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Is anyone else feeling it?

I haven't studied the New Age movement in that much detail. I just find inspiration in some things, focus on what I find good and true about it, and if something works to uplift my consciousness I generally feel it's for the good. I don't really worry about what isn't right as I know channels can be confused or mislead and there aren't any that are right about everything. This is true for all kinds of spiritual material, and you kind of have to take the bad with the good.

But here we seem to have a situation where there are many deliberately putting out misinformation. It always goes the same way, a big build-up to a predicted event, then disappear or carry on like nothing when it isn't fulfilled. I didn't pay much attention to the 2012 stuff, but how it turned out was that many got their expectations high and when an external salvation didn't manifest they were so discouraged they gave up on their spiritual work. It just didn't occur to me that anyone would set out to lie about something like this.

And I was never expecting us to be "lifted up" by an outside force or have the work done for us. The way I understood it there are some strong, higher energies coming in that we can take advantage of to uplift ourselves. One of the things I read it said there would be 3 waves, one this September, one in spring, and one late next summer. Only those who were really prepared would be able to ascend with the first (I wasn't).
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I don't often quote the Bible, but the following passage is relevant to this point;

Mark 13:32
"But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.

If we knew in advance the time and date of some positive fortune we would not strive. We can know of the possibility because that still acts as bait to move forward in life, but not for certain where or when.. this is enough to keep the hope but not induce passivity. Thus the idea that any human knows of the mechanics of the great engineers plan is bullshit. No one knows. I placed stock in the Mayans personally, but my error was trusting the word of 20th century white men to interpret and weave a story out of something that was made by people who aren't around any more to talk about it.

It just didn't occur to me that anyone would set out to lie about something like this.

That is why the newage is an industry, with money involved and lots of people.. because people continue to bullshit to sell products. That is human life in the 20th century generally. It would be wise to remember that at all times. Bullshit merchants are everywhere, and the newage is chock full of them because little proof is needed to substantiate wild claims.. therefore it's easier to market products or services than conventional industries.
I chose to believe a new story is emerging. I think Ninae described it accurately when she said it was a fusion of science and spirituality. When we distill the essence of spirituality and science they are both attempts to give life meaning. Both have failed spectacularly. Both seem to be patchwork quilt of story-telling coming undone at the seams. The new story that is emerging we still have to find out. It speaks to our thirst for new truths. We're a collective antenna here at Bluelight. No one person has the truth, but if you take what we're all saying and telling together it's very reassuring to me. People are willing to kill to protect their truth. That much is clear. Hopefully as a society we are smart enough to see we've been through this before. World war 1 and world war 2 were some of the most fertile times in our history for our understanding of the world, but pretty silly it had to come to that. Eventually, someone is going to tell the story so well it resonates with the collective understanding. Some will protest, "that's what I've been saying all along." Others will get angry that their story wasn't chosen and keep saying stuff like the earth is flat, if nothing else to provide contrast for the direction we should be devoting our energies. I'm at the point where I'm happy if everything I've said is wrong. Just give me a story that bring me joy again and stop calling it the truth.
Yes, and I think the main thing to take from this is that it's mostly about our own hard work on ourselves, and we're not going to be saved in any way.

Taking time to do things like meditation, yoga, and strengthening your health asks something of you but is what it takes. Doing the purification and healing work on yourself to be able to raise your consciousness is particularly tough and can be a long process. So many would prefer some form of saviour, at least in the form of a master or instruction manual, come to help them out.

This seems to be the state many sincere seekers have been put in since the lead-up to the millenium. And many never get any further as this takes a different kind of work and ambition. Not to mention there are people in the world who have been waiting for this since the 60s now, based on ancient prophecies, when the modern spiritual movement was started.
It's up to us to make the changes for ourselves. The only thing left to do other then that is hope that our light shines bright enough to inspire others that we come into contact with. They too can make the changes if they so decide, creating a never ending chain of positive vibes.

I want to ignore the news and all of the bad things going on in the world spread by media because it certainly has a negative effect on my peace of mind, but isn't that kind of a cop out, like ignorance is bliss? To view the world events from a neutral basis without attaching emotion also seems wrong. What do we do about the things that we cannot control? Nothing I guess.

Realize that evil things are going to happen whether you want them to or not, and continue working on the things you can make better? Ah the world, it depresses me. Especially when everyone else thinks it is so normal, and seems to be okay with it all. The fear of a blank planet seems to be coming true.
^ what I found useful for navigating what you are describing is:

spiritual —> emotional —> mental —> physical

I call it the journey or the shamanic paradigm. When processing emotional content you will be surprised at the power that is unleashed in your life. Our mental concepts get animated through the sheer power of the emotional content and physical reality itself manifests our thoughts. Our levels of present moment awareness allows us to make the connection. Without present moment awareness cause and effect get lost in time.

