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Is lopermine water soluble


Apr 13, 2013
Can i dissolve it for a fast absorption because they take forever to kick in if i swallow them normally
Isn't there a loperamide lozenge/fast dissolving pill? That might decrease the time it takes to kick in
Considering the Bioavailability is 0.3% I doubt that trying to break it down before consumption would be of any benefit. Hacking ATC/ pGP is about the only way to "boost" it, but that gets dangerous and F's with the Dose-Response curve in unpredictable ways.

The generic brands break down in water very fast, like before you can swallow them fast if you swish a little.
Edit (can't edit my post right now):
What I meant to say was given that it's more lipophilic than hydrophilic sublingual might work (but this shouldn't help much if your main goal is to decrease gut motility)
yeah it costs a little more but I'm sure other generics have this kind of form of lope too