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Inside the mind of someone with Borderline Personality Disorder


Dec 10, 2008
There have been a few threads of late about BPD, loving someone with it and the associated trauma. Or the flip side of it. The total insecurity and conflict of a person wondering if they will ever have a healthy relationship- which has been thread jacked by psychoanalysts.

This thread is for those who identify as BPD, whether professionally diagnosed or not to discuss their journey through life and love.

Mods may feel as this is in relation to a mental illness it may be better suited to TDS - but I feel since BPD suffers have the most problems in relationships SLR is the place to be.

I have a few questions to other suffers out there..

-Was it you, a friend or a mental health professional that came to the conclusion that you have BPD

-To what extent do you experience splitting?

-How do you cope with the rages/dysphoria/fear of abandonment in both romantic situations and within other aspects of life.

-Self sabotage and Self Harm? What have you done in the past, and what are you doing to break this cycle.

-Psychiatric treatment - Med combinations/Therapy - What's worked and what hasn't?

-Interpersonal relationships?

As more important discussion topics come to the forefront I'll try and add them to this post.

For NON BPD's reading this, one of the best sites I've seen to really hit the nail on the head about how a BPD person sees the world is this site TRIGGERING http://borderlinelife.tumblr.com/

I did not write this but I could have.. Letter from BPD to NON continued under cut

This is something to keep in mind for people who are trying to maintain a relationship with someone with BPD

You wanted to know the worst about me, the things I told no one and hid below the surface. How do I explain it? How do I explain who I am when I am not even sure of it myself? How do I put into words the worst parts of me that I have run from for so long? I will tell you my secrets, I will tell you everything. Maybe it will help me. Maybe you will hate me for it or maybe you will understand. I don't know, but I am sick of running. So here it is, I will give you what you want.

I hate you. That is not true, but sometimes I think it is. I will not answer the phone when you call, even though I want to talk to you. I will not call you, even though it is all I want to do. I will not reach out to you, even though every part of me wants to. I will be mad at you, I will want to hurt you, I will drive you away because I am afraid to let you closer. I need your constant attention, your reassurances, but I will greet them with cold indifference. I will be jealous of the attention you give others, and I will get mad at you for ignoring me. I will feel close to you and care for you one day, only to be mad and want you out of my life the next.

I am an emotional amnesiac, maybe I always have been. I take each event, each day, each conversation as a seperate event, always looking for signs that you might hurt me. When I feel neglected, I will get mad and forget that the day before you told me how much you cared. I am an inconsistent mess. There is a part of me who is happy and confident and another part that is insecure and needy. These days, I never know which one it will be. Every time I think I am in control, that I know you care and I feel comfortable with our relationship, the fear and doubt will come back. Maybe with time it will go away completely, but doubt it. All it will take is another close relationship, another new friend, another day and it will be back.

You ask what you can do and I do not know what to say. The needy part of me wants your constant attention, it needs your words and thoughts, your presence. But I know that is not the answer, I must accept the limitations on our relationship. The scared part of me wants you out of my life because it would be easier. The hateful part of me wants to hurt you because it thinks you have hurt me. All I can ask you to do is to understand, to not give up. I will ignore you at times, I may be rude to you, I may try to hurt you. I may hide from you and wait for you to reach out to me, so I know you will care. It is not fair to do these things, but I will. I cannot ask you to put up with this, it is not fair and no matter how I act, I care too much to put you through this. But you asked, and this is all I have to tell you.

I do not like this. I do not like that I am needy and clinging. I do not like that I hurt people. I do not like that I am rude and sarcastic to those around me. I do not like this part of myself. For years, I have ignored this and pretended it was me, but I have realized that is wrong. This is not me, it is a false identity created to protect me from the world. This was not an easy realization, and perhaps I haven't fully accepted it yet. But I have found my path, I have realized I can change and I can accept this side of me and keep it from becoming who I am. It will not be easy and it will not be quick, but I have faith that I can do it. Perhaps one day I will see me as the person you see behind my defenses, and perhaps one day I will let others see that person as well.

This is for you, but you are many people. You are the people close to me now. You are the people I want to be close to even though I have kept you away. You are the friends I have pushed away in the past, the friends I never forgave and never let back in my life, the friends I never had the chance to tell this to. You are the people I will meet in the future, the people I will care about until once again I push them out of my life. You are the part of me that is still trying to understand who I am. You are all of these people and many more.
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My own story..

Like most suffers of this 'disorder' I didn't have a perfect home life, divorced parents. My twin sister and I lived with our Mother for 12/14 days, seeing our alcoholic father every second weekend.

The time spent with our Father would be split pretty much equally between trips to the pub and my sister and I reading or playing on the computer. The remainder of the time we spent with our Mother, who had found 'God' just after my parents separation when we were 8 and progressively fell into a void of depression and what my sister and I believe to be schizophrenia. My sister was the ideal child in my Mothers eyes, I was self sufficient enough to be left to my own devices.

