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If you could have an endless supply of/only use one drug for the rest of your life...

Originally posted by Ayrios:
I'm sorry, but anyone who says ecstasy... Isn't going to think that for long.

I dunno. I have been rolling for 2 years and every other drug I tried, except GHB and its cousins in conjunction with E, make me ill. I will try to roll as long as I am able to.
I would say GHB since for me its like alcohol without the sickness and next day hangover, althogh it is a bit more addictive imho.
If you could only use one drug for the rest of your life (Part II)

Continued from this thread...
Originally posted by MrGeezer

What would it be?
You can pick any substance, and there will be a plentiful supply of it for free, for the rest of your life. However, this is not drug heaven - there will still be all the usual side effects. You don't have to take the drug everyday, or even at all - but it will be the only one you can ever indulge in ever again.
What would you pick, and WHY???

[ 13 January 2003: Message edited by: MrGeezer ]
either LSD or weed
probably weed, because I just can't deal without it
JUNO, because she could kick GANESHA's ass anytime due to her excess speed, versatility and intelligence.
ooh ouch, i desperatly want to say coke, but damn i don't do it as often as pot. I can cope better with out it, if pot suddenly ceased i'd have trouble...er um...adjusting.
No matter what i pick though, the situation would still suck bad. Pot gets dull after a while, and if there was a constant steady supply and u didn't have to worry about paying for it, you'd eventually start consuming MASS quantities.
By the time your smoking an ounce every two days, pot will be very VERY old trust me. It won't get you as high anymore no matter how much you smoke, you'll only be headchanged and not fully high or stoned at all. damn it would suck to be limited to only one drug
anyone that says different...
well i dont even know what to say to that
really..pot? lol
are you guys serious
you could live your life in orgasms with a good opiate..and with a consistent supply u wouldnt need to worry about being dopesick
but the world is not like that
dont try a good opiate
^^^ what he said.
But that may be just 'cause i haven't tried a lot of drugs (i stay away from potentially addictive things for the most part)... *shrug*
XTC would be my pick, the high ALWAYS gives back something positive...especially if I remember a whole night, as you can recall it later on & smile more than I thought possible...other than maybe LSD(histerics) ;)
A *very* tight toss-up between ecstacy and alcohol.
On one hand, I adore E... on the other hand, never having a glass of wine again? Couldn't fathom it. Torn.
I'd become an oxygen (not oxy, u peak freaks) junkie! Just laying down on the beach breathing myself to death.