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Cocaine Im cooking crack right now! First timer so help along the way would awesome!

I just turned 43. Started trying all the drugs at 18. Have used 100s of drugs, both illicit & pharmaceutical. Most recreational drugs I’ve only tried 1-3 times, but I’ve used MDMA, ketamine, meth, amphetamines, cocaine, various opiates & several benzos repeatedly. Stims, opiates & benzos I’ve been using regularly since 2007 for severe chronic pain (the stims much less often, just occasionally to counteract sedation). H + diazepam daily since 2010, excluding breaks to reduce tolerance, up to 3 months at a time. I’ve had ALL of the aforementioned drugs on hand for years without touching them & have been able to afford polydrug addiction for most of my life. I’ve suffered from a major depressive episode that lasted over a year, as well as more mild chronic situational depression due to my pain, & have OCD, though I’ve overcome the worst of that.

I don’t find any downers recreational (I especially dislike opiates) & I don’t enjoy being high on even my favourite drugs for very long, or too often. I’ve IVed at least a dozen different drugs including meth, coke & h. I don‘t fiend or redose when IVing, or really even when smoking rock. I have no problem waiting hours between hits, or days. I do have immense willpower, good discipline & I’m health-obsessed, but I think some of it is biological. I’m a super metaboliser & have an atypical Asperger’s brain. Though fundamentally, psychological addiction is wanting to be high frequently if not always, which sounds like a nightmare to me. I’d choose lifelong sobriety over lifelong intoxication, even if there were zero negative consequences.

If you can think of a test that would show I’m not immune, please share. And I don’t think there is any danger in acknowledging my reality because it hasn’t changed my fundamentally careful, health-conscious & usually methodical approach to drug use.
Alright... even on my old account I never went too deep or told anything about my own story, but here it might just help with some insight.

Just be careful big homie, I also have smoked both crack cocaine and meth, I have IV'd both once wondering why the fuck it wasn't working, having been with the smugglers (in the case of the coke not the meth) hours before it even hit our shores, being Australia Meth grows on trees here. I was with a girl and she had been an IV user up until this point I was not aware. So, apart from my own training there was an old associate of mine who happened to IV and have been a nurse, I count my self lucky feeling a rush of sickness and nothing to powerful, the smoked high genuinely felt more potent to me at the time and I preferred as fucking crazy as that may sound. Thankfully I haven't used uppers in years and the urges have and never do take me over even when a pile of coke is in the same room as me but id never count my self out of a offer of a good time on the rare occasion.

When I was using the cocaine and crack I found it incredibly social and managed to never manifest it further like most of those who did it with me at the time did or still do. As for meth I found it my go to aphrodisiac with a girl and thankfully never went into using it on my own and building these deeper addictions. My ROA (smoking a pipe for the meth and snorting and smoking for the coke and crack) Other than the 1 time IV each substance I never deviated much. I also felt un-addictable if you will but that's some bullshit, even if you never increase that use its warping your dopamine pathways enough that I can promise you, you almost certainly are not the person you'd be off it even if subtly. Now while no one could or did ever in hindsight know or even think I was touching these substances and my parents lived their lives on speed. The one and only real issue I still have is pervasive dreams mostly of smoking a pipe of either substance and fucking. I thankfully never fall to those cravings I never had to get rid of a dealer or do anything special to kick it but that occasional intrusive thought even if it isn't to reuse and it rarely if ever is still comes back reminding me just how great sex was on it. While not at all thankfully ruining it post as I didn't do it to often (most a few times a month at worse maybe a week for a short period).