Who diagnosed you, or made you aware of BPD

I've always known I was a little bit different. Friends and I have suspected un-diagnosed ADHD-Inattentive for about 2 years now, was supposed to go to a follow up appointment with a shrink from the local mental health service last year to have it confirmed. But never had the opportunity to go back (its on my to do list for this week to make a follow up appointment).

In my last long term relationship the dysphoric moods, where all I could do was sit, cry and feel empty were destroying and what ultimately destroyed my relationship. I couldn't offer any words to what would make it better, all I could was say, "I don't know."

After that relationship ended I took a couple of days off work to try and sort myself out and get back to a stable mood. I was looking through online at mood disorders and other psychological issues.

I believe I was looking at Highly Sensitive Persons, and came across a page on BPD. I put a tick next to every single DSM IV criteria and then researched more and more.

Finally I had a name for what I was going through and could start to get better.. Or so I thought.


I started to split my personality into two very early in High School. I would have been 13.
I created a complete different persona from the shy to the point of crying when asked a question, chubby, mousey & a bookworm. I restricted my food intake and after a binge would do sit ups for hours in my room. I dyed my dishwater brown hair blonde, started wearing make up and created a mask for the outside world to see. One that was confident, just a little promiscuous, social and I played Basketball and vollyball.

And this shell has changed so many times over the years. One day I'd be a gothic rock chic, two weeks later I'd reinvent myself as a platinum blonde.

Psychiatric treatment - Med combinations/Therapy

Early last year I was prescribed Paxil/Aropax for anxiety/depression I was feeling from working in the front line of insurance claims during the Queensland Floods last year.

Within two weeks I felt a definite change. I had more energy, I was so happy I was bouncing off the walls. I would force myself to sleep two or three hours a night, even though I didn't feel tired. And a couple of cans of coke had me shaking and vibrating like I had just eaten a ball of speed. This increased energy would go on for 5-8 days and then I'd go back to normal.

Went to my GPs office who originally prescribed the Paxil/Aropax. My GP wasn't working, had an appointment with a doctor who no idea the significance of the symptoms I was describing and he told me to double my dose of paxil from 20mg to 40mg..

Then bring on the rapid cycling moods.. I was on a rollercoaster, anxiety so bad I didn't want to leave the house on the downs. And Manic phases that I had a ball on, I doubt some of the people around me did though.. I would be bouncing with energy, talking to anyone that would listen..

After 3 months on Paxil, I'd lost a job from the ups and downs of the moods and after deducing with the assistance of the mental health interviewer I spoke with that it appeared I had SSRI induced Bipolar.. I stopped taking my meds cold turkey.. That was April last year.

Now I have just started online basic CBT which is a free program http://moodgym.anu.edu.au/welcome

Coping techniques

My only coping techniques at the moment are to write in my journal, to try and rationalise any fears and to research to find out what others have tried.

If anyone can share their coping techniques I'd be most appreciated.
You should check out the thread in TDS as there are more quality posts in there from BPDers.
Who first realized I may have BPD
- my friends mother had been diagnosed with BPD a few years back. My friend asked me if I knew anything about it (since I'm pretty knowledgable of mental disorders, seeing as I have quite the list of disorders myself) but I hadn't known about it, so I did my research. I was surprised to find myself relating to many if not all the symptoms. I didn't really tell anyone though, I guess I was embarrassed or something like that. Last year I started dating my current boyfriend and had very strong feelings for him, so I decided to open up to him about. I read to him about it and he said that it described me to a T...recently I had an SSI court case, and my lawyer told me that my evaluator had diagnosed me as personality disordered...no specific one, but my guess is definitely BPD.

- I definitely experience high levels of splitting. I go from feelings of love to extreme hate, with myself and others around me. The typical idolizing then deeming one or myself of no value. I mainly o through this when it comes to myself perception. If I don't do something perfect, then it is only a failure and I get extremely mad/depressed. Basically all or nothing. I also feel like I have many different personalities...and conflicting personalities at that. I can either be mature, driven, studious, almost even innocent; but then I'm a rage full badass who is ready and willing to fight anyone who looks at me the wrong way. I can be preppy and fun loving listening to all the top 40 hits, to almost "gangster" listen to hard angry rap, to rebellious listening to angsty punk, to mellow and analytical listening to rock/alternative/folky. And many other different things in between... This makes it difficult for me to get a grasp on who I really am and what I truly believe...so hard to just find a balance within myself.