Most of us are kind of stuck living predominantly in physical reality. What happens in physical reality is what matters. Therefore we find our clue out there for what is happening inside. It's also called projection. When you tune into it happening it can be uncanny. Spirit it capable of transforming the emotional contents that through cause and effect lead to manifestation. It's why I often call spiritual reality the vibrational, because it rewrites emotional imprints that lead to manifestation. A lot of the law of attraction stuff is shallow to me, though I find it to be very true. It presupposes knowing what you really, really want to manifest. Obviously, this is subject to manipulation.
I chose to believe a new story is emerging. I think Ninae described it accurately when she said it was a fusion of science and spirituality. When we distill the essence of spirituality and science they are both attempts to give life meaning. Both have failed spectacularly.
the goal of science is not to find meaning (because "meaning" is very subjective and science has to be as objective as possible) but to find out how stuff works. science can't really answer how everything came about, but rather how what makes up the universe works and interacts over time.

but I guess that is a common misconception about science.
walk into any university physics department and tell them science doesn't have meaning and it'd be no different from walking into a church and saying something offensive about Jesus. This stuff is sacred to them. Coincidently, I was a physical chemistry grad student when I had my first powerful spiritual experience and it completely derailed my life. I was unable to integrate it with my very narrow minded focus. The story mattered to me. So when you tell me science ain't serving up some powerful kool-aid I disagree. When I went in search for a integrated view of my experiences without abandoning my faith in science, people pointed me towards mental health services. That said, you are right about it being a misconception of science. I practiced science as a quest for truth instead of as a way to make a living. I wasn't mature enough then to have the perspective. I wanted my life to have meaning and the environment encouraged it.

Now, it's one thing if the most powerful experiences in my life aren't explained by science, but it's another if science says my experience aren't possible, as a underlying principle. The accepted story goes: consciousness is an epiphenomenon of the brain. Basically, you're a robot running a consciousness program. The physical world is all that exists (naturalism). Existence is independent of the observer (realism) and the behavior of a complex system can be completely understood as the sum of the behaviors of all its parts (reductionism). I can give you a long list of phenomena that violate this, many of which are accepted as science by the most prestigious institutions though not integrated with the mainstream understanding. Vortech mentions a lot of them in his book. Not to mention the many experiences of the masses, but experiences don't count because we've removed them from the equation. Removing them from the equation enabled great progress and we owe our technological revolution to it. My view is we're not going to descend into chaos if someone comes along and wraps our current understanding of science in a framework that unifies science more profoundly through acknowledging consciousness as an aspect of reality. It'll allow two alienated groups of people to begin to have a dialog again with rules of engagement that do allow progress. It won't be a free for all for just any idea if that's what you're afraid of. The burden for such a theory is enormous.
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Whatever is going on I am not feeling it, or if I am it's probably not good.

hope I am wrong.
I don't know. One of the early prophecies:

"Everything that is around you will soon collapse and disappear. Nothing will be left of this civilization nor its perversity; the entire earth will be shaken and no trace will be left of this erroneous culture that maintains men under the yoke of ignorance. Earthquakes are not only mechanical phenomen, their goal is also to awaken the intellect and the heart of humans, so that they liberate themselves from their errors and their follies and that they understand that they are not the only ones in the universe."

- Peter Deunov

Now people have been saying for a long time the earth changes have been "cancelled" but how would we know? I don't think it would be as extreme as that, but there still might be something to it.
To quote your article

"Humans are angelic/reptilian genetic hybrids.

The Ascended Reptilian Races are master geneticists who brought forth the Divine Blueprint of all unconscious human body systems which allow for physicality.
Such as breathing and the beating of the Human Heart as examples.
This is why the human fetuses look reptilian during early stages of development."

Hahah...I don't really mean to go into it in such detail. It was the comments of the 3 waves of ascencion which we've been hearing about I was pointing it out for.

For some time I thought maybe all these ideas were just organised fabrications to see what people were willing to believe in. Now it seems like there is something to it, but it's mostly about a process we have to choose to go through ourselves (or not). But don't expect anyone to tell you straight, especially these types of sources.
This was a good entry as well. Shows how confused everyone is. It's starting to get on my nerves a bit, to be honest.

"There is nothing to update you on.

The game is rigged and has been longer than I've been around. It is a design and a construct and running on a program. On rails. Auto-pilot.

What is happening and will continue to happen is the transition, the wave, the event, your ascension, the raise of consciousness and frequency, the activating or de-activating of your DNA, the next zeitgeist, apocalypse, reset, change or whatever the fuck you want to call it. It is happening right now. There is no stopping it or changing it, but, you are choosing how it all ends as you react to it.

Will you choose the path to your own survival as a species or will you choose extinction? Regardless of your level of perception, spiritual beliefs, political beliefs or affiliations, culture or any other variable, this is a choice you are all faced with. The survival of a species... Humanity.

Exactly how the pieces will be played is anyone's guess. This is why, everyone is guessing, and it's obvious they are. If I tried to tell you, I would be too.

Our ability to alter the way things play out is limited, and focused on the area around and within us. You already know the answers, but you seem to wait on absolutes. Which will not come.

At this point, how many have told you how many times that "the end is near"? "Be prepared to be scared." No thanks. My choice is to focus on what is not wrong as much as what is wrong.

When spending time on what is wrong, how can I fix it or what can I do? What works and what doesn't? How can we make what doesn't, work? How can we make what does work, even better?

Where is the beauty and how do I enjoy it? What will keep me whole? What will keep me, me?

How much will I take? When will I make a stand? Am I ready to prove my conviction? Of course, if I truly have conviction. Do I?

What do I tell the others? Will any of it matter? Should I try anyways? What if they laugh at me? What if they say I am wrong? Should I try anyways?

Why the fuck are they looking to me for answers? No one knows. We're all guessing. You know just as well.

Should we try anyways?"

There is no update. I've abandoned a lot of these ideas since I found out how much disinformation is out there. I do believe in some kind of energy affecting us, like a wave from the great central sun thing, but I don't think anyone knows how it will play out.