I'm so confused, and obviously pathetic, I need help, please...


Jan 18, 2000
This is very long, but I'm spilling my guts. I never talk to anyone about any of my problems, ever. I always read this board, but have never posted to it. This is a first for me (in terms of letting it all out), and the anonimity of this bulletin board will help me let it out. Bare with me, I need help.
There is nothing physically wrong with me. Mentally might be a different story. I'm social, nice, good build, good sense of humor, normal guy I hope. I am very shy though when it comes to girls. I have a situation that I could not talk about with anyone I know, being that I am beyond embarrassed to ask, so being at my wits end, I am coming to you for help.
I'm a smart guy, mature, good all american guy. When it comes to women/sex though, I am as clueless as a toddler. A culmination of the way I was raised, different situations growing up, and the low self esteem and shyness I've grown up with have left me without anybody. I'm not looking for pity, I have enough of that for myself, I'm just letting you in on my background. I'm a full blown virgin (very hard for me to say, cause Im humiliated by it), have barely messed around ever with the opposite sex, and am completely ashamed of it. I'm sure some of you would say I shouldn't be, and others would say I'm a loser...I'm with them.
Trust me when I say this; I'm no freak, not weird looking (great build actually), not weird acting. I have a lot of friends, know a lot of girls, I'm not a recluse. I never talk about my sexual life (being that I don't have one), so nobody really knows how pathetic I am, and I don't want them to know.
Here is my situation: I have been using the internet for years, always talking to people. I talk to girls online the way I wish I can talk to them in real life, and that leads to me knowing many girls online, many who always want to meet. Now I use to make fun of friends who would meet people from the internet (back many years ago, not lately), so I never considered actually ever meeting someone.
In a few weeks I am going on a trip, and happen to be going to a city where a girl I talk to lives. (Been talking for a long time now) Now she wants to meet up, and I know exactly what she wants and what could end up happening. I do like her a lot, but its the internet, and I've always had a bias towards it, and never wanted to meet someone let alone sleep with them.
More background: I have had many past 'offers' of girls wanting to sleep with me, but I was never attracted to them enough and always thought I wanted my first time to be special. Now please understand, I'm not bragging, got nothing to brag about, and have tried to keep a high level of morals. In these situations, half the time I think I'm too shy, the other half I feel I'm holding up my ethics, I don't know which it is anymore. I'm losing my faith and want to sleep with this girl, who I like, but definitely don't know well enough (being that I thought my first time should be with somebody I've met before that day).
Again, I'm just spilling out thoughts from my brain, not organizing them, but typing as I go, being that its a lot to get off my chest.
My other problem is that she is almost 4-5 years younger then me, yet she is sexually more mature...way more mature then me, but who isn't.
Yes, this is pathetic.
I don't know how many of you out there can relate to how lonely I am and how bad I always feel. Even though I have tons of friends, I seem always to be by myself. I can talk to girls, but if the situation turns towards something more emotional, I can't handle it, cause I never have. I'm sick of how things are, and I want to be with someone, but I don't want to be too hasty. Of course I'm in my early 20's, so obviously I've taken my sweet ass time. I don't know what to do anymore. I have nightmares about being alone the rest of my life. I haven't enjoyed life in years, I feel like I wasted my youth. I'm going through a midlife crisis already, watching everyone else having fun, sharing, being with others, while I have this souless computer to keep me company.
Another reason I want to be with someone is for when I finally meet that person I really like, maybe love, I want to be able to satisfy them. What experienced girl wants to have sex like they are giving instructions. In my mind I think I would do a great job, and would go all night until she was totally pleased, but how the hell would I know if I'm good, I can't know.
Once again my low self esteem gets in the way, making me feel inadequate at something I haven't even tried yet. Of course that is good for the girl, being that I would be happy until she is. I think about it a lot, obviously, and pleasing her is way above my own needs. Probably because I'd be so damn grateful someone could love me the way I lvoe them...but I don't know, not yet.
A big reason its hard for me to get involved is my fear of rejection. I am terrified of it, so I never tried in the first place, and now I feel like its too late in life.