- in my relationship I've learned to express and talk to him about it. It's definitely not easy to communicate my fears with him because I'm afraid it'll push him away or he'll think I'm crazy (which I guess I kind of am...) and I'm scared it'll cause arguments and then make things worse and things of that sort. When I have a hard time talking to him about our relationship issues I usually go to a friend of mine either before or after I talk to the boyfriend.
Rages I have an EXTREMELY difficult time dealing with. I have always had anger issues for as long as I can remember. I'm a black out angry person and it scares me because I have a tendency to sometimes get violent or to even self harm. Over the last about six or Sven months however, I have been seeming to handle my anger in more positive ways with the help and patience of my boyfriend and my good friend. I am most concerned with dealing with the rage because I have a 2 year old son, and I don't want him growing up with me having bouts of rage and violence...that's not an example I want to set for him...
Dysphoria I've always dealt with....but really never in positive ways. When I was younger I would self harm a lot. I'd seclude myself and just stay isolated. As I got older I turned to drugs as a way to escape. So I either take drugs, self harm, or just try and sleep it off. None of which are good, especially as a parent. And now that he's getting older hell be able to realize when "something is wrong with mommy". Recently I've been pretty good with keeping myself under control, especially now that I've started school, which makes me feel a million times better about myself. I haven't been taking drugs like I use to( if I do it's at night time after he is in bed) and I don't believe I've self harmed in two months or so. Sleeping a lot is still a little it of an issue though.
Fear of abandonment
- I basically always deal with this fear. All day, every day. I feel like my boyfriend is tired and bored of me and not attracted to me anymore and will leave just like everyone else in my life(father, brother in a way, sister, mother at least emotionally and at one point in early childhood physically, my sons father...and the list goes on). If I don't hear from him, I assume he's just never going to contact me again, so I'll angrily blow up his phone constantly and then worry that I'm being clingy and annoying and that's going to push him away too. If I don't hear from friends I just automatically assume that they've decided they don't want to even associate with my any longer and such. I don't even really say anything about it though, I figure I'll just let it play out, no sense in FORCING people to be in my life. At least that's how I see it. And I don't want to contact them in fear that I'm bothering them or something like that.

Self harm
- I've benn self harming since I was eleven so for the past nine almost ten years now. I have had many suicide attempts, the most recent one being this past December in which I slit my throat with a kitchen knife and ended up in the psych ward for a week, unfortunately during Xmas as well..ai don't believe I've self harmed since that time though...I guess my main of coping with this is just making sure I keep taking my medication like I'm supposed to(last suicide attempt I had been off my meds for maybe two weeks).

- I've been on many different meds from antipsychotics to antidepressants and anti anxiety medication(seroquel, geodon, bus par, abilify, Wellbutrin, clonideine, lamictil, lithium, etc). Currently I'm only taking to medications, being Prozac and vyvanse. I guess the basic therapy I use for BPD is traditional therapy via a therapist, talking to friends, writing and such.
I thought I would share this. I started dialectal therapy in Mid Feb also known as DBT.

Let me just say this, I have been in therapy on and off prior to that (many times). Nothing seemed to work for long-term. I came to believe that I would always be suffering from a mental illiness with no hope. I was getting destructive by the day to myself. I tried hypnosis sessions, in Jan....I was diagnosed with a form of cancer and started chemo shortly after. I been into relationship addiction counseling, mental hospitals, you name it. But my inability to manage emotions was so out of wack.

I came across DBT very randomly but it was by far the BEST BEST BEST...decision that I made and it's only been 6 weeks. I got in touch with a therapist that only specializes in DBT with Borderline personality disorders in women and I mean (ONLY) for the past 26 years. It's a combination of group therapy, individual therapy and phone coaching. But let me say this....it's not really therapy, its like teaching someone very basic life skills and they watch you practice it. We dont discuess issues in group therapy, we learn a skill a week, have homework then the next week, we present our homework where we practiced the skill and then learn a new skill.

If you suffer from BPD, then you know what hell is like on a daily basis. Please try it because it's really has made a very positive impact in my thinking and I only been 6 weeks into it. I started taking accountability and responsibility for my happiness and you learn to stop seeking it from others. It addresses BPD at the concrete, hardcore flaws in you. Once you look within, you will stop seeking validation out from other's. Then, you will experience peace more often. Please google it and see people's reviews with it. They do it for years and it's something that you do and you don't quit. Like I said, it's not exactly what you call therapy. It's like a study skills group for dealing with life. You learn them and you are "BOOM" almost cured. You won't be perfect, you will fuck up sometimes but you quickly regain conscious and what used to take you a few months to overcome, you will only fuck up for a day or two. Your progress never really go down than where you started....your progress is like a graph with a positive slope that climbes up and you remain steady and your slope is 1 or fall just a little bit but never down to where you started. Just a thought......I know how suffering from BPD is like and it's hell and it will continue to be hell unless you start somewhere.

