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Is Bluelight dying ?

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K I remember you doing a great job during the drought. While some members were treating us all like a standard daily mail junkie. It was a much busier place back then but bl is still my go to site if I am looking for info or want to ask a q about something. Some very good people here. A couple I've even met in the real world.
Good response Sadie. Peer experience is often exactly what people are interested in. And often prefer to listen to.. Sometimes!

You only want to listen to it because it's what you want to hear. I would say less than 20 % would be allowed by a trained therapist.

A group hug from a fellow drug addict might be warm and fuzzy but that doesn't mean it is correct advice.

I cringe every member I see self medicating with more than two drugs. No one ever jumps in and tells them to limit their poly drug use. People are quick to edit a post for a subtle racial slur in fear it might hurt someone's feelings yet hardly anything is mentioned when someone posts they just ordered multiple untested benzos and fentanyl analogues with their last dollar rather than buying food or paying for their winter heating.

I get called a troll when I point this out for no other reason than my views are in the minority.
Nah, you're a bit of a troll who uses shock value which in turn diminishes the good points you sometimes make. There's nothing inherently wrong with poly drug use. Ask a doctor. Don't you ever see patients carry out bagfulls of drugs on prescription? It depends what drugs. Don't be so simplistic. On the other hand I find myself in agreement with you over the lack of criticism over eg fentanyl use. MDPV? Go learn how to use it properly you pussy.

20%? Trained therapist? Pulled that figure out of your arse didn't you. Which, let's face it, is what you criticise BL for. Pulling shit out of their arse. But it's alright when you join in?

It's a fucking public website. Don't go pretending you're going to get perfect HR all the time. But, for what it is, there is good advice, sound advice, to be found among the plethora of bullshit. (MDMA & Empathogenic drug use). If you really don't think this place is worth it...fuck off? Or stay and offer the few pearls of wisdom you have. Most of what I see from you is "I'm better at drugs than you are". That's not HR. That's arrogance and conceit. You could do better.
Unless you are in terminal decline it is extremely rare for patients these days to be taking more than 2-3 medications. Modern medicine has come a long way since leeches and there is a far better understanding of treating causation rather than trying to treat each seperate symptom with a different drug. If I see a patient with a shopping list for their medical history I refer them straight away to a half decent GP down the road and explain that they are currently being over prescribe (usually with first generation drugs unsurprisingly) and suggest they have an overdue medical check up.

The irony of you trying to drive me away in this thread is delicious though. Have you ever thought that wanting to surround your self by only people with the same antiquated views on drug fiending is exactly why numbers are falling?
Unless you are in terminal decline it is extremely rare for patients these days to be taking more than 2-3 medications. Modern medicine has come a long way since leeches and there is a far better understanding of treating causation rather than trying to treat each seperate symptom with a different drug. If I see a patient with a shopping list for their medical history I refer them straight away to a half decent GP down the road and explain that they are currently being over prescribe (usually with first generation drugs unsurprisingly) and suggest they have an overdue medical check up.

The irony of you trying to drive me away in this thread is delicious though. Have you ever thought that wanting to surround your self by only people with the same antiquated views on drug fiending is exactly why numbers are falling?

Regarding your first paragraph. There are plenty of reasons, of which you seem unknowledgeable (not a criticism, just an observation) for which a GP might prescribe poly drug use. Fuck, there's hardly anything wrong with me (post-cancer but clear, slightly diabetic type 2) and I take home 3 drugs a month. If you added in an older patient with chronically high blood pressure and you could be up to 7 or 8 drugs a month. But being a 'medical professional' you know this right?

Re your second paragraph. Please quote where I am "trying to drive you away from this thread". Defensive? Vous?
And just in case there's any doubt...I said "fuck off from BL" (not this thread) OR "stay and offer your pearls of wisdom".
To explain busty's view of TDS a bit more, well it's my view but it might coincide with his.