I realize I repeated myself a couple of times, maybe because those ideas bothered me the most... I would love to talk to a close friend in real life about this, but once again, I don't have the courage to say anything, cause maybe I'd just get laughed at, and probably break down in tears, and I'm too scared to cry... cause I'm a guy of course, a strong normal guy.
I can't believe I said all that. So what do you people think, about the trip I'm taking, about my life, whatever. I think I will feel better once I do it, get some confidence, and have a very good sex life. I also think I might regret it, feel that I waited this long (for whatever reason it was, shy or morals or fear) and then fucked it up with this stupid decision, and with someone met over the internet...someone I never met til that day...but do like.
Some might say "Hey, thats the way society is going, and meeting people over the internet is nothing weird." Take into consideration my whole situation, my whole damn life.
And maybe some of you ladies can give me insight on how you would feel if this was your boyfriend, if he had lost his virginity this way, at this age, or if he was still a virgin, at this age.
Thanks for listening. I'm so depressed.
[This message has been edited by ~~Confusion~~ (edited 19 January 2000).]
Hey there Confusion,
I want to start off by saying, I pretty much know exactly how your feeling. I'm in a similar situation when it come to guys. Like you, self-esteem issues and my upbringing have played a huge part in the lack of a "normal" romantic/sex life for me. Any time I like someone, and I get the feeling that they too might have some feelings towards me, I back off because of the fear of my inexperience.
So really, I don't know if I'm really the one to be giving you advice, but, I just wanted you to know that your not pathetic, your definaley not a loser or anything like that. Everything happens in due time, worrying about it won't change the situation. Let things happen naturally.
I say, if you want to meet this girl from the net, then meet her, and when you do, let things happen naturally. If something doesn't feel right, then don't do it.
I know how hard it can be to push your fears and insecurities aside, but believe me, when you can finally overcome tthem, it's the best feeling.
Anyway, I'm not sure if this has helped any, but I wanted you to know your not alone.
Love Chania
Well, I dont really know what I can say that will help you get laid, but I can try. First of all, I am in no way a pimp, mack-daddy, or any related terms. I can say this, I definitely commend you for you being a virgin and denying girls for your reasons. There is absolutely nothing wrong w/ being a virgin. You should be proud of yourself, w/ all the male sluts we have today that r proud they have been laid by 100 different girls, and little do they know one of those unprotected encounters gave them HIV. You just need to find the 'right' virgin episode. It doesnt matter if its only a 4-5 yr diff in age, that aint that much. Just be sure she is legal and its consensual (I dont think you would force it anyway...LOL). Dont be afraid of rejection, it only hurts for a nanosecond, well maybe a lil bit longer than that. If you do get rejected, DO NOT dwell on it, its not good to dwell, dwelling is Baaaaaaad! If shes cool and you dig her style get down with her. I wouldnt say the internet is a good way of meeting people cuz of expectations. If you dont have expectations then dont worry about it.
Well, even tho I have only had 3 different women, I have had sex like a lot of times. Nothing I like more than a 5 or 6 hour early morning Sunday session with the one I am loving. I would like to say that I definitely know how to please a woman. Even tho I dont have the biggest willy, I still know how to hit the cervix. It dont matter about size anyway, you just have to know what to do with it. I'm not gonna get all graphic, except about the most important part and that is ***ORAL SEX***.
Ahhhh yes, cunnilingus is a wonderous and blissful thing. Most women will tell you the same thing I'm sure...LOL...