People may think we are evil but we are evil to ourselves and it's a torture to depend on others fix and explain each and every feeling you have. Well, I hate to say it but PEOPLE DISAPPOINTE YOU and It's not really fair to anyone. It sucks to have a needy person all the time. It's a struggle and I really think that it is a DISABILITY but there is hope in DBT in learning to manage your emotions and BOOM you feel better. I swear by it and look up the many other people into a behaviorist form of therapy.
Chance to share

This thread is for those who identify as BPD, whether professionally diagnosed or not to discuss their journey through life and love.

This is cool. I was glad to find a thread like this. I like to write but have stopped trusting my motivations/perceptions about my writing in the past. Since I learned that my behavior matches BPD traits, I don't really want to advertise that fact. And even the people I know in my therapy groups, where I can talk about this stuff, have limited patience with me because of how I have fucked them over with drama and other things in the past.

I say I stopped trusting my motivations for writing because I see now that part of me was looking for attention, to get a reaction, and to provoke/slightly disturb others through my writing. That all felt good when I was unaware of my BPD, but now that I see what a serious problem it is, indulging in this doesn't seem healthy. I do miss being able to express myself, though, so that's why I was happy to find this thread.

-Was it you, a friend or a mental health professional that came to the conclusion that you have BPD

It was my therapist who suggested I look into it. But I had been amassing this list of confusing/odd symptoms for a lifetime with no way to tie it all together. Things I noticed - like never remembering what I looked like in the mirror - to things I never thought of as odd before therapy, like always getting so worked up and making really dramatic deals about exciting ideas and also pretty mundane pains.

-To what extent do you experience splitting?

I am not sure I know what this means. Ok, I just looked it up. Of course. It is hard for me to do anything but splitting. I actually was paying attention to my intense predilection to identifying people as good/bad or worthy/worthless yesterday. I get to hire a team of 15 people each year and am in charge of selections/interviews. I brought a bunch of colleagues in as a panel for the second interviews, and got to see how forgiving/balanced their evaluations of people were - genuinely weighing both good and bad, whereas my drive was to put each person into one camp or another. They were either awesome/exciting or problematic and not to be trusted in my mind. It was weird to see this tendency in action, alongside other peoples' evaluations, because most the time I do this I just believe it and don't really question my thoughts around it.

-How do you cope with the rages/dysphoria/fear of abandonment in both romantic situations and within other aspects of life.

I stay away from people. For about 4 years I haven't gone on a single date while I have been in therapy, and have let a lot of the superficial relationships which propped up my sense of self superficially fall away. This is after I seriously hurt someone (again) in my last relationship and was finally forced (with the help of my therapist) to see my behavior for what it was. I have never really been held accountable before. I really want relationships, but jut figured out this BPD thing like 1-2 months ago, and it seems like kind of a tall order to think about how to go about relationships responsibly. As I understand it, relationships are hard enough for people whose thoughts match reality, much less for someone with as distorted perspective and paranoia as I bring along.

In some situations, however, I can't avoid it, like in work. I received 2 promotions in less than a year, nearly doubling my salary, and yet came away from my most recent salary discussion feeling like I was being pinned down and devalued for not raising the offer when I asked. It took my therapist pointing out that the promotions were a vote of confidence for me to see how crazy my head was.

-Self sabotage and Self Harm? What have you done in the past, and what are you doing to break this cycle.

God, the list goes on and on. Every relationship with promise I have sabotaged through some acts of jealousy, retaliation, unreasonableness and/or betrayal on my part, all thinking I was entirely justified.

My career has been sabotaged multiple times, first by my refusing to pick a direction thinking I had forever and something would fall into my lap (I am only learning now you have to work for things), later by getting sick and then by starting a business without any idea really what I was doing and totally forgetting that I lied at the beginning to get in the door to a big contract.

One time after my first girlfriend exposed the fact that I didn't have any real feelings for her but was just going through the motions trying to look like I thought people were supposed to when they dated, I slipped into this deep dark abyss of realizing I had no idea what my real feelings were and eventually held a candle under my forearm until I could definitely feel something. I still have the scar.

I am not sure but I think medical issues may be my biggest form of self-sabotage. It is hard for me to differentiate what are real medical issues, but I have a convenient tendency of getting sick when it will save me from facing some difficult reality in relationship or life. The most striking example is coming down with a rare auto-immune blood disease after landing my first real job out of college and seeing the bleak outlook of working life for the first time. I loved getting sick and being saved from the responsibility, being babied and given all the time I wanted to try real life again. Of course it came at quite a cost. I lost ten years of my life, and live with the condition in my body which requires visits to the doctor every two weeks to get an infusion of what is currently I think the most expensive drug in the world. So my life is pretty limited - not that I really realize it, but my therapist points it out.

-Psychiatric treatment - Med combinations/Therapy - What's worked and what hasn't?

