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Is Bluelight dying ?

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Who's censoring the death of a moderator? You've brought it up several times and no censorship. It wasn't actually me that u/a your post but I'm pretty sure the reason was one of tone not content.

I couldn't disagree more with your opinions in regards to the HR value of this site - my life has been saved several times over as a direct result of information posted here... and other times I fucked up and half-killed myself... but not for lack of information so much as lack of thinking things through. That and plain ol' shitty luck on a couple of occasions. These things effect everybody. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it have a good day any more than you can make it drink.
My interest caught at last . . . ;)

*dangles a hook heavily-laden with tartare sauce to catch a lil fishy*

Always lovely to see yourself - and always hopeful to be seeing more of you around and about the place <3
It's not censorship to edit shitposts that are both completely insensitive and essentially gloating, as if the guy's death proved whatever stupid point you are trying to make.

Is it that difficult for you to show a little respect for the community who have just been informed of his passing - let alone the man himself, and any of his non-BL friends or family that may read your crap?

"Gross hypocrisy". Give us a break.

I UA'd your post because you're making a cheap (and baseless) point about someone to push your argument. It was crass and undignified, and had nothing to do with censoring any information at all.
That's nonsense, and you know it.

It is about accountability. You wonder why people have lost faith in any of the staff? If someone has a difference of opinion it is immediately deleted.

If you are going to take a holier than though position on Bluelight's HR credentials then you have to accept your failures and more importantly make sure those failures do not occur again.

There is no cheap shot in making public how a staff member's misadventure with polydrug use of two easily obtained drugs. It is only your own pride and I'm sure embarrassment that made you delete a quoted post (I'm sure you didn't go back and delete the original post?) How else are regular members not privy to such information able to make an informed decision on many of these drugs?

It is time that a new approach is taken. What are we up to this week, 5 deaths of long term members in the past month? Granted at least two were likely due to depression rather than misadventure, but surely it is in the interest of public safety that we make it known when a death is a direct result of a particular drug or drug combination. Transparency is important. I can not accept the BL staff mantra of simply shrugging their shoulders and straight batting it back as "Oh well, drug takers are going to die from time to time"

If you want BL to not simply survive, but be taken seriously as an actual scientific and health organisation there has to be change.
People have differences of opinion with each other and daily with staff. It's not about differences, it's about you using the death of another human being to further your own agenda. Dress it up all you like princess, you've been called out on this a few times in this thread alone. Let's not mention all the other lost souls you've used their death to promote your own agenda. If you have no self respect at the very least respect the deceased. That's not too fucking much to ask.
It is about accountability. You wonder why people have lost faith in any of the staff? If someone has a difference of opinion it is immediately deleted.

If you are going to take a holier than though position on Bluelight's HR credentials then you have to accept your failures and more importantly make sure those failures do not occur again.
Absolute nonsense.
I unapproved your post because of your gloating tone.
Not because i disagree with your specious argument.

I'm not going to debate this with you, because your petulant whining doesn't warrant a response.
Show some manners like a big boy.
How exactly does one perceive a tone in written text?

You are not going to debate this because you are wrong. Who exactly is being petulant now?

Lets look through this quote and perhaps actually be a grown up

I just got a small amount (25g) of Phenibut Hcl powder today. I'm completely new to this stuff, never used it before, so maybe some of you can help me out..

Inexperienced with a particular depressant

First off, it seems the standard starting dosage for good effects is around .75g-1g. However I too, take clonazepam every day, but I"m thinking that since Phenibut is a GABAb agonist, that there wouldn't really be much cross tolerance?

First warning bell sounding. Mixing a depressant obtained personally with another tranquilizer of the benzodiazepine class and exceeding recommended dosing

Also, on a little side note, I remember initially when creating this thread, there was someone who was saying that Phenibut was not a GABAb agonist, but rather worked in a way more comparable to Gabapentin/Pregabalin?

Anyway, I passed out before I could complete this post-but I just took 1.2g orally. I guess I'm just looking for some people experiences with dosages as well as the effects, though I'll surely find out myself within the next couple of hourse

Now this was one of their last three posts, so I doubt any one here could have done anything to rescue the situation. Hell we don't even know if alcohol or another drug may be involved, however even with the information we do have at our disposal it is fair to assume that any one considering taking such a combination is increasing the risk of misadventure considerably.

