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Is It Possible For Someone On Drugs To Not Know They Are?


Sep 8, 2012
Basically, would it be hypothetically possible to take so much of a psychoactive substance of some kind that you forget that your even on anything. Also, has anyone experienced this? I personally have a lot of experience with different stuff and it never happened to me but a friend told me that he knew this guy who took a couple of doses of acid and it happened that he didn't even know he was tripping for a while. I would not have thought this would be possible because it would seem that even the depths of the unconscious would still be aware that drugs were ingested. I find this a strange, yet interesting story. Also, is this something that often happens when one completely "breaks through" (e.g. a dmt/salvia experience)? I could see it as being possible, but something still tells me you'd know you were on something even if it just took you into another world outside of this one and you didn't even know you were in a room or anything, it seems like the fact that you took drugs would be about the last thing to go, but maybe I'm wrong
Only drug I have had this happen on is diphenhydramine. I kept thinking I was in amphetamine psychosis.
Only drug I have had this happen on is diphenhydramine. I kept thinking I was in amphetamine psychosis.

Interesting. You thought you were psychotic rather than on drugs, but you did still know you were in an "altered" state of mind, just didn't know it was from drugs
Sure! This has happened to me with LSD when I was young and built a huge tolerance and it's happend with klonipin due to amnesia from the klonipin. Totally forgot I took anything, needed a friend to remind me about the acid the next day when I woke up feeling ummmmm, strange lol. And the kpins I kept forgetting about til they were gone and I accused an ex girlfriend of stealing the whole bottle(she was a booster) lol. I'm still not 100% sure 10 years later lol. But I've had it happen on other benzos so I guess I ate the whole bottle and didn't know... Good times... I guess, lol.
sure, but it usually happens only with very large doses. i've had that on salvia, lsd and dmt. once you're "over there" and cannot remember your life before your trip nor grasp what a "drug" is, there's no way to connect the (then inexistant) dots to conclude that you're on drugs.
about that being the "last thing to go", that's pretty meaningless with drugs like salvia or dmt, since they send you over in the blink of an eye. but with lsd i remember thinking (when i was already pretty gone) "there is someting called 'lsd' and something called 'albert hofmann' and they are both related to each other and they're related to me right now, but i cannot figure out how" ;)
I didn't know I was on drugs most of the time when I took my ibogaine flood dose. I'd come to a little periodically and realize I was on ibogaine but for the vast majority of the time I was just somewhere else in a dream, with no awareness of outside that dream, even if I was moving around and interacting with people. That's the only time I've had that happen though. Other than blackouts from alcohol or benzos but I don't think that's the same thing.

And yeah this isn't a trip report. I'll move to PD I guess, seems like it would fit in as those are the sorts of drugs that would do this.
Salvia made me forget I took a drug, forget my name, forget I was human.

So yes it is very possible for one to be so out on psychedelics they forget there out at all.
Yeah I should have mentioned salvia, I haven't taken it to very high of a level but it's a common effect from it at those levels.
I would have to disagree.Especially in the case of something like acid,if you're that far gone,the body high and the fact that thoghts just aren't "connecting"should tip you off that you are somehow not your normal self.Even if you're tripping so hard you can't remember what normal looked like when you passed it,you would definitely know something is up.Not to mention the hallucinations and wacked out thoughts you'd be having
Yeah I haven't experienced it on anything other than ibogaine at a flood dose level. I've been really far out but some part of me always knew I was on a drug. There have been times when I thought the drug triggered something deeper, or that it was killing me, but that's not the same thing.
Very possible. Happened to me on MXP - hell I forgot my own name. Have heard several reports of datura doing the same thing to people, completely wiping their short term memory and forgetting they've taken the drug, but for a long period of time. With mxp for me personally it only lasted about an hour or two and a good night's rest snapped me out of it or my mother.