I wish you the best and myself can sustain a doctor scripted pain management dosage of very powerful opiates and occasionally equally as powerful benzodiazepines, despite my decade plus of every day usage of something or another if not damn near close to it (Even though I'm 100% a downer person any day over any upper). I have come to terms with the few DOC I shall keep in my rotation and as to where the benefits out weight the negatives, and this be the opinion of multiple medical professionals and they are not dodgy doctors I must say. Such as weed and my pain medication, and even though I prefer downers to get me a high if it comes to it, id really fucking kill for good LSD or Mushrooms when its been to long since I can get them, but that's always more like a kid on Christmas thing than any other drug urge feels like. Point is all these years later I still have moments I remember from the pipe that I could see alluring most people back, not so much using it, that's more part of the invasion on the dream, (thank fuck its not enough to get me to ever seriously contemplate going back to it), and as good as some times can be on it, as much money as it may of made me, without them I'm in everyway better off and more successful objectively looking at both situations. Financially and most importantly mentally and I thank my fucking lucky stars I don't have to spend every day slaving to or running from an addiction knowing I could feel better than I do now because I have what iv spent a decade plus setting up and securing.

I understand everyone is different and not the same with drug reactions but you describe yourself as very similar to me, naturally very cheerful, optimistic, and able to push through some real shit almost unscathed and without reaction. The mental wealth you speak of is indeed far more important imo at least in the fight against forming addictions but it goes far deeper than that. That being said I wish you the best and hope you stay uninfluenced by dependence or any sort physical or psychological.
Shit I am really glad I missed out on crack and never got a proper hit. Altho surely IV is just as bad? Danced with that and im gunna be honest; not my thing at all! I don't have the balls to do enough to be satisfied because you know breathing is good, you can't feel if your missing, idk I prefer methylphenidate to be honest.

I think there was a study showing IV coke users couldn't tell the difference between coke and ritalin in a double blind at equipotent doses.

Now ritalin you shouldn't shoot cuz its full of some binder that is pretty damn harmful if I recall right; on the other hand you can guage an accurate dosage whereas cocaine at ? purity with ? cuts = ? results. YMMV. *edit* shooting ritalin continually will mess your circulatory system and i think lungs up so thats gotta be a once in a long while if ever thing....which it does not lend to being, at all.
Nah meth users don't live normal lives, here where I am most of them are homeless people that believe in aliens and shit, also I've compared both prescription amphetamine to prescription meth amphetamine (I was addicted to both rotating from one to the next) They are pretty comparable, I was just as nuts on either or, but meth had me in the mental hospital a bit quicker because it's more neurotoxic I guess, but either way they were pretty similar.
Its a different culture here. Methamphetamine is only really used in the gay scene, "chemsex" and some of those people are lawyers and shit. Its a weekend thing for them. Different culture if that makes sense, its not a street drug here.
Alright... even on my old account I never went too deep or told anything about my own story, but here it might just help with some insight.

Just be careful big homie, I also have smoked both crack cocaine and meth, I have IV'd both once wondering why the fuck it wasn't working, having been with the smugglers (in the case of the coke not the meth) hours before it even hit our shores, being Australia Meth grows on trees here. I was with a girl and she had been an IV user up until this point I was not aware. So, apart from my own training there was an old associate of mine who happened to IV and have been a nurse, I count my self lucky feeling a rush of sickness and nothing to powerful, the smoked high genuinely felt more potent to me at the time and I preferred as fucking crazy as that may sound. Thankfully I haven't used uppers in years and the urges have and never do take me over even when a pile of coke is in the same room as me but id never count my self out of a offer of a good time on the rare occasion.

When I was using the cocaine and crack I found it incredibly social and managed to never manifest it further like most of those who did it with me at the time did or still do. As for meth I found it my go to aphrodisiac with a girl and thankfully never went into using it on my own and building these deeper addictions. My ROA (smoking a pipe for the meth and snorting and smoking for the coke and crack) Other than the 1 time IV each substance I never deviated much. I also felt un-addictable if you will but that's some bullshit, even if you never increase that use its warping your dopamine pathways enough that I can promise you, you almost certainly are not the person you'd be off it even if subtly. Now while no one could or did ever in hindsight know or even think I was touching these substances and my parents lived their lives on speed. The one and only real issue I still have is pervasive dreams mostly of smoking a pipe of either substance and fucking. I thankfully never fall to those cravings I never had to get rid of a dealer or do anything special to kick it but that occasional intrusive thought even if it isn't to reuse and it rarely if ever is still comes back reminding me just how great sex was on it. While not at all thankfully ruining it post as I didn't do it to often (most a few times a month at worse maybe a week for a short period).