. When I know I will be with a girl I will kiss and kiss and kiss some more. Dont be afraid to get really sloppy either. When you do start kissing her just see how far u can take it, you dont have to stay in her mouth. Kiss her neck (absolutely, positively NO HICKEES (sp?) cuz thats tacky, unless she asks for it), give her a little nibble on her ear, and if she likes that, try giving a little bit of tongue action too (please, make sure her ears are clean b4 you do this). Ear kissing can be sooooo sensual, it gets my whole body tingling. While your kissing her start to take off YOUR clothes, this way she cant say "hey, stop that!". If she stops kissing abruptly, and just looks at you taking off your shirt, this is a *no* sign, put back on your clothes. If not keep going. When you or her takes off her top start giving her the peck and suckle kissing her on her neck again and move down to her boobs, slowly. Give her nipples some love, suck and kiss, gently. But dont give one more than the other, might make the other one jealous....LOL. Start moving on down to her midsection and kiss her belly button, this is also an erogenous zone for a lot of women. After the pants are off its time for the *dirty* work, I mean that in the best way possible. DO NOT TOUCH WITH YOUR HANDS, YET. Kiss her vagina and clitoris (clitoris's can be elusive, it is hidden under the "hood" at the top just below the hairline) very lightly at first, this will sensitize the whole area...almost not even touching her skin. Breath, dont blow yet, on the whole area while lightly kissing her. Continue this for about 5-10 minutes, it'll drive her mad, no matter what, if shes says dive in, dont! If she says your no good at it, tell her to be patient, and that you know what your doing. Now spread her lips apart as gently as possible and work the tongue up and down her pink love crevace. Uncover her clit and blow gently and tongue it a bit, and she will tell you "right there, right there". Once she has her first orgasm you can start to go to town on her. Start goin nuts on that shit, like you're in a pie eating contest and the winner walks away with 1,000,000 dollars. Also, while you work on the clit give her two fingers where it counts, fast and hard, if she likes it that way. You have to use your best judgement. I have to go now, sorry I couldnt finish. But i hope you get the idea. GOOD LUCK!!!

Listen guys, this is a G rated board. It was funny in the oral sex roll call but this is a little out of hand. 14 year olds read this.
I don't think confusion was asking for such graphic detail.
Please tone down your posts a little.
miss apple
[This message has been edited by miss apple (edited 19 January 2000).]
Hey Confusion!
Simplify, simplify, simplify. You've got so many "ethics" and rules about the way things should be of course you're confused. First off, congratulations for speaking your truth. Actually feels pretty good doesn't it? So, you broke one of your rules: "I never talk to anyone about any of my problems, ever". Has the world come crashing down? Or maybe you just dropped one of those hammers you keep hitting yourself in the head with. I'm not going to sit here and presume to name each one of those hammers, thats your job. Every time you find yourself saying no to anything, stop and think, why are you saying no? Is it because of a belief YOU have, that comes from YOUR careful consideration; or is it something society (parents, friends, TV, teachers, etc.) has handed you and you've accepted it unquestioningly? THINK! Why are internet relationships "bad"? Who told you that? Ann Landers? I'm not being a smartass here, people really believe what she says. Why? Because its easier than thinking for yourself. You do not have issues with women, you have issues with yourself. There is no such thing as "women", and problems arise when you start treating individuals who happen to be female as representative of a larger group. Ok, I'm starting to do what I said I wouldn't so look -
Keep talking! You've probably never been more attractive than when you wrote this post - the truth is beautiful!
Start saying YES to life - question every rule and belief you have.
Love yourself!!! You are not pathetic or bad, and you're the only one thinking that you are. Drop those hammers!
I realize this is really broad, but I think it can be a starting place. Keep speaking your truth, you'll be amazed to find that you're not alone at all.
Love and Peace,
Guru Daddy
wow, I just read over what I said... I really broke down bigtime, but thats fine.
Let me go into my situation a tad deeper, if possible. This girl I am going to meet, she practically knows everything I said here. I guess when I said nobody knows, I was once again excluding someone I met on the Internet. I dont understand my bias with it, but I've had one, for almost 6 years now. I have a hard time dealing with the fact that the only person I ever opened up to is someone I never met. I guess I am once again doing that.
So she knows. She knows it all. She is the only one I could ever tell. I'm sure because I figured I would never see her, and I needed to get this off my chest awhile back, I let loose. And guess what...she reacted unlike I thought. Caring, helpful, understanding... so I continued to talk to her. Online. On the phone.
So now I will get to see her. Here are my 2 concerns:
1. If we end up doing anything, I will probably fall head over heels for her. Become obsessed with her (not in a bad way, just want to be with her). Hell, the few times I've made out with a girl I practically want to buy them the world, but end up not saying much because I'm afraid of seeming like a creep. Then, after 1 night, the best night of my life, I never see her again.
