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I'm quitting methadone

You'll always be glad to have those conversations now.

Yeah your right. I can't believe she won't be here soon. I won't be able to call her when I need a little money. I won't be able to vent about my life. It's a little overwhelming watching her waste away. She can't eat enough to keep alive. They say it'll be months but I just dont think she's going to last that long. My granslather ruined her tramadold by trying to break them in half with a knife. They turned to powder. So I was on the phone with UAB all day trying to get them to call in a refill 2 weeks early. With the current narcotics environment that wasn't fun. But I got it done.

I feel restless from the dose drop. I am hoping I get a little warmth from my dose tomorrow because I'll wake up sick in the morning. I'm doing good rationing my kpin but the gabapentin will be gone in a few days. I ate 15 of them yesterday.
That is pretty awesome about the time you got to spend with your grandmother cj :) Sounds like you're doing well moving ahead with the methadone. I never noticed anything from my drops until a day or two after I'd made them, if then.
That is pretty awesome about the time you got to spend with your grandmother cj :) Sounds like you're doing well moving ahead with the methadone. I never noticed anything from my drops until a day or two after I'd made them, if then.

Yeah next time I drop I'm going to skip dosing the day before so I am really needing it. So far I have minor aches and a little cramping in my legs but no big deal.
Any chance you can try and increase your exercise a bit? I don't know if you have a dog, but like taking a dog on a walk or just walking somewhere for no reason is a good way to help with this kind of thing.
Yeah I need to get out and get some exercise anyway. Getting fat. It's scary how long this is going to take. Like I'm just ready to be off this shit. Being dependent on a drug that doesn't get you high sucks. I've also been taking remeron at night to help me sleep. I may end up taking it for awhile and see if it helps me. I hear it has nasty withdrawals though
I wouldn't say Remeron's withdrawal is something you need to be concerned about right now. If it helps significantly, it's probably worth it. I took it for maybe a month or two and didn't notice any difficulty getting off of it. It kinda helped with sleep, but it also gave me hardcore munchies and I gained some unwanted weight. Is your Seroquel not work well anymore?
I wouldn't say Remeron's withdrawal is something you need to be concerned about right now. If it helps significantly, it's probably worth it. I took it for maybe a month or two and didn't notice any difficulty getting off of it. It kinda helped with sleep, but it also gave me hardcore munchies and I gained some unwanted weight. Is your Seroquel not work well anymore?

I ran out of seroquel. I only have 20 Remeron so I'll be out of them soon. Then I have a couple months worth of serrtraline. I had a phych doc that threw every anti depressant in the book at me. Of course I never took any I just wanted the gabapentin and kpin.

I feel rough today. I just took a big dose of kpin to try and level me out. If I continue feeling like this I may have to go back up and wait longer.
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How often are you dropping? You know your body best, as to whether you need to take a week off or go back up a few mg.
I've dropped 20mg so far over the last 20 days. I dropped after 10 days this last time. I feel a bit better today so I am not going back up I am going to wait 20 days before my next 10 MG drop. I can only move in 10mg increments which makes this much harder.
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I've dropped 20mg so far over the last 20 days. I dropped after 10 daus this last time. I feel I bit better today so I am not going back up I am going to wait 20 days before my next 10 MG drop. I can only move in 10mg increments which makes this much harder.