When I holed on mxp I thought I'd died, forget a drug, death completely. A strange concept to grasp.
Interesting. You thought you were psychotic rather than on drugs, but you did still know you were in an "altered" state of mind, just didn't know it was from drugs

Yea true. DPH is a strange drug. That particular time was years ago when I was a teenager and my parents came home and found me talking to the wall cuz I thought I had my friend over. They took me to the ER and I had such bad cottonmouth I couldn't tell anyone what drug I had took. I was laying in a bed and there were bugs everywhere on the walls and I kept seeing a friend of mine next to my bed trying to hand me a needle full of speed but I wouldn't take it because me parents were there. I also kept seeing a very skinny black guy with an Afro kept walking by my room and giving me strange looks. A very strange trip indeed.
It's happened to me with both Salvia and DMT. It seems to be a common occurrence with both of those substances.
happened to me with 40X salvia. Best way to describe it is....when you are having a dream, you don't know its a dream, you think its really happening then you suddenly wake up and realize it was just a dream.

With salvia I thought I was trapped in a "willy wonka" type fun house rainbow collored with umpa loomps (not dwarfs regular sized one) chasing me. I was running from them. The DANGEROUS part was that I was running in real life....into the middle of a street aat night and ultimately into some bushes.

Also happened on MXE, I though that I was god, I knew who I was and though I was suddently realizing that I was the ultimate supreme god but had never known up until this point. Didn't know I had taken a drug. Also, was running around acting crazy and yelling...veryy scary stuff to lose control like that. Its no surprise to hear of stories in the media of people in such states out in public where they are flipping out and end up getting arrested or shot by police or something. lots of it is just hype but i'm sure sometimes its trtue that the person was tripping really hard
It's absolutely possible, with many different drugs. Naive users can even be high on Cannabis without realizing it.

As has been mentioned, the most reliable way to get this kind of experience is probably through Salvia (in my experience, anyway).
Happened to me the first time I took shrooms. I had forgotten I took anything and thought that the way I was seeing things was just the way they were. I spent the majority of the trip lying in bed afraid that I hd no idea what anything was. The concept of being human was completely gone and the note I had left myself reminding me that I was on shrooms didnt make sense because I didnt understand humans, let alone the idea of being on drugs.

Another time at a rather high ketamine dose, I once again forgot I was human. I thought that I was a being of energy, rather than matter. When I started to come to, I was very dissapointed :p. That same trip as I was coming down and I realized I was a person, I believed that instead of ketamine that I was actually back on my first shropm trip a year earlier and that everything that had happened in the past year was just part of the shroom trip. That was also great until I realized that it wasnt and that nothing had changed.
It's an effect of deliriant drugs like datura, night shade and things like that. I've had it happen to me on a high dose of MXE and on a breakthrough salvia experience... Similar things as others have posted above (didn't know I was even human anymore).
Very possible. Happened to me on MXP - hell I forgot my own name. Have heard several reports of datura doing the same thing to people, completely wiping their short term memory and forgetting they've taken the drug, but for a long period of time. With mxp for me personally it only lasted about an hour or two and a good night's rest snapped me out of it or my mother.

When I holed on mxp I thought I'd died, forget a drug, death completely. A strange concept to grasp.

Yup had this happen on both MXP and Diphenidine at high (too high?) doses. At a high enough dosage level with these I've entered a state that has similarities with dreaming in the sense that it feels completely real at the time despite everything being actually utterly bizarre, the difference being that whilst off my nut on diphenidine or its 2-Meo relative I'm awake and able to interact with the world fully, despite being on a totally different level and completely unaware of the fact that I've even taken anything. This state usually lasts for around two hours though with higher doses it can go on for longer. After this I gain a bit more conscious awareness and remember that a drug has been consumed. Just like dreaming this gaining of consciousness often feels like waking up after a dream or a nightmare, except with the dawning comprehension that I've actually been up and about in this strange, delirious state. MXP especially is bad for this, I enjoy it at lower doses but would never take a high dose of it again due to the insane delusions and delirium that can follow. Believing I'd died and gone to some kind of strange purgatory was a major theme on my first high dose MXP experience, was utterly terrifying and lasted for hours. Definitely two drugs to be very careful with. I'm lucky to have had some understanding/likeminded/tolerant friends so havent had anything too dangerous occur in this state, but for someone unaware of the drug encountering you on it it'd be very easy to believe you'd gone insane.