No meds, just an odd therapy described as psychodynamic with a focus on relationships, practiced by a woman influenced by buddhism who sees it as an act of love to call out bullshit the instant it shows up. I have been going to a combination of groups and individual sessions with her three times a week for the past 4 years.

-Interpersonal relationships?

This is where I am stuck now and what sent me on the web search that found this thread in the first place. Discovering this BPD thing, like I said, sort of shatters the fantasy that I will be saved by the next relationship that could be right around the corner. I can see now that the people I am drawn to and excited by have their fair share of problems too, and that for me drama/intensity is one of my highest values in relationship - not stability. The kinds of practices that lead to trust and allowing each other to relax in relationship are pretty much anathema to my sense of what is right. I crave human contact, including human touch and intimacy, but am like that fire-breathing dragon who scorches everything close as soon as I open my mouth - and have fun doing it, not understanding the other person doesn't like being burned.

I am kind of stuck at the moment because I am not ready to resign myself to not having a relationship. But I see this long uphill climb ahead of me now - and this is after 4 years of therapy just discovering/seeing the problem - and am being asked by life to downshift a few gears and make peace with the boringness of life that stability requires - like doing my chores and budgets and committing to exercise and healthy practices - which would be totally new for me. It just feels wrong. But I can kind of see that if I can't follow through on promises I make myself to clean up my apartment or leave the house at a certain time, then I won't have much luck being there for another human being in a way they can rely on. I guess this is what is next if I want to grow, but I just wish there could be an arrangement like a fuck buddy who would accept me as I am and not ask too much.

Guess that's it for now. Thanks for the chance to write.
I had a relationship with a girl that was diagnosed with BPD. She was almost always volatile to the point I had a coffee mug hurled at me from across the other side of the room, smashing on the wall next to me. She was a lovely girl underneath it all, but she was diagnosed with BPD while I was seeing her. When I met her, she had a cast on her arm from attempting to slit her wrist; I started staying with her at her aparment because she was so fragile, and in the end we went out with each other for about 4 years. Her parents were quite wealthy and, as I was looking after her, they would send us money each week to get by; not small amounts either, it was usually about $400 - $1000 at a time. As a result, there were many drugs consumed for the duration of the relationship. I believe she is still a drug addict, while I have broken free of the shackles of addiction since breaking up with her.

All I have to say about sufferers of BPD, and/or their partners is be aware that things can get volatile very very quickly; like getting money out of an atm, card gets taken, and she started screaming, smashing the machine with her hands, to the horror of onlookers.

While I loved the girl, it was impossible to sustain a relationship with her. It was just too out of control. Mind you, there were plenty of fun moments; nearly everyday we had some crazy situation due to something she had done or how she felt. The sex was nearly always great and kooky. At the end of the day it took her moving overseas for me to get out of the relationship. When ever I brought up having a break, she would threaten to kill herself, and as she had already tried, I was stuck in this cycle with her, because I would not be the blame of her killing herself.

This relationship had a huge impact on how I am now in regards to relationships. I now have commitment-phobia!!
I am very curious about this splitting thing.

I dated someone who I strongly suspect has BPD. I went from a person who was loved with great intensity to someone treated with callous disregard pretty much overnight. It was as though I went from everything to nothing.

Can you guys who have BPD explain to me what goes through your head when you 'split' another person from one extreme to the other? Do you have much insight into the fact that you are doing this (particularly before knowing you have BPD)?

Also, do you feel guilty about it and reflect on the impact it has on the other person or have you generally made up your mind about them and don't care about them anymore?
I am very curious about this splitting thing.

Can you guys who have BPD explain to me what goes through your head when you 'split' another person from one extreme to the other? Do you have much insight into the fact that you are doing this (particularly before knowing you have BPD)?

I can speak to this a little bit. I would say no, I have no idea I am splitting; the evaluation seems very real and I hardly remember how I felt earlier about the person that made them shine in my eyes. Recently I went through this with a young woman who works for me. Early on, I remember her being attentive and thorough. During a project, I told her how grateful I was to have her handling logistics because nothing ever slipped through the cracks and I could trust her. I would rave about her to anyone and really mean it. Then some of her personal difficulties started to show. She was resistant to a public speaking opportunity I needed her to do (although she did it), she gossiped a few times about managers we have out on the field and I had to talk to her about keeping a positive tone. Then I assigned her to wade through a complicated government application form to make it easy for our HR person to sign, and she wasn't thorough enough so I had to step in and help her understand it. About this point, she was now a total disappointment to me. I was disgusted with her, didn't want to have to deal with her, couldn't wait for her time with us to be over. Originally she could do no wrong, now she could do no good. I have to admit I had almost no memory of when I was raving about her, and if I remembered it, it didn't mean anything to me. I didn't question myself, I just wrote it off or something as if it were a thing of the distant past (5 months ago).

