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injecting E

Ok... Now I've tried doin this and my experience with it brought me to the conclusion its a waste of time. I did it with a green fish, one from the batch last yr. Did pratically nothin to me. Then I heard of some other people had done it with red ferrari's. They said they got a huge rush, were shaking and had major eye wobbles, muscle spasms for about half hr. Its dangerous and done with the wrong pill can be fatal. It wastes the pill totally. On average affects last 5-30mins, or in some cases, like my experience, won't do anything at all except put crap in ur bloodstream. Keep the oral dropping up guys. 8)
It did nothing??? Did you test your pill first? Even something like a 25mg dose of MDMA IV'd would give you some feeling.
Its possible, i know someone who did that...
Start out with PURE MDMA, not pills!!!

He shot 1gram mdma in his system :/ coz he's an Amphetamine-junky with high tolarance ..
He couldn't get the instant smile from his face he said :D
They were smacky, dirty pills. They'd been tested by other ppl, had mdma in them but not sure of the content.
Pushed a gram of MDMA? What the fuck?!

That's like 7 pills worth . . . dude I took 7 caps months ago and I'm still fucked from it. . .


I had a friend who shot 120mg of molly (pure MDMA), he had moderate tolerance and he said he never had a rush like it gave him the best rush hes ever had with MDMA or any substance for that matter and hes shot 60mg of Oxy before.
Sky high

You would be surprised (or maybe not so surprised) at the tolerances of some amphetamine junkies out there....

The few times i did shoot mdma, i did 50-75mg. I have a high tolerance to mdma but I felt the rush anyway. I imagine shooting anymore than 120 mg being an incredibly stupid health hazzard...definitely not worth the high....