I wish you the best and myself can sustain a doctor scripted pain management dosage of very powerful opiates and occasionally equally as powerful benzodiazepines, despite my decade plus of every day usage of something or another if not damn near close to it (Even though I'm 100% a downer person any day over any upper). I have come to terms with the few DOC I shall keep in my rotation and as to where the benefits out weight the negatives, and this be the opinion of multiple medical professionals and they are not dodgy doctors I must say. Such as weed and my pain medication, and even though I prefer downers to get me a high if it comes to it, id really fucking kill for good LSD or Mushrooms when its been to long since I can get them, but that's always more like a kid on Christmas thing than any other drug urge feels like. Point is all these years later I still have moments I remember from the pipe that I could see alluring most people back, not so much using it, that's more part of the invasion on the dream, (thank fuck its not enough to get me to ever seriously contemplate going back to it), and as good as some times can be on it, as much money as it may of made me, without them I'm in everyway better off and more successful objectively looking at both situations. Financially and most importantly mentally and I thank my fucking lucky stars I don't have to spend every day slaving to or running from an addiction knowing I could feel better than I do now because I have what iv spent a decade plus setting up and securing.

I understand everyone is different and not the same with drug reactions but you describe yourself as very similar to me, naturally very cheerful, optimistic, and able to push through some real shit almost unscathed and without reaction. The mental wealth you speak of is indeed far more important imo at least in the fight against forming addictions but it goes far deeper than that. That being said I wish you the best and hope you stay uninfluenced by dependence or any sort physical or psychological.
Never had intrusive thoughts or cravings for drugs I enjoy, thankfully. But fully agree about dopamine etc pathways; I’ve NEVER used stims regularly or heavily for that reason, plus toxicity. Those are far more concerning to me than addiction, even if I only use a few times a year at low doses. I hate what opiate use does to my body & brain, & that’s not nearly as bad as what stims do, or alcohol, or cigarettes. I’m way too health-obsessed to damage myself for fun (with chronic pain, the damage of not being on opiates is even worse alas).
Shit I am really glad I missed out on crack and never got a proper hit. Altho surely IV is just as bad? Danced with that and im gunna be honest; not my thing at all! I don't have the balls to do enough to be satisfied because you know breathing is good, you can't feel if your missing, idk I prefer methylphenidate to be honest.

I think there was a study showing IV coke users couldn't tell the difference between coke and ritalin in a double blind at equipotent doses.

Now ritalin you shouldn't shoot cuz its full of some binder that is pretty damn harmful if I recall right; on the other hand you can guage an accurate dosage whereas cocaine at ? purity with ? cuts = ? results. YMMV. *edit* shooting ritalin continually will mess your circulatory system and i think lungs up so thats gotta be a once in a long while if ever thing....which it does not lend to being, at all.

IV Coke is even worse than crack, healthwise. Interesting about IV methylphenidate. Only tried it snorted & orally, didn’t care for it much. But I don’t care much for snorted coke either, so maybe IV or smoked would be enjoyable. I had some stuff sold as coke to me recently that I suspect may be pure powder methylphenidate. Zero numbing, not much smell or taste, freebase is solid, & vapourises very cleanly, but the vapour is harsh on the mouth & lungs, & the effect is more like amphetamine, with pupils big for 3-4hrs. Very strong/don’t need much. No rush AT ALL from smoking, & feels hard on my heart (never felt this from any drug). I really need to get it lab tested!
^ Oh definitely horrible to IV coke, to the point I undershot it every time and dont regret it really. If you didn't like snorting that I would take that as a blessing and move past coke. It is long long past its hayday....unless you stumble (cuz that is the only way other than buying like 20 bricks at a time or w/e) into a connect with some fire that will let you cop personal off there stash. What is the average purity of cocaine now days??

If you BL search a member le jeunke (help me if im wrong) use to profess how dead coke is now day and actually went through the time of developing a way to purify your coke. (at least get most of the cuts). Looked like you needed quite a bit quantity wise to pull it off and a bit higher of an understanding of science than I have. Oh yea and prepare to lose the majority of the weight. But at least you end up with coke in the end?