damn, cj, that's hardcore. I'm sorry you're feeling bad. But you're doing fucking awesome.
Hey, I know this post is a tad old but I'd like to offer up some hope/insight. I have been, for the last 5.5 years a "pain management" patient. In short, I have an array of back issues that range from degenerative disc disease, 6 herniated discs ranging from 3mm all the way to 8.5 mm. Severe spinal stenosis, 2 occasions where my spine is being compressed. Lastly, I had a snowboarding accident and broke my tailbone, ended up with severe nerve damage resulting in terrible sciatica. I just turned 30 in April. For the last 5.5 years. I have been on 80-120mg oxycodone regimen. Not to mention 1mg of klonoin a day for anxiety for the last 3 years, and 1,400mg of soma a day for 5.5 years. Here is my story: I work in construction. Best job for me? No. But it pays the bills. I take a backpack with me every day to work, for lunch, drinks. Snacks etc. I was in hurry last Friday, and just tossed my meds in my bag. Low and behold, I left the room I was working in, and after lunch, my bag, was gone! So pissed. Filed a police report and called my
pain management office. My doc is of the office til Monday the 11th. They will not right me anything until he gets back. The physicians assistant won't do it as he is "new" and doesn't wanna jelordize his job. Which I can understand. But fuck me right? I had a few pills in my pill caddy on my keychain thank god. Stretched that over the weekend. Monday night.... I woke up at 3 am, skin burning, nauseous, runny nose, anxious as all hell. Etc I'm sure everyone knows the absolute hell. I remembere people talking about kratom and the great help it can be to help stave off WD. I gave it a shot. I went to my local headshop (yes a I know, not the best place but I needed it fast and I was desperate) and I bought some red maeng da. Tried it... and omg. Knocked off like 85% of the WD. Today is Friday and I feel completely normal and have my energy back, and was able to sleep a full 8 hours last night. I dosed 3g ever 5-6 hours, no more than 3x a day. It worked like a miracle for me. So two things: if you haven't given kratom a thought for coming down on your methadone use, I strongly suggest you give it a try. "Replacing 1 drug with another blah blah blah...." coming off kratom... a walk in the park compared to oxy, let alone methadone. Lastly.... today I see the light at the end of the tunnel. It was almost a work worth of hell until I found kratom, which held my hand all the way through. It can be done. I know people might say... use this as your way out, to get clean, to get sober. My back hurts sooo damn bad. 24/7. I could use some advice on that actually. I get a refill Tuesday the 13th. What do I do?? That's another topic I guess. I found the light at the end of the tunnel and it is gorgeous. I hope you find it too brother. It is worth all the pain and more. Gods speed. Stay strong.
Yeah I'm in withdrawal. I missed being able to go up today by 5 minutes because on Monday they stop dose changes at 915. Every other day is till closing time." So pissed off. Anyway the half lives finally caught up cuz I feel like shit. Ended up doing some uppers this weekend to try and take my mind off it. Worked until they ran out. I slept last night though and should be feeling normal but I'm having classic opiate withdrawal symptoms instead. So back to 160 and the realization I'll never get off going down 10mg at a time. I'm sure it's a business tactic on there end. Cause once you get to 100mg you can only go down by 5mg. Then when you get to 20 you can start going down by 1mg. It's the most arbitrary thing I've ever heard.

Plus I have loads of stress right now. I may be having a nervous breakdown. I just started feeling this way after the last drop. So I'll see if thats the problem tommorow. If not then I am truly and totally fucked cause i feel horrible. Restless anxiety filled and the stims should of worn off yesterday. I mean slept 8 hours last night and I've eaten twice today. The stress and clinic has totally broken me
That's super fucked-sounding. How would you feel about waiting a couple weeks before dropping?
Yeah I'm in withdrawal. I missed being able to go up today by 5 minutes because on Monday they stop dose changes at 915. Every other day is till closing time." So pissed off. Anyway the half lives finally caught up cuz I feel like shit. Ended up doing some uppers this weekend to try and take my mind off it. Worked until they ran out. I slept last night though and should be feeling normal but I'm having classic opiate withdrawal symptoms instead. So back to 160 and the realization I'll never get off going down 10mg at a time. I'm sure it's a business tactic on there end. Cause once you get to 100mg you can only go down by 5mg. Then when you get to 20 you can start going down by 1mg. It's the most arbitrary thing I've ever heard.

Plus I have loads of stress right now. I may be having a nervous breakdown. I just started feeling this way after the last drop. So I'll see if thats the problem tommorow. If not then I am truly and totally fucked cause i feel horrible. Restless anxiety filled and the stims should of worn off yesterday. I mean slept 8 hours last night and I've eaten twice today. The stress and clinic has totally broken me

The anxiety is probably because you're using uppers. What kind of uppers are you using?