There have been times where TDS mods have been called out on their hypocrisy when they give advise to people not to take something or limit the amount they're taking while they have their own (sometimes multiple) drug dependencies. Some have/had more mental issues than a combined couple of people asking for advice. How can someone like that be helpful to someone when they haven't resolved their own issues? Just think about it. It's a bit of 'the blind leading the blind'.

That in my book ain't on. The only reason they're trying to help is so they can feel better about themselves a type of addiction in a way. Yes talking to someone with the same issues can be beneficial but can also be destructive in a way. It's a risky thing to be a mod there imo.

Not to discredit the others and it ain't an easy job but the above issues have led to problems in the past in TDS. This was a few years ago and I've never opened TDS's page again. There are also good mods who resolved their issues/addictions they're the ones who are much better than a 'trained professional' and deffo not amateurs.
You only want to listen to it because it's what you want to hear. I would say less than 20 % would be allowed by a trained therapist.

A group hug from a fellow drug addict might be warm and fuzzy but that doesn't mean it is correct advice.

My point was peer reviews of drug use are often more valuable that eh..the likes of Talk Frank and other anti-drug information services. People are going to take drugs. BL realises this and provides infomation and peer reviews on how to take them without HARM.

Btw I'm not a drug addict. I'm a recreational user.

I cringe every member I see self medicating with more than two drugs. No one ever jumps in and tells them to limit their poly drug use. People are quick to edit a post for a subtle racial slur in fear it might hurt someone's feelings yet hardly anything is mentioned when someone posts they just ordered multiple untested benzos and fentanyl analogues with their last dollar rather than buying food or paying for their winter heating.

I get called a troll when I point this out for no other reason than my views are in the minority.

Your post is focusing on 2 dangerous substances. What if that was say smoking a joint and popping a decent eccy? That combo ain't so dangerous. Especially if the users has been on here (or pillsreport) checking the mdma as being ok.

Crap example.

Unless you are in terminal decline it is extremely rare for patients these days to be taking more than 2-3 medications. Modern medicine has come a long way since leeches and there is a far better understanding of treating causation rather than trying to treat each seperate symptom with a different drug. If I see a patient with a shopping list for their medical history I refer them straight away to a half decent GP down the road and explain that they are currently being over prescribe (usually with first generation drugs unsurprisingly) and suggest they have an overdue medical check up.

The irony of you trying to drive me away in this thread is delicious though. Have you ever thought that wanting to surround your self by only people with the same antiquated views on drug fiending is exactly why numbers are falling?

That's absolute bullshit. Plenty have serious medical health issues that mean a combo of meds. I for one take 4 prescription meds a day - all recommended by a consultant who send the prescriptions to my GP. Mt GP does not have the specialist knowledge to treat my disorder. That combo of meds make me well, functioning and a working tax payer!

My use of BL helps me to navigate what drugs I can take that don't make me ill or fuck up. I'm grateful for that service.

I've seen plenty of BL posts advising people not to take certain substances or combos. Advising scales and caution...

I actually warned of getting into xanax yesterday to a post about insomnia.

Your an intelligent guy Busty, why the snotty arrogance man.
Kate you are forgetting to add the recreational drugs you are taking to the equation. How honest are you with your GP regarding them? What you you think their professional advice would be if you were completely honest and told them doses and your physical and mental health following a drug adventure?

I'm not trying to say this in a judgmental way, simply pointing out that self management can have a very blinkered effect on your health.

While I believe bluelight is a fantastic resource you need to be realistic in its accuracy. Peer reporting is a ridiculous basis for dishing out advice for substances that are little more than a couple of years old. Modern medicine requires almost a decade of trials and scientific reports yet we are expected to be happy taking the experiences of a bedroom warrior as a basis for its safety?
Kate you are forgetting to add the recreational drugs you are taking to the equation. How honest are you with your GP regarding them? What you you think their professional advice would be if you were completely honest and told them doses and your physical and mental health following a drug adventure?

I'm not trying to say this in a judgmental way, simply pointing out that self management can have a very blinkered effect on your health.

My medical professionals know all about my recreational use of drugs. Providing them with that information, is one of the reasons I get the right treatment and meds.