That kinda crap is exactly what I mean. I've seen it draw up like thicker than milk, and we all know coke is plenty water soluble, joke. IDK its just a bill out the window every time almost.

Now I again profess that when I was getting decent ish I think .1 is the most I ever did, it was good and all but I certainly didn't get what most people seem too.

Now 50 mg of methylphenidate was a good hit and since I knew it was 50mg I felt a little more comfortable pushing the #'s (if that makes sense), I wouldn't wanna meet the rig with 100 mgs methylphenidate or a "point" in it.

shoot I tried to google that study but they did some stupid study with a sample size of either 10 or 14 comparing coke to sustained release ritalin (not exactly but the point is I cant seem to find that link due to this new study) bahhumbug
To anyone who was legitimately semi-concerned about me; Im sorry I havent been replying. I honestly forgot it was me that started this thread, lol. I remember reading it, thinking to myself:
ffs another dude trying to get some tips and 90% of the comments are STILL "dont do it, you got shit coke, he prolly 14 or sum"

I don't get shit coke, I dont know what else to tell you without doxing myself or whatever the fuck someone was insinuating. oh and guess what. I didnt sell my house for more crack, or anything else for that matter. Like a alot of you are saying, its not that fucking good of a drug. I mean I did successfully cook up a nice batch or two. Ive managed to get some successful rips, like "omg i can feel it my cock and balls" type rips.
And yeah I did obsess over cooking and smoking the rest of it but I had zero urge to buy more when I was done and that was like what? 3 months ago? Some things I can recomend for anyone engaging in this endevor are. Never smoke crack by yourself. Its boring first of all and u find yourself in that redosing loop ALOT easier. Same with regular cocaine really but with crack u find yourself in it alot faster. Do other drugs when u smoke crack. Im not telling anyone to speedball but. yeah I have tried smoking crack alone, with no other drug to "juggle" highs with and like I said its boring and I also feel like I was in more "danger" when I was doing just crack than when I was doing H, weed, alkohol "on the side". Again I am not telling anyone to do heroin and crack, Im just sharing my experience.
Get a group of friends together. Someone to have sex with while doing crack is OPTIMAL. I for one feel the high intensely in my cock and balls and having sex on this stuff is actually its best "use".

One thing that HAS been on my mind tho is why was I so damn inconsistent with the results, with the same "batch" of coke. I will admit I have kinda fallen in love with COOKING the shit, well at least the idea of it. So I decided to buy 3 grams of "untouched" cocaine. I do realize its never "untouced" unless you are somewhere at the top of the supply chain. which I am not. BUT, my vendor says that they get the brick, and sell the stuff. I dont care ok? they are saying that they test their coke both by cooking it and testing it with those strips 'n liquids that change color depenind on how high quality it is. And they say their bricks are "always at around 80-85%" are they lying? DONT CARE. The coke is really good for what it is; a shitty drug in my opinion. All it does for me is sober me up from my daily cocktail of meds and narcotics I have to take to not wanna die and who the fuck wants a drug that sobers them up? unless they are really wasted and have to get emergency sober for some reason I dont get.. yeah whatever.

I have. decided. to cook some fucking crack again. I am not about to make a whole new thread obviously. and please for the love of satan. Can we skip the judgy comments and get right to it, please?
I have been cooking my coke in 0.5g batches because I really dont feel like fucking up a whole gram. My questions are:

I have been getting back everything from 68-76% with this batch. Can someone answer me this. does it have to be a frickin spoon? why not like a metal measurement thing for cooking and baking?
The guides on the internet are all over the place: "first put coke in spoon, then put soda on top", "mix the coke and soda first", "add just enough water to cover the powder", "fill the spoon up with 3/4 of water" blabla. Can I just put the coke/soda mix in a little metal thing with water and put it on the stove on like low heat and just wait for the oil to appear? Its so stressfull rotating lighter, water dropper, bag of ice and waiting for that moment when the "bubble" of oil appears. I can never decide if have cooked it long enough or not. Im getting better at it but I its an expensive hobby I have found myself in and would like some kind of guidance, if my questions are making any sense.