2. I don't do anything, I regret it because I definitely want to.
Which pain is worse, the pain of regret, or the pain of a lost love?
I'm sure I can balance things out, do some things while not others, but that could lead to regret as well.
So I'm still in the same position. I thank you for understanding and giving me advice, but I want some more. So flood away, I need some answers pretty quickly, cause I got some decisions to make. Everybody needs to give their 2 cents

P.S. I'm still depressed, but I have a little hope now.
[This message has been edited by ~~Confusion~~ (edited 19 January 2000).]
I was the same way starting out. My friends in High School, gave me so much shit. I didn't know anything. Some people just start slow. Maybe thats not such a bad thing. With all the STDs out there you can never be too careful. I didn't think I'd ever lose my virginity, and I was voted best looking guy, and sweetest guy in my yearbook. I finally settled. Big mistake. I wish I would have waited for a quality girl, not an easy one. I have dropped my dick on the roulette wheel of death, I don't know how many times. I've been very lucky I never caught anything. Just wait. You have your whole life to get laid. Sex is great, but its not everything. I think you'd be better off just making friends now, anyway. Lays come and go. No pun intended. Good friends are always there.
If your just horney, get a good porno, and call Rosey Palms. It got me thru HS.
Don't worry about starting late. My best friend Kevin started when he was 25 or 26. He has been with hundreds, and I mean hundreds, of some of the most beautiful girls in the world. I don't mean lay as many as he has, but you can always make up for lost time. I'm lucky I found a beautiful GF that keeps me well satisfied. I have a hard time keeping up with her. Thank god you can buy Viagra on the net.
It also to me 28 years to find her, so just be patient.
You can't always get what you want...but if you try somtimes, you just might find, you'll get what you need
This has nothing to do with getting laid, just having sex. Sure I've thought about it, all through JHS, HS, etc., but now its something much more important than that. I feel like the biggest pansy saying any of this, but it has more to do with love. I grew up in a family where I never EVER talked about feelings, love, emotions. No one really showed it, so now I don't know how to either. Sure, my parents might say I love you on the phone, but thats the extent. I have trouble saying it back to them, but I say it so they won't tell me I don't care about anyone and then ignore me for another month or so.
So, I never loved, and no one has ever loved me, blah blah blah. Am I looking to be accepted, cared for...yes. Its nearly impossible for me to believe anybody could care for me, enough to love me. I would easily give my life for a girl I loved, I just can't see anyone feeling that way about me.
I'm too insecure.
So anyway...I'm worried of falling in love, and then never seeing her again. I'm worried she won't like me the same way I like her. I worry. So my old response to that would be "well then, don't even bother trying", and then I wouldn't. But now things are changing, I want to be with somebody, fill in that gap in my life, in my heart.
Well, I sound like such a wuss I'm going to go beat the shit out of myself.
Extra background: Physically, I am in super shape. All the girls call me cutie, so I guess I'm cute...no Brad Pitt, but cute. Mentally, I am a fucking mess. I thought about needing to see a psychiatrist, but there is no chance in hell I could afford one, would tell my parents I needed to, or would be able to open up to her/him. Ever see Analyze This where he flips out sometimes, watching tv or just being out. I am a wreck like that, I'm on the brink of not being able to handle it anymore.
[This message has been edited by ~~Confusion~~ (edited 19 January 2000).]
hey confusion
my saying that it is a major turn on to me when i know a guy dosent sleep around or is a virgin im sure will ring true to your ears but i swear it is. i admire that sooo much in a person and actually have a few friends who still are(between 20 and 25)i think there are many more virgins then you think there are....and it is a admirable thing
i have had self esteem issues most of my life when i have had no reason too and it sounds like you are making your self worth based on a false image just as i did.....
have you ever thought that when you talk to that girl on the ocmputer that is who you are? that you are not the shy uneasy person you are from day to day? maybe the net gives your wings the breeze needed to fly
i have found that my net buddies know me better then people who have known me for years and its because i can say exactly what i think. i have never met anyone romanticly over the net but call many bluelighters and others friends when i have met them i have never been let down in real life only impressed.
you said this girl knows everything and is still wanting to meet, you dosent that tell you something? she wont regect you for any reason you have named, she knows them.
