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Is anyone else feeling it?

My response to this thread, yes there is a lot of disinformation to be sifted, but the waves keep coming and seem to have a collective resonance that is far beyond what could be called random or coincidence. This is why I believe in a higher power at work. The synchronicities continue to show a pattern of intention, a message for those left to receive it.
^Sounds quite exclusive. You would think the Holy Reptiles would be most concerned with sceptics like myself and would accordingly reach out. Yet, I've seen nothing to indicate an impending cosmic shift... :\

What do you mean by 'waves'?
The thing is, all this nonsense is serving to put people off their path. They think "I was there for the millennium or 2012 and nothing happened" and give up on their life purpose. Humans have little faith and are easily disillusioned, and mislead, as we can see.
What I mean by waves is like if you plotted out humanity's collective faith on a graph, there would be dips and peaks in which our faith increases and decreases. I know personally that my faith is never 100% all the time, and neither is most other humans because we are imperfect and susceptible to the corruption of our own devices. But collectively there are high points and low points, I see the signs all around me, when I am at my darkest hours I see it also in others' trials because we are going through it together.
It's all relative, and we need to experience these tests of faith so that when we do see the light it is that much clearer.
Some really negative things are now coming out about some of these channelers. A while back someone said Kathryn was channeling the Djinn, and now someone are saying she's been channeling a couple of extra-terrestrials since the beginning.

I wouldn't be suprised, although it's not what you expect at first, as the messages are 99% positive and filled with spiritual truisms, etc. But the repeated lies and misdirections aren't.
Its interesting that your issue with these people is the entities they claim to communicate with, not the fact they are making such claims...
No, the issue is that they are deceiving people. It was just an example of how it can be done. But the ones behind it are ultimately responsible for the message.
I would keep a close eye on Kathryn, from what I have read about the Jinn its possible she could give birth to ten children in the near future.
Yup... Nothing's changed in this thread.

Cliffs should just be:

Make unsubstantiated claims
That may be. But regardless of that, the spiritual changes going on and the efforts that are being made to derail them are both themes worthy of attention.
The past few months so many have been talking about the rising energies and great consciousness-shifts, etc. And not just the normal ones, there are now so many. I usually don't sense too much of this kind of thing, but this year has been different and I've had so many "higher perception" type experiences, so maybe the more insensitive are becoming more sensitive now.

I don't know what everyone else are experiencing but I'm starting to wonder what is really going on. There's just too much to point out. Or the high point for me was probably when I experienced full God-consciousness in a sober state, not really something that's possible to describe, but at the same time strangely familiar. Other than that, I feel compelled to pray a lot and seem to get responses to it most of the time. And to "bless" people and things as well. I also get sudden inner visuals a lot of the time. It's never really been like this before.

I know for many all this will be normal and how it's been their whole life but there are many of us it's new for. I'm just wondering how far it's going to go. Do you now think there's anything to this "going from the 3rd to 5th dimension" stuff? I used to tend not to believe in it, as it wasn't real for me, but now I'm not so sure. It's not really something to argue about, either, I think it's something you either feel or you don't.

I don't see any of what you are saying. I'm 62 but I've been hanging with 20-30 year olds for the last ten years and all I'm seeing is talk and selection bias going on. Don't get too offended because that's the same thing that happened in my generation of the 60s and 70s. We were ushering the age of Aquarius.8( Well you can see the result in the world today. Environmental degradation and war on a grand scale with Donald Trump being a viable candidate for Prez. lol.

Most young people are unrealistic about the world and hang with their friends and avoid people who aren't like themselves. They focus on media and reading that confirms their beliefs and so they think these things are getting common place. That's light years from the facts IMO. And to be honest most that hold onto these beliefs are just pretending to be part of a crowd they dig. Same same with the hippies in my time. Lots of wannabes who eventually became materialist conservative consumers. Study history and you will see the trends.

IMO there has and will always be a tiny fraction of the human population that is awake and has a basis for actually being decent humans but that percentage is the same through all the ages.

So it's a no go IMO and I'm truly sorry I feel that way but I have a lifetime of experience that has convinced me.
You're right it started in the 60s and has been a long time coming. I can only imagine how disillusioning it can be for someone who's been around since then. And I believe the Age of Aquarius hasn't even really started yet, but these times have long been prophecised as a time of awakening.

Anyway, I think there is a real potential for growth in consciousness these days, compared to what it would have been like in previous centuries when these things would have been mostly unheard of. Just no one knows what's going to happen and not necessarily everyone wants it to happen. Maybe some would prefer to extend the dark kali-yoga.

I've been through some powerful changes in the past months but that is mostly due to personal effort. And I believe that's what it takes, I don't believe in the idea that it will be done for you by the incoming energies, or whatever. You still have to work your way up the classic consciousness-development path, or you miss the boat.
Ninae said:
I can only imagine how disillusioning it can be for someone who's been around since then. And I believe the Age of Aquarius hasn't even really started yet, but these times have long been prophecised as a time of awakening.

If you look at history, there doesn't seem to be many eras when societies have not been anticipating some sort of global change in the future. Its never really happened and I think waiting for such is pointless. Statistically speaking, it is unlikely that this shift will occur in your lifetime. Isn't is better to try and do something about the things we can change, such as real-life human behaviour and our treatment of the broader world, rather than wait for something that we probably can't change anyway? I feel like awaiting a cosmic shift is simply a new age way of putting your head in the sand. Nothing is going to spontaneously change for the better. If you think waiting since the 60's is long, look back at the thousands of years of human civilisation who have believed a saviour is coming who never has.

Anyway, I think there is a real potential for growth in consciousness these days, compared to what it would have been like in previous centuries when these things would have been mostly unheard of. Maybe some would prefer to extend the dark kali-yoga

I would definitely think that the increase in human population is enabling a greater permeation of knowledge (wisdom?) through society. People have much greater access to enlightened thinkers. I can't believe that our current civilisation is somehow less enlightened than a society from 3300BCE or whenever the kali-yuga is thought to have commenced.
The moment you mentioned reptilians and posted that Scientology/Icke looking chart, you lost me. There is a LOT of fluff and a LOT of narcissism out there on the internet. It's a good safety measure to practice a bit of skepticism when reading anything, especially online. There are a lot of things out there masquerading as "love" that start to show their dark underbelly when you dig deep enough. Don't let the pretty sparkles and a false sense of solidarity cloud your judgment.

To answer your initial question, there was a shift last year. I felt a strong one felt in 2008/9 as well. I wouldn't go too far with searching for patterns though. The universe is chaos and I take comfort in that.
To answer your initial question, there was a shift last year. I felt a strong one felt in 2008/9 as well. I wouldn't go too far with searching for patterns though. The universe is chaos and I take comfort in that.

I felt like there was something special in/around '07/'08. That was a point where I was starting to trip a whole heap and really getting to understand some different shit. I was bonding closely to a few friends through these experiences. There was actually a really interesting vibe on Bluelight also. At that point, I was a mod in PD and there was an unusual number of people posting who were smoking DMT and having really similar experiences. There was a really innocent, inquisitive feeling around, lots of powerful positive emotions. I found it strange that my "real" life and online life were really coinciding. I think Xorkoth will also fondly remember that time too :)

(I have to add a postscript in that it was around that point that I started getting badly hooked on opiates and worse on benzo's. I was so energised and had been getting so much good from drug experiences that I guess I tried to make it permanent and that was a terrible idea. I spose I've come to conclude that a happy medium is best rather than intense peaks and longer troughs...:\)