We ended up hiring her back for a second stint (luckily the decision wasn't only up to me). I told a co-worker about it, expecting him to frown on the decision (I assume everyone else sees the darkness I see). Instead he said, "Cool, I like her, she's got a sassy attitude and is on top of things." I played along but this totally shocked me. It was as if I was being re-introduced to an aspect I completely could not access by myself. It took hearing this view from another person's eyes who I respect to make me remember what I liked about her in the first place.

Having just learned in the last month that I have BPD (or traits of it) I am very glad to have other people's insight to compare my own distorted perspectives against. I think now that I know I have BPD and am seeing this kind of fucked up thinking more, I am a little bit starting to question my thoughts. My therapist tells me that questioning myself will have to become more regular if I am going to be able to be responsible for this BPD thing and stop hurting others.

Anyway, that is what splitting is like for me.
two of my friends have BPD and the way it expresses itself is vastly different depending on their underlying temperament

they can be really funny and open about things in an extreme way

one chucks her boyfriend out every other month- its ridiculous. they have a kid. bit of a crazy situation but what can you do?
-Was it you, a friend or a mental health professional that came to the conclusion that you have BPD?

I've come to the conclusion on my own however I am in the process of getting an official diagnosis. I was sent to many psychiatrists and therapists as a child due to extreme emotional issues, anger and closing off (depression).

-How do you cope with the rages/dysphoria/fear of abandonment in both romantic situations and within other aspects of life.

Honestly? Drugs. I smoke bud to help with restless and anxiety from such emotions. When I don't smoke, I become extremely restless, pacing around back and forth uncontrollably, smashing and punching, kicking things to release frustration. It's all pointless, silly childish shit that I have no control over.

-Self sabotage and Self Harm? What have you done in the past, and what are you doing to break this cycle.

Never really self harmed myself. I've let others harm me though. I use to let a girl who I was infatuated with cut up my upper arm with a scalpel, drawing weird designs in to me, it felt orgasmic and being close to her was a beautiful feeling.

-Psychiatric treatment - Med combinations/Therapy - What's worked and what hasn't?

Tried anti-depressants at a younger age (18 - 19y/o). Fucked up my sex drive and did more harm than good so I quit. No meds for the past few years.

-Interpersonal relationships?

Non-existent. Every relationship, with the exception of one, has ended due to my personal emotional problems and trust issues. It's extremely hard for me to trust someone, however I find myself getting extremely attached easily, often going back and forth between idolizing them and loving them to death to hating their guts due to feeling abandoned and unwanted.


I don't think anyone can understand how we live life. It is a constant struggle to keep our heads above water. We can't have stable relationships, we can't grow close to someone without infatuation, it seems. It's hard for us to control our emotions, we live very difficult lives and it hurts so much when someone you truly love deeply doesn't "get" it and instead opts to walk away and abandon you as oppose to fighting to save the friendship or relationship. I personally have a constant feeling of abandonment and loneliness due to my illness and it's a constant struggle to keep my chin held up high in confidence and to live life fully.


I am very curious about this splitting thing.

I dated someone who I strongly suspect has BPD. I went from a person who was loved with great intensity to someone treated with callous disregard pretty much overnight. It was as though I went from everything to nothing.

Can you guys who have BPD explain to me what goes through your head when you 'split' another person from one extreme to the other? Do you have much insight into the fact that you are doing this (particularly before knowing you have BPD)?

Also, do you feel guilty about it and reflect on the impact it has on the other person or have you generally made up your mind about them and don't care about them anymore?

For me personally, I don't realize it till I'm over it.

What goes through my head? Extreme emotions.

I use to love this one girl to death. I was heavily infatuated with her, and wanted only good things for her. But I'd go days without hearing from her sometimes and I'd just feel so lonely and abandoned. I would begin to hate her, sincerely. Till I heard from her again, then it went right back to "I love this girl like crazy!".

I feel horrible bout these things. I don't want to give out negative energy or thoughts like that (It's my belief even thoughts influence the world around us). She suffered through a lot with my bullshit. She doesn't speak to me anymore...but I still think about her, I still visit her tumblr from time to time, as creepy as that is. I still look at her pictures. When I find myself doing these things I can't help but think to myself "Stop! You're being creepy." and I force myself away. I'll sometimes even leave her anonymous, friendly messages to make her day better, and she responds with "Aww you just made my week!" or something like that, and she doesn't even know it's me.

I often feel mentally ill, like something is wrong with me. But...this is digressing.
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I can be preppy and fun loving listening to all the top 40 hits, to almost "gangster" listen to hard angry rap, to rebellious listening to angsty punk, to mellow and analytical listening to rock/alternative/folky. And many other different things in between... This makes it difficult for me to get a grasp on who I really am and what I truly believe...so hard to just find a balance within myself.

Wow, I can totally relate to the music/identity question. I have over 86 different playlists arranged by genre/mood so that I can play something that speaks to me at any time.

