like glen beck/ fox news and especially Alex Jones(that guy is INSANE) I just shake my head...The very fact that you can talk about this kind of stuff on the internet without getting your door kicked in proves your all wrong.

I used to believe in all the conspiracy theory crap...false flag operations, ect,ect. It made me feel good that I knew the TRUTH and the SHEEPLE (99% of which had better jobs, houses, cars, lives in general) were all being fooled. See its empowering when your "in on the big secret", But eventually I grew up, I matured and a went to university.

I don't believe any of that crazy crap now, but then again what do I know.....Im Canadian. And we have SOCIALIZED HEATH CARE
When I spend so much of my time working and trying to keep my cars/home and life manageable I don't have time to really be bothered with politics. Yeah I care but I don't have much time to do anything I want to do let alone try and change the system. Maybe if I was wealthy and didn't have to work 60 hours a week to make ends meet I would do something to make a difference(what that would be I don't really know, cuz if I was wealthy I would be traveling around the world too much anyway)
When I spend so much of my time working and trying to keep my cars/home and life manageable I don't have time to really be bothered with politics. Yeah I care but I don't have much time to do anything I want to do let alone try and change the system. Maybe if I was wealthy and didn't have to work 60 hours a week to make ends meet I would do something to make a difference(what that would be I don't really know, cuz if I was wealthy I would be traveling around the world too much anyway)

This fucking shit exactly. Word for word.
ΔΔΔΔ I am going to put a +1 on this. The problem with our country is that we have system that makes upward social mobility very difficult. The vast majority of people (myself and parents and friends) included have to work so hard to maintain a lifestyle based upon living to work not working to live. Yes our government is big and ineffectual. Our president does not wield much power but we are taught to believe he is the most powerful man in the world.

The only thing that will stop these problems is informing the American people better...ie not our news sources, or schools. The second thing that will help is firing and rehiring everyone in government and limiting the amount of government jobs available. It would be the only way to promote informed intelligent decisions based on the true needs of the people.

One more thing...job creation doesn't matter if all you create is unskilled low wage part time work.
Your friend is pretty close on there, something is for sure guna go down I think. I would take heed and listen, when shit hits the fan the worlds guna change and id rather be prepared.
Is there any truth in what he's telling me over facebook? here's a recent chat log

Your friend sounds like he's been reading the Prisonplanet and Ron Paul forums after discovering politics, economics and history a week ago.
Your friend is fucking nuts , the USA is fucked up but he just sounds like he is on one.
Your friend has it mostly right. There is going to be civil war in the USA, or there will be martial law with the sheeple keeping on being sheeple. Either way, things are going to change drastically. Why else is DHC and FEMA buying all the guns and ammo?

The economic collapse of the USA is complete. The only thing disguising it is the international support of the currency, which is generously provided by other nations, to give the US government time to "get its house in order", ie buff up its FEMA camps, and get all the guns and ammo possible. At some point the IMF will say, enough, we're not artificially supporting the US dollar anymore, the US dollar will crash and come to represent its true value: pretty much nothing. Imports into the US will become well-nigh impossible due to the currency being mostly worthless. For this reason oil prices will skyrocket, making transportation of both people and goods extremely expensive. Cities will become paralyzed. Food will get very, very expensive, and a huge part of the population will have to be on "food stamps", and to be fed they will have to move to government facilities... FEMA camps.

For sure, some part of the population will try to take down the government, or secede from the union of states. This will create armed conflict, which won't make living any easier for anyone. Basically you will have militias AND the federal government both trying to seize the food source of the nation, the farm land, and fighting over it. I cannot see any end to this fighting. Maybe after a huge chunk of the US population has died, either from starvation or from the continuous fighting. But only after there are enough resources being produced internally for the amount of population. Now, given that a lot of people will stop working due to the problems, the US GPD is going to take a major nosedive. So we are talking about an economy that can only support a fraction of the current population. If I lived in the US, I'd get out real quick.
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Sitting back from Canada, I still get the impression of a change blowing in the wind down south. When it will actually arrive, I'm certainly not sure. But things "feel" different. So it's a wait and see. No one can prove or disprove anything, so keeping on with the status quo for now.
Yup theres gonna be a revolution. The people just gotta realize before its too late. "Jails" will pop up for people without health insurance. Just watch. They will come at night an take you away. An congress will make more 'laws' to protect us. An put more law breakers in jail.

We gotta ride to congress an hang em all. Because if we dont, then the muslims, mexicans, an all the terrorists an enemies of our country will start their own revolution. An thats when shit really gets bad. Thats what they want though. To group us in with them. They want to create fear in us americans. So know one will do anything or be afraid to speak up because it will be against the law.

Fuck it kill em all. Just watch. Our borders are being overrun an no one gives a fuck. In the end it will be the patriots vs treasonists. An they are all treasonists AKA enemies of america. It all depends on wich side yer gonna be with. Dont let them brainwash you. Just turn off yer TV an go buy a shotgun. Its coming.
Anyone who actually believes the USA will have a civil war soon needs to lay off drugs for a good week. This isn't the stone ages. That whole FEMA thing is a strait conspiracy or just backup for homeland protection.

Our stock market is about to crash again thats about it.

BTW Mexicans love the USA, How do you think they sell all there dope and speed!? Muslim americans are cool as hell I know alot of them graduating from 4 year science programs.
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^FEMA CAMPS a conspiracy LOL
that is a biggest load of shit i heard all week
why dont you do some research about these fema jails and than rethink what your saying

Just look at which way the barbwire is facing
One way its to keep people out from breaking in(banks)
Other way is to keep confined to stop them from breaking out(Fema camp/jail)
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