why go there with the thoughts i have to make a descision...why dont you meet up in a public place and see where it goes, take it slow.
and personally i think its better to have loved and lost then never loved and i swear to you...regection paralizies me....i cant even call a guy i like even if he tells me to. unless i make my self and in the end im usually pleased with the outcome.
i agree with guru completely drop the hammers you beat yourself with or youll never get anywhere. ive read alot of his posts and he never ceases to amaze me (espically the one when he answered my spilled guts) but the man is amazing.
hon you have nothing to lose and everything to gain so make yourslef move, listen to your gut and move foward..if it says meet her then do so.
i dont know if you believe in a higher being but if so pray it helps.
and about giving a girl the world id say we all get giddy in love and i wont tell you to be careful because i have the feeling you are way careful but look like it as a new toy when you 1st get it you always wanna play but if you do you will maybe break it. try to excersise impulse control (this is my bad spot i fall way too hard too fast so if you do so share the wealth on how)
good luck and read my sig. line its rather fitting and true.
~special k~
"you will remain the same till the pain of staying that way is greater then the pain of change"
Hey Special K!
Aside from the praise for me (ahem, not that I mind) you've really given sound, lovely advice here. You're figuring it out, aren't you? Keep growing baby!
Love and Peace,
Guru Daddy
tiger- I understand what you are saying, but in this case, its different. She is 1000's of miles away. I will meet her for 1 day, and after that, who knows when I will ever see her again, if ever. Its not like we can form a relationship from this. I'm too new to this to get into a relationship, let alone a long distance one, with someone I've only talked to and never met.
The main problem here is that I do want to sleep with her, but I don't know if its lust, love, or whatever. And I will only have 1 day to figure it out, 1 evening actually. I also feel if I do sleep with her, how will I handle not being able to again after that night. I was thinking I should save sex for when I'm in a relationship with someone who I see all the time, and we can be together whenever we want to.
So although I really want to, it will be a 1 shot deal, and I don't know how I will handle it after that. I might be happy with how it turns out, or I might be depressed and down that I lost my viginity that way, especially after waiting so damn long.
When I finally do have a gf and things are going to happen, I think she would rather hear that I saved myself for her instead of that I lost to a girl I met over the internet 1000 miles away. Any ladies reading this, how would you respond to your bf saying this, or saying he's still a virgin?
I'm up shits creek, and don't have much time to decide what to do. I'm sure it will come down to that moment when I make the decision, but hearing everyone else's experiences and ideas on it might help me make the right choice for me.
Thanks everyone.
[This message has been edited by ~~Confusion~~ (edited 19 January 2000).]
Hey Confusion.
First off, welcome to the Bluelight. You're in good company.
let me be the first (I didn't read any of the replies) to congratulate you. Being a virgin in this day and age is NOT something to be ashamed of. You also seemed to have done it for entirely the right reasons. Casual sex is no laughing matter... and I don't know about you but "sex" means alot more to me thank just pleasureing myself or someone else... it's an expression of the emotions that you have for someone.
This is no reason to be "ashamed" of yourself. If anything, you should be PROUD.
oh, and who cares if you are "normal" screw normal... hell, FUCK normal. Trying to live up to society's standards does nothing for you, or anyone else. You should be proud of who you are, and what you stand for. I know that it's easy to say, but... try being gay... there is SO much shit to deal with in life. I have been exactly where you are with the whole "gay" stigma on top of it.
As far as this little "trip" you are taking... Don't do it... not unless you realy care for her.
Sex is something that is hard-wired into each and every one of us. I don't think that you will have any problems in that department...
I think tht you are down on yourself for entirely silly reasons. You feel badly about yourself for things that you should be feeling PRIDE for. I'm reminded of Deep's recent post about decissions, and happyness.
I wish ya nothing but the best... and my e-mail adres is available (in the profile) if you want to talk to someone.
"Hold me,
Show me,
Need me,
cuz I want you to stay,
at least until,
Too much thinking. You have things planned out even before they happen.
Just go. Do it. Don't be afraid.
