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Indian Warrior.. I tried it...Has anyone else?? What is this stuff?!?


Mar 3, 2014
So I just tried smoking and vaping Indian Warrior (Pedicularis Densiflora) for the first time.

It is supposedly in the Broomrape family according to Wikiepdia.

I have to honestly say that I am impressed and I am including it in the Psychedelic forum because for me it had effects somewhat like weed though milder.

The buds are BEAUTIFUL...they look like purple weed...and they smell like raspberries and taste GREAT.

Though the high doesn't last long and is milder than weed....for the first half hour after smoking I could have SWORN that this has THC in it.

Honestly, I am STILL not sure it doesn't.

It's wearing off now, but when it first hits you it feels almost EXACLTY like an indica strain of weed to me...the mental effects of weed without any of the anxiety.

I just kept thinking over and over again that someone had done something to some weed and tried to pass it off as "Indian Warrior" and sell it from the vendor I bought it from (I'm not sourcing).

I'm just impressed.

I mean, I have tried Klip Dagga, Mugwort, and a few other herbs trying to find a high like weed and they all failed completely.

But this stuff WORKS.

It won't knock you on your ass, but it's very tranquil.

Has anyone else tried this??

It tasted SO much like weed!!

I really felt like someone was pulling a fast one on me...I'm still not sure that this isn't some cannabis analog that was tampered with and passed off ass weed.

It feels like it's probably a harmless herb to experiment with, and I also combined it with nitrous which seemed to synergize well.

I want to make sure I don't overdo it as I still don't really know what is in this stuff and I take an SSRI and a benzo but so far it seems like it shouldn't have any counterindications.

I will soon be experimenting mixing it with Kratom + Nitrous and Alcohol + nitrous on seperate occassions.
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i'm interested in this having had to stop smoking weed and only being able to do strange RCs bc of work....miss my everyday drug
I just ordered some after being inspired by your thread. :) So I'll report back.
I just ordered some after being inspired by your thread. :) So I'll report back.

Now keep in mind a couple things:

1) it's not really strong...but it seems to work

2) I might be overly enthusiastic cause I haven't smoked weed in 9 months and I expected this stuff not to work so some of it could be placebo because as we all know the placebo effect can be VERY strong.

But it certainly seemed to give me a very peaceful feeling.

I'll know after trying it again if it's partially placebo and really how much it does, but I'm interested in knowing what you think.

I hope I don't try it again and find myself disapointed and think I over exaggerated...but it still did SOMETHING.

It might possibly be synergizing with the meds I'm on also (Klonopin and Prozac) but I really don't have any way of knowing as it seems no one knows anything about this stuff.
There are a number of long-time PD people who say it's great, so you just provided the final push. :)
I'm also wondering, does anyone think it's possible that this stuff could have been sprayed with some type of cannbinoid or cannabis analog and legally sold through a MAJOR vendor (we are talking about a BIG online company that sells all sorts of items)??

It doesn't seem like someone could get away with that does it??

But I just kept thinking to myself "someone managed to do something to some weed to make it smell different and sell it under a different name" haha.....

I DO know that is one of the main ingredients in some herbal spice blends along with other things like Dwarf Skullcap, Siberian Motherwort, Wild Dagga, and many others so it clearly has some activity on it's own.

I am curious as to where the origin of the name comes from (Wiki says Native American tribes used it but I'd like more info) and whether or not serious studies have been done on it.

It is supposedly a mild muscle relaxant which I felt to be true.

I may just have to make my own blend...
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sounds pretty sweet, never heard of it before this thread, you'd think most definitely psychoactive herbs would be somewhat widely known by now. I really think 'craft' smoking blends could be a thing in the future.
I'm surprised I haven't heard about this sooner? Where I live there are so many hippies smoking raspberry leaf, mugwort, ect. This sounds nice though. May I ask if you acquired it fresh or pre-dried?
I'd like to hear more reports and a comparison with say damiana..
I'm surprised I haven't heard about this sooner? Where I live there are so many hippies smoking raspberry leaf, mugwort, ect. This sounds nice though. May I ask if you acquired it fresh or pre-dried?

They were buds, not sure if they were dried.

But now I feel like I am getting you guys too excited cause I only did it once for the first time yesterday and I may be overly enthusiastic.

Keep in mind it's NOT that strong.

Also, some people don't realize that placebo ITSELF can make you trip or have a SERIOUS drug experience.

The brain works i weird ways and I was smoking it out of a bowl I smoke weed out of (no real resin in it though so no THC) and in the exact set and setting I smoke weed in, and these could have had VERY real mental effects making me think that this stuff was more like weed than it is.

It is entirely possible that I will try this again and realize that I TOTALLY over exaggerated...but my experience yesterday I wasn't expecting it to do much if anything and all of the sudden I started feeling pretty high and being SURE I was on weed and that someone had snuck some weed through the mail after tampering with it.

Tommorrow I am going to combine it with Kratom probably, and also some nitrous most likely again, and I have a feeling that that combo should be nice...but it will also probably obscure my knowledge of how this stuff works INDEPENDENTLY.

Also...remember I am on Klonopin and Prozac, and this is supposed to be a "mild muscle relaxant" and for all I know there was some amazing drug synergy giving me effects others would not get who aren't on these drugs....but I kind of tend to doubt it.

I can't compare it with Damiana cause I've never done that.

Is Damiana safe to mix with an SSRI???

I have some but I have been very reluctant to try it cause I thought it could cause problems with my SSRI......

I gave a trip report though in the trip reports section.