It is time to stop ignoring our failings and time to reassess how we want this site to be perceived

Is Bluelight dying? Unfortunately at least one member at a time
Have you ever taken phenibut?
Do you have any idea what sort of dosages people generally take? I mixed that awful crap with benzos back in the day, and never had an issue. 1.2g is not a particularly reckless dose.
And he mentions being on a benzo as well. Maybe a recipe for a blackout, but not something i would panic about someone reporting using.
So he nodded off at the computer on downers. How naive are you?

The argument you're making is shaky, and the justification you offer for making such bold assertions and assumptions is non-existent.

You're out of your element, and making yourself look even more foolish.
We don't even know what caused this young man's death - but you're using it to criticise bluelight.

No class, no dignity, no fucking clue.

I'm not interested in debating you because you are a smug troll.
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There is nothing smug in wanting to change an obvious flaw. You throw terms around like troll simply because I have a difference of opinion no differently than someone throwing the term hipster out because someone dresses differently. Your stance is the same old tired response that gets trotted out every time someone passes. "Oh I take far more dangerous doses than that so they must have been soft". This would never fly in any real life hospital or scientific setting so why should it be acceptable here?

If you choose to ignore the facts then it simply highlights how amateur the staff response around here has become. If you want to swing a big stick like you are someone important then you have to accept responsibility or at least accountability when things go wrong. At the very least you should be working to reduce the number of people getting into trouble, not simply being happy collecting members that are at higher risk of dying from drugs. When you recognise the difference you might actually start to under stand what true HR is.
Phenibut is not a benzo - it most closely resembles GHB or GBL only far more stimulating. People (including myself) frequently combine it with benzos for various reasons - sometimes as part of a homebrew taper from GBL/GHB, sometimes (like me) cos they found the stimulation from the phenibut to be totally overwhelming, some through ignorance whether wilful or otherwise. The only problems I've seen mentioned in the various megathreads and many, many other threads on the topic is of addiction not overdose. I have no interest in speculating over the causes for the death of any member but the narrative painted by Busty is, as noted, simplistic in the extreme - not to mention naive beyond belief.

I'm gonna leave it there because using the death of members for the purpose of trolling (because it's hard to see any other purpose because surely nobody can be quite as clueless as that?) is beyond the pale. By all means comment and opine on the benefits - or otherwise - of HR BL-style, but taste, tact and tone matter. To pretend otherwise only really confirms trolling. You are not a stupid man, Busty, and treating the rest of us as though we are does your cause - if you really do have one - no favours whatsoever.
I would say it is undeniable that EADD - and maybe BL overall but I don't get out enough to know myself - is going through a fairly fallow period. Won't be the first time and won't be the last. For me it seems clear there are a combination of reasons why this is the case...

Firstly there is obviously the Evey issue. It was a very difficult period for all involved - including her of course - and it seems to be leaving a long shadow. By no means would I put all of the slowdown in traffic down to her time here and the various issues surrounding it (for which, incidentally, I would certainly take a good chunk of the blame, and would also make clear that it was a complicated situation for which many mistakes were made for both good reasons and bad). There is no doubt that a number of people left as a direct result of her drama, manipulations and vindictiveness... and there is no doubt that a number of members also became so caught up in it all that they have left BL to focus on drama, manipulation and vindictiveness of their own. Overall this must surely account for a fair chunk of those who no longer post here - but by no means all.

Aside from that there is also the NPS Act coming into force. Whatever one's opinion of RCs, there is no doubt they accounted for a great deal of traffic - especially when it came to new members and people migrating from other subforums. Whilst discussion of "traditional" drugs has always provided the backbone of EADD, the situation that resulted in what pretty much amounted to a "worst of all worlds" scenario of legal drugs with almost zero regulation (aside from the strict regulations on HR info, dosing advice - information of any kind beyond price and weight for that matter - and the latter was hardly reliable) did keep a steady stream of new members joining up.

Either alone would have resulted in a drop in traffic, but coming together as they did there's no wonder there's been such a drop-off. Added onto the fact there are no so many more options for people to find info on drugs - including several places that allow sourcing, which will presumably attract some - and I'd be amazed to see anything other than a drop in traffic. I have no doubt things will pick up again but, as ever, it all comes down to creating good content and discussion - and that is something we can all make a difference with. Be the change... it's only a cliche cos it's true dontcha know ;)=

Hehe. Every time there's a forum's gone to shit thread the traffic goes through the roof. EADD ebbs and flows but some things never change - reports of EADD's death are grossly exaggerated but always good to bring lurkers out of lurking... albeit only until the next forum's gone to shit thread comes around.