Don't worry about if this is the right girl. Because if it's not, maybe you guys will have so much fun anyway. Maybe you guys will be great friends. Maybe not. Who knows? But if you don't go see her, then what have you got?
The power of choice is alot stronger than people realize, I think.
You posted on this board, so I assume you've done drugs. What was it like for you the first time you did that? And how is it now?
You see, this trip I'm taking has nothing to do with her. She just happens to live nearby. So we are making plans to meet. However the night starts, I know how it will end up, so I'm thinking now what I will do when that situation comes.
Who out there regrets the way they lost their virginity, and why? Who doesn't and why?
OK, guys look. I was just trying to help this guy out. Miss Apple, I have no idea if your kidding or what. But, if your not, your post is still a f'in joke to me.....thats a moronic thing to say, with all of the non-G-rated stuff that goes on here. And how hypocritical is it for u to say its ok in another post, but my post crossed the line....*shakes head and chuckles* C'mon, wake the fuck up. This subject is DEAD as far as I am concerned.
And to anybody I may have offended, live with it. You dont live in Disney-f'in-world for christs sake!
Thestepper69- I appreciate what you said, its good advice. Hopefully I'll put some of it to good use if the occasion ever comes up, and hopefully throw in a couple of my own tricks. Not to sound crude, but if it does happen, I am not finishing until she is too sore to walk. This has been over 2 decades in the making, and I'm going to put on a brilliant performance.
I've thought about it PLENTY, trust me

Well, I feel a lot better about it then I did last night. I think I'll just let things happen naturally, and stop weighing all the pros and cons before I even see her.
Oh just fuck her.

No really, that may sound kinda harsh, but go for it! She knows the deal. Ya gotta start somewhere. Let her be the ice breaker so to speak. If you blow it (pre-ejac or something), so what, it was an internet fuck and you never have to see her again. Internet fucks are great for this kinda situation. I know I am a pig, but so what.
Whatever you do, don't "like" her. She probably doesn't "like" you and is probably just looking for a good time... or is desperate.
I never take advice from someone more fucked up then I am.
i'm more of a browser than a post-er, but i just had to respond to this one . . .
confused, i'm happy to see you've come to the conclusion you have . . . life is not meant to be spent second-guessing oneself. simply have confidence that whatever you choose to do, while it might not be the "right" choice (whatever that means), it will be a decision that you make with no regrets and one that you will even learn from. no would of's, could of's, should of's . . .
and to Thestepper69, please try to practice what you preach -- you obviously got offended by a very legitimate concern of miss apple's, or else you would not have responded so harshly. your comments were uncalled for, and if you've read any of miss apple's previous posts on other topics, you'll find, as i have, that she is far from "moronic."
confusion, there are some great suggestions here (although i have my reservations regarding dazzle's.. aheeem), but might i suggest two other things:
1) you are not going to find a healthy relationship until you start liking yourself and are able to sort out whatever emotional issues you are dealing with. i don't believe that chick "completed" tom cruise. no one can replace the missing element in you (got that from a bijork song). perhaps you have to find a comfort zone and a true happiness with yourself before you start thinking about finding a g-friend. i know because i'm going through the same thing. it's only been in the past 2 years or so (i'm 24) that i've found this incredible peace and confidence in myself. guys notice it in me and i'm more ready now than ever before to accept that they dig me. find how to glow on the inside and it will show in everything you think and do.
2)hint for getting that dewy look: e
nothing like a little ecky as therapy and a warm, lingering self-hug. have a couple of sessions with some pure shit and enjoy the way you is, honey.
bon chance and let us know how everything turns out-
I feel your pain, man...
Here's the way I see it. Think of this hypothetical situation (you having sex with this girl) beyond the immediate act. Do you think you'll regret this afterwards? Do you think you'll feel let down or disappointed?
Do you think it'll be worth it? Most importantly, do you think this girl is special enough that you want to give up your virginity--which you only truly have once--to her, and let that be that? Do you think she'll even know you exist in a year or so?
I think if you have any serious doubts about this, don't do it--they'll only cloud the experience, and maybe surface afterward ten times worse. Think of the consequences, and choose...wisely, I hope.
[This message has been edited by Belisarius (edited 20 January 2000).]