While I believe bluelight is a fantastic resource you need to be realistic in its accuracy. Peer reporting is a ridiculous basis for dishing out advice for substances that are little more than a couple of years old. Modern medicine requires almost a decade of trials and scientific reports yet we are expected to be happy taking the experiences of a bedroom warrior as a basis for its safety?

Peer reviews are used all over the internet - think Trip Adviser. People are comfortable listening to others who have the same experience rather than so called experts who have a bias. Asking someone well versed in their drugs ie: someone like Shambles can provide a lot of knowledge and experience.

I don;t know about TDS Arnold. I've never used it, but that does sound quit scary.
Considering how long it takes for research to catch up with the emergence of new drugs (if it ever does), despite all of its flaws, peer review is one of the only resources available. Of course this will come with bad advice and shills but half a loaf is better than no loaf.
I would say it is undeniable that EADD - and maybe BL overall but I don't get out enough to know myself - is going through a fairly fallow period. Won't be the first time and won't be the last. For me it seems clear there are a combination of reasons why this is the case...

Firstly there is obviously the Evey issue. It was a very difficult period for all involved - including her of course - and it seems to be leaving a long shadow. By no means would I put all of the slowdown in traffic down to her time here and the various issues surrounding it (for which, incidentally, I would certainly take a good chunk of the blame, and would also make clear that it was a complicated situation for which many mistakes were made for both good reasons and bad). There is no doubt that a number of people left as a direct result of her drama, manipulations and vindictiveness... and there is no doubt that a number of members also became so caught up in it all that they have left BL to focus on drama, manipulation and vindictiveness of their own. Overall this must surely account for a fair chunk of those who no longer post here - but by no means all.

Aside from that there is also the NPS Act coming into force. Whatever one's opinion of RCs, there is no doubt they accounted for a great deal of traffic - especially when it came to new members and people migrating from other subforums. Whilst discussion of "traditional" drugs has always provided the backbone of EADD, the situation that resulted in what pretty much amounted to a "worst of all worlds" scenario of legal drugs with almost zero regulation (aside from the strict regulations on HR info, dosing advice - information of any kind beyond price and weight for that matter - and the latter was hardly reliable) did keep a steady stream of new members joining up.

Either alone would have resulted in a drop in traffic, but coming together as they did there's no wonder there's been such a drop-off. Added onto the fact there are no so many more options for people to find info on drugs - including several places that allow sourcing, which will presumably attract some - and I'd be amazed to see anything other than a drop in traffic. I have no doubt things will pick up again but, as ever, it all comes down to creating good content and discussion - and that is something we can all make a difference with. Be the change... it's only a cliche cos it's true dontcha know ;)

It maybe gives some hope to look at the number of different posters have replied in this thread in under two days. I'm not sure if we'd normally see this many different posters in EADD in the space of a week.

Perhaps it shows that people are definitely still reading, just not posting.

Hehe. Every time there's a forum's gone to shit thread the traffic goes through the roof. EADD ebbs and flows but some things never change - reports of EADD's death are grossly exaggerated but always good to bring lurkers out of lurking... albeit only until the next forum's gone to shit thread comes around.
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"Forum's gone to shit" puts traffic through the roof?

I claim ownership of BL.

Not before fucking time.

Your post was deleted for being in seriously poor taste. You have made the same point multiple times in this thread already - no need to take the piss.
So you would rather censor the death of a "experienced " moderator than show the public the gross hypocrisy that exists with regards to HR?
It's not censorship to edit shitposts that are both completely insensitive and essentially gloating, as if the guy's death proved whatever stupid point you are trying to make.

Is it that difficult for you to show a little respect for the community who have just been informed of his passing - let alone the man himself, and any of his non-BL friends or family that may read your crap?

"Gross hypocrisy". Give us a break.

I UA'd your post because you're making a cheap (and baseless) point about someone to push your argument. It was crass and undignified, and had nothing to do with censoring any information at all.
That's nonsense, and you know it.
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