I have alot more questions but I have been typing for so long and I forgot that I have to buy a lighter and all my shit closes soon sooo. ILL BE BACK.

In the meantime I would really really, honestly love for someone to read my rambling and maybe guide me towards cooking a better batch <3.

Love yall!

EDIT #1: Should I use a spoon that is "just right" for the amount im using or is a big ass spoon always better/easier? for some reason I feel the water could boil faster and burn my stuff if I use a big ass spoon for my 0.5g attempts? or is bigger always better?
Oh and on that note; should i be actually boiling the water or just keep it hot enough for the reaction to keep on going? sometimes when it gets (to?) hot I can smell the coke, I read somewhere that, that is no bueno.

I think imma start with my first attempt for the night (got 1g left so, 2 attempts left)

yeah .. I fucked it up. pretty sure i "pulled out" to quick. It looked perfect when i took it out (yellowish transparen oil that solidified quick) but then it turned into some brittle chawk white bullshit. I havent tried smoking it yet. think imma go to sleep now and maybe do a hit when i wake up, kick start the day and maybe actually turn up in time for work. But yeah i know its fucked because i I got a 0.28 "return" and thats counting a shit ton of powder that im not even sure is crack. I read somewhere you can restart the cook by crushing everything up, and do it again (without soda). is there any truth to this? the result is so shit Im not even tempted to smoke it. Now im just sad because I only have 0.5g left and im not sure Im going to cook that. because I am obviously doing something very wrong. I DONT UNDERSTAND how the first 2 attempts turned out so nice. I might upload pictures of my successful results and .. this. Its the same fucking bag of coke..

Im going to sleep now. I'll leave with an additional question:
does good coke need more bakin soda than shitty coke? or is it the other way around?

bye for now.
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Hey, old crack addict here and currently heroin free as well ❤️

people already told you not to do it, but well since you gonna do it anyway, what the hell.

So what method do you use/want to use?

for me cooking it with ammonia gave best results. It was also easier imo than with sodium bicarbonate, but both work.

I can find some recipes if you want to.

But what I normally did( being a hard-core crack junkie) was: take the spoon(enough to fit some ammonia and have a bit of spare room but not a lot). Drop the coke into the spoon, apply heat gently and with a needle or any metal stuff that is similar in size/width(idk screwdriver also works), mix together.
A couple of minutes in, a oil substance will float atop and get caught in the needle. I would recommend washing that with water and waiting at least a day to evaporate the ammonia before smoking. I haven't really done that and I am reasonably healthy but smoking ammonia comes with a lot of health risks, so better be on the safe side.

With baking soda is the same. My recommendation here is to put just enough water so the solution first will bubble and leave you with no water. If you continue to heat it, it will bubble more(it looks weird like some white dust??), then it will turn back into liquid and crack will form.

Initially I also loved cooking it and was paying great attention to details, dosages, etc but smoking crack until almost lost our house makes you not care so much about "the right way"

Those 2 methods honestly should be good enough, but again, I can look the up the recipes and exact quantities I was cooking initially.

It also does seem that you either used too much water or not enough heat
You could have also added too much baking soda.

Or your white is cut. I was getting around 0.7g of crack with ammonia from 1g of white.
I would highly recommend stopping while you can.

Me and my girlfriend started like you and before you know it, things move really fast. In not even 3 months we ended up spending around 8k euro per month on crack( smoking for about 1-2 week then not having money for food or rent). I am so glad we didn't end up homeless.

This drug is specifically designed to fuck you up.

I also ended up with a year long heroin addiction because I was smoking heroin to lower the heart rate
I would highly recommend stopping while you can.

Me and my girlfriend started like you and before you know it, things move really fast. In not even 3 months we ended up spending around 8k euro per month on crack( smoking for about 1-2 week then not having money for food or rent). I am so glad we didn't end up homeless.

This drug is specifically designed to fuck you up.

