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injecting E


Dec 19, 1999
i wanna try injecting E.
has anyone ever done it? is it better than plugging (never tried)? does it last longer? is 1 pill too much?

btw, i'm taking an SSRI. would it be a factor?
Yes. Taking an SSRI will block the effects entirely. You're better off taking a week or two off from the SSRI and then snorting or plugging the E. From research I've done injecting E seems like a BAD idea. All kinds of filler and the high only lasts for 30 minutes or so,
but wouldn't injecting make the effect stronger? (and thus reducing the effects of the SSRI's)
MDMA is not the best chemical to inject.
For a start, you want to get PURE MDMA, not just dissolve a pill, there are a lot of other things in pills you might not want to bang into your blood stream.
It certainly won't last longer, infact it'll be much much shorter than just orally taking it. It'll be very strong, almost overpowering from what others have said and will last about 15 minutes.

Banging MDMA on an SSRI isn't worth it, even if it does somehow overpower the SSRI (if thats at all possible), you'd be better off stopping the SSRI then waiting a few weeks and taking it orally.


A trip report on IV'ing MDMA. I think the main quote would be :

"It's almost as if the drug is saying, "You want a fuckin rush, here you go, but you're not going to enjoy it"."
shiva said:
but wouldn't injecting make the effect stronger? (and thus reducing the effects of the SSRI's)

No matter how hard you wanna slam E, it just wont enter the neuron silly. You can shoot a pound of mdma up the mainline and you wont roll on the SSRI.

Ive attempted rolling on SSRIs twice and never felt a thing. I waited 3 weeks off the med and finally got someoOoomph
thanks guys.
i got my hopes up. even had a dream about rolling... stupid SSRIs. :|
PassMeTheVicks said:
No matter how hard you wanna slam E, it just wont enter the neuron silly. You can shoot a pound of mdma up the mainline and you wont roll on the SSRI.

Ive attempted rolling on SSRIs twice and never felt a thing. I waited 3 weeks off the med and finally got someoOoomph

Er. that was horrible misinformation.... SSRI's weaken a normal dose of oral MDMA.. INjecting is gonna increase bioavailabilty..... So trying to inject a dose to override the SSRI is just asking for serotonin syundrome, and maybe death!!! Do not do this!
i'd really like to try bangin mdma; unfortunately (or fortunately, perhaps) i havent been able to score any thats pure enough that i would inject it.

if i ever get some pure mdma, i'll let you know the results ;)
The SSRI question has been answered. But as for IV'ing E I used to do it regularly but do it no longer. It is extremely taxing on your body, you feel the effects immediately and they leave quicker than when taken orally. Most pills won't mix up and suck up into the fit and the stuff that does suck up is usually around 30-40% of the pill. Having IV'd E about 50 times id say their much better and safer taking orally. Plus the rush isn't as enjoyable as Meth or coke. Thus, probably why its not a regular practice among users.
I second what twominds said above. Even though I have only done it a few times, mdma really is best orally.

But if you have access to good quality molly, trying it once is not a bad thing, provided you follow all safety procedures for injecting anything.
I would rather take more pills than injecting pure mdma directly into my blood stream. Seems pretty dangerous to me. Seems dangerous 8(
Injecting pure MDMA is fine and gives an intense peak. Injecting pills feels a bit funny and isn't a good idea. If you feel you absolutely must try injecting MDMA and can only get pills make sure you at least test the pills for MDMA and try eating 1 as well just to make sure. Injecting a bung pill could go horribly wrong.
I don't know if its allowed to be asked but is there a method to remove MDMA from pills? Can you dissolve it in something or whatever?
If giving the method isn't allowed can somone who knows just say yes or no please :)

/edit and I'm not referring to GS.
you could probably do an acid/base extraction, if you have any experience with organic chemistry. freebase mdma is an oil, so it should be rather easy to seperate from the binders/fillers in the pill.

if you have no idea on how an a/b extract is done, i'm sure the information is somewhere on erowid (try looking in the dmt or chemistry sections), and you could use pihkal as a reference for the conversion from mdma freebase to mdma hcl.

i think its too much effort, really. i remember once i tried using various solvents i just happened to have lying around the house {acetone (cuz my mom likes having undiluted nail polish remover around) isopropyl alcohol (c'mon who doesnt have any of that in their medicine cabinent), and ethyl alcohol (everclear or vodka, but vodka has too much water to be really useful...)} to wash out all the unwanted garbage, but i didnt have any activated charcoal (to remove colors and other impurities, and i was too lazy to go to the pet store to pick some up) and i didnt have a proper solvent for recrystalization, so it didnt really work too well...
Fair enough. 3 hours in my 6th forms Chemistry lab and I could do it without too mch trouble. I've had expereience synthesising organic liquids and purifying them before but with proper lab equipment. Was all legal obviously, school doesn't let you make Meth usually :p
I'm not sure if Effexor is classified under an SSRI for it potentiates seretonin, norepepherine, and doapamine (low levels on dopamine), but all-in-all it does effect seretonin. I have been prescribed this drug for the last six months and roll just fine, to say the least. I ROLL BALLS. So either I just am getting top quaility shit or this whole seretonin reuptake/MDxx combination thing is not true. I have rolled hard on Paxil as well.

Injecting X sounds stupid, just rail the X.
pft, please. injecting is SO much better than snorting. snorting drugs provides such a shitty high. oral and plugging are FAR better; the verdict is still out there for injecting though... so far its just rated "weird" by me. i think my next try will be with some methylone, IM, but i think i like oral and plugging a lot better than injecting, but its still better than snorting (IM injection, of course; IV is a whole other story). would hit just as quick and more intense, plus you wouldnt have to cry about how its burning your poor nose... ;)

note- dont inject pills! if you're going to choose this method of administration, use only the purest sample.
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Do a search for PhreeX's experience with this. I would do it for you, but I'm lazy. It will have all the info you need to convince yourself not to do it.