I've always had a hard time answering that question "what kind of music do you like" because I find various examples of songs in any genre that totally speak to me and never get old - I am forever loyal to these songs - but others in the same genre, sometimes by the same artist, I have no interest in. Not knowing I had BPD before, I never considered that this was an expression of my own unusually extreme emotions. What I did notice was it was very healing to have something outside my head that matched the emotion inside of me.

The funniest is when I have a playlist of random genres - like chorale music followed by hard rap followed by electronica - that all match and balance my mood perfectly, but someone outside hears me playing it and can't make sense of how they go together. It's almost like maybe I use music - and the chemical states it creates or stabilizes in me - as a kind of drug.

This is actually something I like about myself. I know music very well as a result of this.
The first part of the thread made me cry. My gf has BPD, and I was the one who actually diagnosed her. We talked about it, and she finally agreed to see someone, and they made the final diagnosis. 6 years together, and we are all grown up now. I'm 24, she's 22. It doesn't get any easier, and patience is all I can practice. Does anyone have advice as to how I can deal with the rage and the anger? It's so tough, but I remain on her side. I truly feel like she met me for a reason, and I love her more than life, but it really does wear me down sometimes. She refuses to see a therapist, she refuses anything help oriented. She claims nothing is wrong, and I just don't even know what to do.

I'm in the same boat...we could both probably write lesson plans on being the "non"...but so much is dependent on the individual. I think the key is waking up everyday affirming to yourself that today is going to be better...not just for this issue...but everything a person faces in life. Be thankful you found her...if you've done any digging into this...you know your love and faith in her will be decried almost everywhere you turn. Love yourself as well...got to have that part to stay on the level with yourself...and remember you are the only person who will know when you have started bleeding...or bled too much. If that point arrives...you have to go see somebody yourself to keep you balanced and alive. It does get inside your life and head...but there are tools for everything in life...much like the work they do here on these forums finding unconventional solutions to unique problems. Point is...remember the clinical help is out there..use it for yourself if needed.

I can't wrap my head around you pulling six years without probably figuring most of what I saying out...I hope she finds reason to see someone...it can change everything for both of you over time.

I made more than my share of mistakes early on when I didn't understand what I was up against and how not to trigger as best I could...it is a daily commitment that a person makes to stay in it. On both sides really.

I am also seeing a counselor to address some of my prior baggage that has turned into so many traps for us...as well as to force some part of the establishment to acknowledge that guys and gals like us do exist...and our first instinct is not to "run".

This topic deserves so much more attention to detail that I haven't provided here...but that's my initial .02 on the matter. Keep the faith.

Here's hoping everyone who loves a BPD can hold their hand and wander out of the wilderness as healthier couples.

Who first realized I may have BPD

Myself. No one else on Earth knew about it. First of all it was an easy, soft form, maybe because I didn't give it a chance to evolve. I caught it early like you say. My red flag was that I experienced intense anger while dreaming at night towards kind persons I never met before. The sensation felt like I had taken an anger pill. I was angry...at anything, for illogical reasons. At some point the person in my dream asked me if I wanted coffee, and for some reason that pissed me off so much I hit the person in the head with a pair of steel nunchuks (this is a dream guys relax lol). This was definite proof that the world around me had nothing to do with what I experienced.


It is a feeling like no other so I recognize it very easily. I was able to refuel it completely every time. Usually, at first, doing a long series of push-ups refreshed the blood in my brain and greatly helped.


Fear of failure mostly. Everything else I was able to refuel.

Self harm

Wasn't that bad.


Meditation obliterated BPD completely, maybe I had a mild form so someone with a severe form might have to work harder but it's gone. I dealt with splittings very harshly, with 4-8 mg of instant release nicotine to target the amygdala seconds after symptoms occurred, followed by 90mg codeine with caffeine and DXM. After years of meditation, nicotine/codeine use and other things, it's completely gone. During a crisis/mini-crisis, that region is stimulated, and for some odd reason, you want to keep stimulating it despite the negative effects. It's like 90% of it was pain and 10% was pleasure, something similar to the discomfort of being tickled. Very very odd. I somehow knew it was a bad idea to just go into it and it's probably one of the factors why it's gone today. Don't go into it. It's a dark alley. There's nothing there for you to see.