I also ended up with a year long heroin addiction because I was smoking heroin to lower the heart rate
Thank you. I really appreciate you warning me but also realizing I am an adult and have decided to do this. Congrats on getting sober from H and crack. I am happy you're in a better place now. I totally agree about crack having some weird pull and seems to be designed to fuck your life up. The short high followed by total obsession on doing more despite of it not really being that good.

Stims are REALLY not my thing. I have mad GAD and the only other stim i use is speed to literally get me out of bed and to work. Then I use an assortment of downers to get me through the day, and I dont mean just to counter the additional anxiety stims give. So I know it might seem strange im so keen on doing crack but trust me, even if dealers sold crack where I live I would never waste my money it. I totally do it because I think the activity of cooking it then trying out "my own product" is fun. I guess that's the original appeal of it for a lot of people.

Ok, so! lol

I would really appreciate if you could give me some ratios and recopies. (on both methods but Bicarb is what I am trying to "master" at the moment).
Yeah I think I used to much water on this last cook. The first two times I tried cooking with this batch of coke I managed to copy a video of a dude cooking it who used a minimal amount of water and I got two beautiful rocks, one weighed .36g and the other .38g (0.5g of coke So I think the vendor is pretty honest about the coke being tested to ~85%.) and the process looked like you are describing with the mixture swelling up like a cloud and then turning into liquid again. I have been using the bicarb method because Its easier regarding ingredients. But I think I'm going to try the ammonia method next time as it seems more reliable. At this moment I have .43g of coke left and its late at night so im going to try a last cook for this month. If I am back here cooking earlier than that I will be proving people right that think I will be spending money I don't really should on this. Now that I think of, I think what has probably kept me from losing control to crack is I really cant waste my drug budget on coke, because I need that money for downers :p. I am semi-functioning with my addictions, have been for 10-15 years but I am getting to a point where I need to quit or get my shit from a doctor because I want a better life. Crack was the only drug I hadn't tried yet so my reasoning is its better to have my fun with it while I am not "rich" or well/better of lol.
I probably will be back earlier with questions I cant think of at this moment.

Thanks again friend! :) <3
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For ammonia you can either just drop the white in an ammonia spoon. Idk like around or below 5ml?

Or you can dissolve the white in 1ml water then slowly drop ammonia until no reaction happens( every drop will create a white substance)

I was looking in my old laptop for the recipe but I started getting cravings watching old stuff so I stopped. Sorry
Also you sounds awfully like me. Like your thought is soo similar. I would hate to go down my path.

If you consider your use ever spirals out of control, please reach out.

I ll be 25 years this month. I had almost 30k in savings at 22 years old. Now I have nothing. I have debts...

Hopefully now I am clean off all hard drugs and only use weed to be able to sleep. It s a bit of a bummer since I also wanted to drop weed when I quit heroin
For ammonia you can either just drop the white in an ammonia spoon. Idk like around or below 5ml?

Or you can dissolve the white in 1ml water then slowly drop ammonia until no reaction happens( every drop will create a white substance)

I was looking in my old laptop for the recipe but I started getting cravings watching old stuff so I stopped. Sorry
I really appreciate your help. Bro the last thing i want is to cause a relapse, I totally get it if u need to unsub from the thread, don't sweat it <3
btw you are young as fuck, have plenty of time to recover financially and have an awesome life. I am convinced you are capable of this. I dont know a single awesome person that hasnt fucked up in life and then used that to their advantage ;)
I thank you again for your time. It has been helpful :)
On that note how does methamphetamine compare to it's pussy of a cousin, simple amphetamines? The latter have traditionally been popular in this part of the world with anyone from those working night shifts to those writing novels but people don't seem to end up like the tweaker types we see in the media.
Amphetamine and it's methylated cousin are incredibly similar by my experience, and based off of my understanding of their brain activity they both do exactly the same thing upon entering the brain. Meth is a little bit stronger on dopamine, and amphetamine a little bit stronger on noradrenaline. Chemically the major difference is that meth is lipid soluable which means it can get into the brain faster, and as meth is broken down in the body, one of the metabolites IS amphetamine leading to a longer duration of effect which is the most significant difference. Amph only lasts 4-6 hours, meth 11-14 hours.

