• NMI Moderators: Snafu in the Void

Im in prison HMP HI eveyone

Welcome <3

I'm also in a prison (of the mind). I can't stand pregabalin, but tell them it's for crippling neuropathic pain and write up a quick medical note as proof:

I hope you have someone outside who can advocate for you. It's amazing what a help it can be to have people just, well, writing short letters in soft pencil that use only one side of the paper. Little things, but a connection if you know what I mean.

I'm from Manchester and while my mate was in Forest Bank I visited but it turned out that Kirkham would be bus, train, train, bus, train and given I'm pretty disabled, not safe for me to visit - I might not have been able to get back!
Thank you all very much
I hope you have someone outside who can advocate for you. It's amazing what a help it can be to have people just, well, writing short letters in soft pencil that use only one side of the paper. Little things, but a connection if you know what I mean.

I'm from Manchester and while my mate was in Forest Bank I visited but it turned out that Kirkham would be bus, train, train, bus, train and given I'm pretty disabled, not safe for me to visit - I might not have been able to get back!
i have my mum and thats all 9 years shes been my rock
welcome mate, that will be kirkham open prison I take it?
I don't have whatsapp but what help do you need
Thank you i just need someone neutral whom i can ask for help without being judged and punished for my addiction i need a way to taper down of pregabalin i really didnt think i had a habbit but when i just went a few days without i was literally in withdrawal simialr to opiates feeling and i cant ask for help bcos they will ship me out to closed conditions again
Hey it won't last long mate, you said that you took it 4th day and taking it like 6 months in total?
that is not that long and I know that dosages were high and you are now in the most stresfull situation so
It will go away fast that will last just day or two and then you could be a little anhedonic but all other factors are psychosomatic and look
Life is a game and you play it now on hard level just imagine that and when you feel like crap even worse, then a bit worse like a torture, then it will only get better!

But then when it gets better and easier than the game stops and then you shape your character as a person who will not go the same path as last times as those patterns that led you here can be extracted especially now- try to think on them and just try to not repeat them

However cheesy this sounds it works!
Pregabalin is nothing just a bit flu and mindgame which will end!
That is a promise, else is on you
Be smart, stay smart and safe
Yeah It looks like the least prison-like prison!
Open type with daily jobs, education and sports like activities
Well that to me sound better than closed type mental institutions....but It is always
IN the eye of the beholder I guess so? Do tell...how long?, for what? How is it?
If you can't talk about those things while in there or as I saw this looks like the one where you can buy a phone ;-)
Hi im new to the site so hello people im an addict and serving a prison sentence at the moment ive joined the bluelight for help as if i ask for help in prison they will punish me for using PGs all the time
Hey mate, sorry to hear about your situation. There's some nice people here. Hopefully your keeping the head down in there doing your wack quiet and you've not much more time. I know what its like. Welcome.