The emotional center especially the amygdala is in my opinion weak and easy to de-sensitize. Very vulnerable to chemical attacks, just requires to find the right chemical. Codeine/Nicotine for me obliterated it. When I was entering that state, chewing 4mg nicotine really fast/impulsively got me dizzy and completely/irreversibly pulled me out every single time. During meditation I could feel the exact location from where the un-ease/anger sensation came, it's around the amygdala in the brain. Today, as I meditate, I feel that region completely burned out, I can focus on it for hours and not produce even 5% of the anger sensation. I can focus on nucleus accumbens and produce something similar to sexual pleasure but not the BPD anger sensation. It's gone.
You basically have to undo everything your parents have done to you your entire childhood. That is quite a job. Slap after slap, derogatory comment after derogatory comment, insult after insult, punishment after punishment, it all has to go out. Forgive your old fellows, they knew not what they were doing.
^ sounds figuratively and literally impossible. Might as well find someone who isn't a BPD basket case.
-Was it you, a friend or a mental health professional that came to the conclusion that you have BPD
I recently discovered, maybe about a year ago. I accepted it, then I would go through stages thinking no that shit doesn't exist, mental disorders, I believed everything was in your head. This was maybe due to the fact that I experimented with psychadelics before and had that crazy form of thinking. I'll still have it, its just hard to remember/keep track of day to day shit cause everyday is so fucking different. One day i'll wake up all tired and depressed, actually thats everyday, the initial wakeup always sucks its like why am i even living. Then if i hear a song i really like, i will trigger myself into feeling incredibly great, euphoric, pretty much like the effects of ecstasy. Almost exactly but then it can fade away and you can be left with nothing. The majority of my day would be a big emptiness. I really enjoyed reading all these posts, its comforting i kinda wish i got to know all of you guys personally it would really help me. I'm 20 years old and idk i had a good job and shit but my mood swings would go crazy cause it was commission based pay and i would go nuts sometimes doing anything to save a fucking second. Like a madman-- anyway i got a new job starting monday its solid 12 an hour and i work on music on the side. music is crazy, it makes me feel so fucking incredible with this condition its the only thing that has my drive when im not on drugs or whatever.
-To what extent do you experience splitting?
I do this shit all the time, when i'm in class i'll be the teachers favorite student, i have that power. But ill also talk to kids in my class about my drug experiences and shit, i think its just a matter of you wanting everything in sight to be yours. Like ruthless almost, you want everything and you want it in its realist form, like people with bpd dont like fake shit, they have the black/white style thinking // all or nothing so their relationships have to feel real to them and in order to conform to certain people like those badasses i'll find myself having no limits when it comes to drugs/alcohol i can drink incredibly large amounts same with drugs loveee ecstasy. its also a way to relate to the music i listen to , since my role models/ famous musicians do large amounts of drugs since i feel like i ahve to cause i wont relate.
-How do you cope with the rages/dysphoria/fear of abandonment in both romantic situations and within other aspects of life.
I try to hit the ignore buttton again again again and agian. It sucks cuase when you're hitting the ignore button you cant concentrate on anythign because you keep hitting the button, thats your focus, because you inevitably cant get it off your mind, but you dont want to think about it at the same time. Sucks to cause i'm a huge guy like 6ft4 pretty muscular like a linebacker build/lineman 270lbs. The emotional swings are unavoidable at times, but the times you express yourself you always regret it so much after. Like wow im suchhhh an idiot. You hate yourself for it. Most of the time though, you don't you hold back, cause you don't want people to think you're crazy, for many reasons but a big reason is to preserve your respect, even most probably have an idea from the past shit you done. well i;ve done, but i ignored it so i forget, and the day to day extreme differences have me in a haze, you experience so much variety of emotions throughout the week there is no way to keep track of how you felt at a specific time during one of the days, theres just too much.
-Self sabotage and Self Harm? What have you done in the past, and what are you doing to break this cycle.
drugs, idk i get pretty reckless and self loathy the more that i drink. really nothing, i kind of love that cold isolated feeling, i always did, that almost suicidal feeling, its fucked up i know but its just a part of who i am.
-Psychiatric treatment - Med combinations/Therapy - What's worked and what hasn't?
I just started seeing a psyche after previously stopping because i didnt get the meds i wanted (amps). My psyche who i saw a few weeks ago for treatment prescribed me wellbutrin like the first one did. I actually gave it a shot this time and idk it helps but id say 75 percent of the disorder is still there it helps though.
-Interpersonal relationships?
I had soem best friends i would always party with but i lost them over some bullshit, i dont even know why. never asked, never will. fuck em, i have one best friend who i did a psychadelic cocktail with onetime and we have a close bond. we produce music together, lol we think we'll be famous and do all this funny shit. but yeah, he's cool i love him to death but sometimes i devalue him, like hes the worst. he has mental illness too, idk what he has add nd takes adderall and all his shit, when he went to rehab (he wasnt really addicted imo) hes on like ssri's seroquel and all this shit. hes super stable though
another thing with splitting, its devastating. its your true reality, thats what it feels like at the time. you can't help yourself out of it, if you could you would trust me its bad. you almost bathe yourself in the self-loathe because its about all you can do. you'll feel like 'i never felt good ever' but you probably felt amazing that week at least once. well for me at least, but you experience so many mood swings that you cant keep track. i should really start a diary or some shit...