The major major difference is that in the USA, amphetamine wasn't popular on the street because of how easy it is to get pharma amphetamine in Adderall and Dexedrine. So people tend to just abuse them orally or maybe snort up some Addy IRs. Meth on the other hand is unfortunately a very versatile hydrochloride salt.

Unlike cocaine HCL which is discussed here, meth doesn't need to be freebased to smoke. So with your crystal you can smoke it, shoot it, boof it, snort it, or eat it. And because meth enters the brain quickly, smoking and shooting it produces an incredibly euphoric rush. However due to its very long high, it isn't AS fiendish as crack or cocaine. Personally I never liked cocaine much, and tbh I'm with your description of amph/meth: they really are not super fun recreational drugs. They can help you grind out boring tasks if you have a to-do list ready to go. If you take them and expect to magically "be productive" you won't get out of bed anymore than you would taking any other drug.

Meth is pretty damn addictive. I haven't had TOO much of an issue putting it down for good chunks of time, but after a while you get a sudden craving and its so cheap and the intoxication feels somewhat mellow and subtle(This is a trick. Everybody knows.) that you can dupe yourself into getting more without much of an internal struggle.
On that note how does methamphetamine compare to it's pussy of a cousin, simple amphetamines? The latter have traditionally been popular in this part of the world with anyone from those working night shifts to those writing novels but people don't seem to end up like the tweaker types we see in the media. Also meth is rare but is used by gay folks in the chem sex thing and most of those dudes probably live normal lives I'd imagine. It doesn't seem to have made its way down to the street level yet, maybe too expensive and street guys don't have that pink pound money.

Basically normal speed as we've called it doesn't seem to ruin people's lives in the same way that meth does and I wonder if it's similar to powder coke being easier to mix with a functional life style than the devil's kidney stones (altho there are plenty of fucked up coke heads and speed freaks, just not to the same degree it seems).
Oh and also most meth users above the poverty line don't end up like the media portrays.

Unfortunately meth is dirt cheap. An 8ball is like fifty bucks, cheaper than and 8th of weed pre Illinois legalization. So not only can folks with little financial means get meth, they can get a LOT of meth.

I'm not picking on poor people, but here is the tie in- mental illness is one of the strongest risk factors for poverty- homelessness- and drug abuse. And methamphetamine is not kind to those with mental illness. And it is not a drug to be taken by folks who don't have a lot to lose. That is how the tweakiest of tweakers end up getting so much media time (also homeless junkies on fent don't go annoying anyone unlike a tweaker on the comedown)
You got some people you can talk to if that feeling sticks for a little while right?
Hi man. Thanks for the care. Yeah, I am also in vacation with my girlfriend at her parents in the countryside in Romania. So it is also impossible for me to get access to crack or any hard drugs for the next 10 days. Plus I deleted all my dealers.

it is more about my mental health which the PAWS from heroin kinda fucked it up so I didn't really want to get more fucked with crack cravings. But it is impossible for me to relapse at the moment.

I also don't have heroin cravings but I have insomnia and mild depression due to my abuse(or trauma I ignored by being on hard drugs for almost 10 years)

I really appreciate the care. Stay safe ❤️
Hi man. Thanks for the care. Yeah, I am also in vacation with my girlfriend at her parents in the countryside in Romania. So it is also impossible for me to get access to crack or any hard drugs for the next 10 days. Plus I deleted all my dealers.

it is more about my mental health which the PAWS from heroin kinda fucked it up so I didn't really want to get more fucked with crack cravings. But it is impossible for me to relapse at the moment.

I also don't have heroin cravings but I have insomnia and mild depression due to my abuse(or trauma I ignored by being on hard drugs for almost 10 years)

I really appreciate the care. Stay safe ❤️
Yep just checkin in, just because this goofball wants to fuck around and find out doesn't mean you gotta turn backwards

Take care, enjoy the vacation 😊