I'm glad you mentioned the "unspeakable" Shambles. It's there, many of us don't want to say it. But she ruined BL for too many of us.

I''ll give Busty his point but what do you expect when a concentrated amount of drug users come together. Death is going to happen to some of us.

Since my time here I've known 10 people I interacted with who have died. In my real like 6 have died from drug related issues. It's going to happen. Your point is highlighting this, but to be honest it's no surprise. I wonder how many lives BL has saved...we'll never know.
... Almost I can say is... FACK!!! I don't visit here enough to know of such untimely deaths. But I still have BL beating STRONGLY in my heart!

I may well also be dead fuck knows how many times if it weren't for this organisation and the STERLING and FREE TIME AND LOVE FOR HARM REDUCTION!!!on BL even
So fuckin stop this petty argument and give thanks that we, here on BL even KNOW about amazing people have died! And give thanks and love to their work on this ship forever to be known as BlueLight <3
Considering how long it takes for research to catch up with the emergence of new drugs (if it ever does), despite all of its flaws, peer review is one of the only resources available. Of course this will come with bad advice and shills but half a loaf is better than no loaf.

Exactly. These substances are already out there and are going to be used. Without people reporting their experiences with them, both good and bad, there's no info for people considering their use.
Exactly. These substances are already out there and are going to be used. Without people reporting their experiences with them, both good and bad, there's no info for people considering their use.

That's the point, they aren't reporting all their experiences, rather I point out one very large negative experience and it gets censored.

There were fears about the direction BL was heading when it became privatised and began accepting funding but I believe that it has not gone far enough. We have a massive resource of drug experience yet we sweep a lot of it under the carpet. Run some serious reports on drug interactions, ideal dosages, unfavourable interactions, suspected causes of death etc and use this as a basis for a proper HR advice forum. Until them it is just amateur hour with a bunch of half arse advice mixed in with mythology.

If this means taking a stronger stand against certain classes of drugs which we should not in all good faith promote then so be it. The current position where we promote almost every drug except jenkem with the adage "druggy's gonna druggy" is antiquated and unprofessional. When BL first started the only real advice was not to mix certain drug classes and use clean needles. That was 20 yr ago when the number of recreational drugs could be fit on two hands. It seems every second member has a Shulgin Complex, believing they are some how leading the way in developing a new class of drugs to enjoy when in reality they are lab rats with a very short life span.
^ But we often do not know when a death "is a direct result of a particular drug or drug combination". Families rarely even post that a son or daughter's death was the result of a drug overdose, let alone what a toxicology report said (they usually come weeks after an obituary). If we do know, I agree with you that it is HR to put the information out.
Im not trying to barge in but this thread is turning into a quest to find the soul of Bluelight - is it more of a community or a HR resource. I think the initial goal was to find out about the social aspects more than the scientific accuracy. I mean, HR is fundamental, but that is not why the forum appears to be dying to some. Or am I understanding it wrong?

Truth is, communities change, as does technology and the trends in communication. If it seems to be dying it may just be that the times are changing too... and that new users are not as inclined to use forums as much as the previous generation of internet users

I'm glad you mentioned the "unspeakable" Shambles. It's there, many of us don't want to say it. But she ruined BL for too many of us.
This. Many members left because of the Evey show and now she has her own "non toxic" site and reddit sub reddit to whinge, complain and blame myself, Kate and others for her ban. I was being sent links to her diatribes but now just ignore her rants in the emptiness of cyberspace. I wonder if she realises sammy g is the one she is conversing with and responsible for sending threatening emails. But i digress.
Bluelight will ebb and flow. The infiltration of heroin laced with fentanyl will bring in vital harm reduction questions. People will always have questions about the classics. Benzo's may or may not prove to be a big issue. Not to mention what fruit FUBAR currently has stuck in his rectum. Life goes on and so does BL
Consumer you've been trolled by both a blind savant and a highschool kid. Fubar could have a kumquat wedged up his urethra and he's still be sitting there smugly ;)
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