Don't get too excited guys...I might just be totally exaggerating....

But I will try it again tomorrow with some Kratom and probably next week by itself again and report back and see if I get the same effects again.

One thing for sure is it's a VERY tasty and nice smelling herb that isn't harsh on the lungs and even if it did NOTHING in terms of effects I'd include it smoking mixtures as it's one of the most pleasant tasting herbs I've ever smoked.
Is Damiana safe to mix with an SSRI???

I have some but I have been very reluctant to try it cause I thought it could cause problems with my SSRI......

Maybe not, damiana seems to have mild MAOI action. So better to skip it, even if that is overcautious.
Damiana really enhanced cannabis for me years ago when I took it occasionally, made everything very warm and orange-glowing reminiscent of what 2C-I does to me. It was one of the few herbs I take / took seriously, that is why I mentioned it.
But now I feel like I am getting you guys too excited cause I only did it once for the first time yesterday and I may be overly enthusiastic.
I just need it to make a smoking blend with some cannabinoids ;)
have you experimented any further?
I just need it to make a smoking blend with some cannabinoids ;)
have you experimented any further?

Yes, I added another trip report to the same thread in the trip reports section.

I still do think it is a very mild but nice high that isn't just placebo and I think it would probably be Really good and tasty with weed and look forward to trying that combo.

I tried it mixed with chamomile in a vaporizer which was nice and then yesterday I tried it on Kratom but I didn't feel like they synergized all that well even though it was still nice because Kratom stimulates my mind and makes me think a lot even though it also relaxes me, but Indian Warrior seems to suppress most thoughts and make me just kind of want to stare off into the distance peacefully and not really think much...so they seemed to work at cross purposes, also because the Indian Warrior makes you a little bit tired, but I will definitely try the combination again.

But the best results I had with it were actually smoking it while drunk. I was still on Kratom but some of it had worn off and I had several shots of vodka and a glass of red wine and then smoked a bowl of Indian Warrior and it was REALLY nice.

It really just reminded me so much of how I like to get drunk and then afterwards smoke a bowl of weed...provided a similar "night cap" and a somewhat slightly similar synergy it seemed. I then followed it up with nitrous again...which definitely got me pretty messed up haha.....

So yeah...my opinion so far is that it's mild, but certainly still more potent than I would have expected, and that it does get me kind of high for about 60-90 mins after smoking.

My first sign that it wasn't "just in my head" the next time I smoked was that after I finished I partially closed a window on my hand (not enough for it to hurt thankfully) which I'd NEVER have done otherwise.

It certainly makes you a bit sleepy and sedated, which makes sense cause supposedly Native Americans used it for insomnia as well as muscle relaxation, and simply for a tranquil experience.

I'm interested to know how it mixes with any number of things like: weed, shrooms, Salvia and stronger psychedelics.
I ordered some of this on the 20th and just found out they shipped it 3 days later. :p And for some reason I decided to save $2 and not choose priority shipping, so at this point I hope it arrives before I head out of town for 2 weeks. I ran out of weed a few days ago too so I was hoping to have this sooner. Oh well.
So it came today, and it's definitely not placebo... I smoked one little chunk of it that filled my medium sized chillum like a quarter of the way, it was 3 hits, and I feel... relaxed, with a light, pleasant full-body buzz. Mental faculties are not impaired, but I feel quite nice. It's subtle to be sure, but I notice it constantly and am enjoying it. There is a distinctive physical buzz. My mood is slightly elevated, though I was happy to begin with, but I'm not sure if it's because I have a nice physical feeling or because this stuff also elevates mood.

EDIT: It really feels quite weed-like, like I took a small hit of weed that's a bit different. Minus any sort of head trip at all. All in the physical.
So it came today, and it's definitely not placebo... I smoked one little chunk of it that filled my medium sized chillum like a quarter of the way, it was 3 hits, and I feel... relaxed, with a light, pleasant full-body buzz. Mental faculties are not impaired, but I feel quite nice. It's subtle to be sure, but I notice it constantly and am enjoying it. There is a distinctive physical buzz. My mood is slightly elevated, though I was happy to begin with, but I'm not sure if it's because I have a nice physical feeling or because this stuff also elevates mood.

EDIT: It really feels quite weed-like, like I took a small hit of weed that's a bit different. Minus any sort of head trip at all. All in the physical.

Wow, that's SO fucking cool that you had the EXACT same effects as me!!

Glad I'm not crazy.

Aren't you kind of surprised it's been around this long without anyone realizing that it's a nice but mild cannabis alternative??

It's the ONLY legal herb I've tried that has been a nice mild alternative...I tried vaping some Klip Dagga powder and it did NOTHING (maybe cause it's powder??) Mugwort, maybe a few other things, none worked.

I really look forward to seeing how it is mixed with weed, though I might not get to try that combo soon, and I wish I could mix it with shrooms as well.

Is your stuff purple buds and do they smell and taste like raspberries?

I wonder if anyone can run tests on it to see what is in it?

Do you know how to run chemical tests on a plant like this?
Yeah it's purple buds, they're super bone dry and a bit leafy, they smell nice and taste nice for non-weed smoke but not like raspberries. You're right, it feels very much like an indica strain right at first, I was pretty surprised. I'm smoking it for the second time right now, just got off work (I smoked it while I was working on a really tedious project the first time, which was nice, stress relieving without any cognitive impairment). I bet it would mix nice with weed, either that, or it would get totally swallowed up by weed's stronger and similar effects.

No I don't know how to run chemical tests on things... not one of my areas of expertise.