I'm Lost and can't find my way.

thats tough man. it hits pretty hard when someone you know dies. you should get as much support as you can dont push people away from you. there is grief counselling if you cant talk to your friends but you probably have someone you can talk to how your feeling about. i suggest you write your feelings out in a book. they have nice ones for not that expensive that can be helpful in how your feeling. just be careful dont let your emotions build to the point where you snap and say fuck it cause then your gonna go on a binge and you could die so id say take note of how you feel and find a way to relax or do something enjoyable or go for a walk to distract yourself. even if you dont feel like doing anything you central nervous system still needs to be stimulated so do try to go for walks i dont know where you live but im sure that you could find some good places. all the best
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yellodolphin, I totally appreciate that you meant well with that last suggestion but we don't really allow comments like that in The Dark Side, so I had to edit it out. No harm done though :)