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If Jesus died for our sins...

There is no such thing as hell. People just tried to manipulate other people, therefore the origin of BS like hell and satan. For every mistake, you will pay the price. Karma is a reality but I do not know how to prove this understanding to others.

Translation: every religion is lies and nonsense used to control people!

Except mine...
You said you follow gnosticism. Which is an organized and deliberate set of ideas.

Yes, but not sheepishly as we are perpetual seekers and all follow our own free thinking to wherever it leads.
In a sense, we are a group of, if anything, black sheep, or as some say in religious circles, goats.

We argue with our own clergy. We do not just blindly follow. That is why we can freely and rightly call Yahweh a genocidal prick.

Translation: every religion is lies and nonsense used to control people!

Except mine...

Our friend will deny the superstitious thinking of others, while believing his own supernatural superstition of Karma.

Translation: every religion is lies and nonsense used to control people!

Except mine...

And which one would that be? I'm curious. All religions are wrong because they are religions. That's my opinion. Religions are beliefs, the truth must be understood. There's a logical difference here.
There is a difference in perspective. Nothing more.

Every religion claims itself to be the absolute truth. One could argue its one of the most basic definitions of religion.

I'll tell you what I really dislike about the idea of karma specifically though. It basically proposes that if bad things happen to you, it's ultimately because you deserved it.

You can argue about the use of the word "deserve", but ultimately it's saying what if bad shit happens, you did something to cause it. And that is total victim blaming bullshit to me.

One thing that's always impressed me about many theological arguments its the impressive mental gymnastics used to rationalize biblical inconsistency. It really shows that being religious in no way means you're stupid.

My point is though, everything can be rationalized. I propose that it's inconsistent that God can be all knowing yet also for humans to have free will? I rationalize that perhaps God chooses to not know some things.

I propose that karma exists, and someone points to people who get away with doing bad and people harmed while doing good, I rationalize by arguing that the karma is not always visible. That it happens in future lives.
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Well, I claim my truth to be non-religious whatsoever. That's a difference in my perspective.

I won't argue about karma but I know it is real.
I'm sure you do. Just as Christians know Jesus is their lord and savior. Mormans know that joseph Smith found a third testament of Jesus christ near his home in New York.

I've heard countless different incompatible beliefs said with absolute truthful conviction by people who knew it. All with the same certainty that their truth was correct, and everyone else's was wrong.

I assume such certainty must be comforting, the only thing I know is that I know nothing.

That's not meant to suggest by the way that you believe it simply because it's comforting. Just that I sometimes feel a little envious of such certainty. Even if it may be mistaken certainty.
Why would I even try to explain anything if you don't even understand the simple difference between believing and understanding?
I dunno if you're addressing that to me but I certainly didn't ask you to explain anything. I tend to assume there's nothing I'll be missing as soon as someone keeps throwing out the word "truth". Since I'm already a committed believer in the church of there is no god damn truth.

I mean I'm certainly not gonna stop you from trying to explain, but I suspect one thing we can agree on is that it's probable futile. I don't doubt your sincerity. But ultimately we all gotta figure out what we each believe. Some arguments are more convincing than others, but none is so convincing as to convince everyone.

Hence the church of there is no goddamn truth.
Yes, but not sheepishly as we are perpetual seekers and all follow our own free thinking to wherever it leads.
In a sense, we are a group of, if anything, black sheep, or as some say in religious circles, goats.

We argue with our own clergy. We do not just blindly follow. That is why we can freely and rightly call Yahweh a genocidal prick.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, and Christians are your black sheep.
If anyone wants to see some biased hateful doomsday filled delusional rantings of a crazy Bible thumper I recommend www.thegoodfight.org
it's a view inside someone's mind who has obviously gone off the deep end by taking the Bible far far too seriously.
By taking any belief that requires use of your imagination you are entering into the area of your mind that holds religion. When you don't understand the reasons for using 3 sinks of water to wash dishes but you follow the practices and procedures put in place by others you are acting out religious beliefs.

We consider religions to all have a story and a set of rules and be about where we came from and where we are going but our brain uses "belief" when we simply don't understand and we are relying on teaching from others.

Our entire society is built on belief systems that we hold and enforce on others, a lot of these beliefs and practices are in need of upgrading because we are smarter as a society today then we were thousands of years ago when we feared the falling of the sky.

Belief in the old way of doing things, regardless of the topic, is religion. Our prison system is held back and similar to one from thousands of years ago because we believe it was working. Our government is something we believe in and certainly it brings out the zealots who believe in their parties with a religious zeal.

Reality is larger then a single human brain can understand so we bridge over understanding with belief, even in our own jobs and lives we have faith in our guides and YouTube videos and we use belief and faith to push back our fear of learning new things.

The only issue I have with religion is when we can see the world isn't flat so the religious people change their interpretation and adjust the narrative but they don't discard the obvious incorrect information.

Like science, any real belief system need to be able to be adjusted to match reality. Religions with magical thinking that requires you to deny reality should become a thing of history.
By taking any belief that requires use of your imagination you are entering into the area of your mind that holds religion. When you don't understand the reasons for using 3 sinks of water to wash dishes but you follow the practices and procedures put in place by others you are acting out religious beliefs.

We consider religions to all have a story and a set of rules and be about where we came from and where we are going but our brain uses "belief" when we simply don't understand and we are relying on teaching from others.

Our entire society is built on belief systems that we hold and enforce on others, a lot of these beliefs and practices are in need of upgrading because we are smarter as a society today then we were thousands of years ago when we feared the falling of the sky.

Belief in the old way of doing things, regardless of the topic, is religion. Our prison system is held back and similar to one from thousands of years ago because we believe it was working. Our government is something we believe in and certainly it brings out the zealots who believe in their parties with a religious zeal.

Reality is larger then a single human brain can understand so we bridge over understanding with belief, even in our own jobs and lives we have faith in our guides and YouTube videos and we use belief and faith to push back our fear of learning new things.

The only issue I have with religion is when we can see the world isn't flat so the religious people change their interpretation and adjust the narrative but they don't discard the obvious incorrect information.

Like science, any real belief system need to be able to be adjusted to match reality. Religions with magical thinking that requires you to deny reality should become a thing of history.
In order to be adjusted and discard the irrelavant nonsense and the now proven incorrect stories it would require admitting they were wrong and it will leave even more holes in there belief system leading to more ppl questioning it and coming to there own conclusions which is the last thing a religion wants
My dog (3 year old shar pei with a bark that’s a tonne nastier than her non existent bite) tried to chase some Mormons off my property last weekend.
Didn’t work.

You know a mans passionate about his religion when he’s willing to risk being nuetered in order to preach at strangers.

I like religious discussion, the things humans invented to give their lives meaning are really interesting.

I think Jesus existed.
There are good men (and women) standing up for what they believe in all throughout history, and he was no different.

Does make me laugh though that they killed him then made him their saviour.
I mean he was preaching that the church had moved away from authentic worship and had become corrupt and greedy, and those fuckers managed to shut him up, murder him and then use him to re-legitimise their religion.

That. Is talent.

It’s like convincing America to vote Trump 😒
I can count the number of times the law has tried to get rid of me for being a public nuisance on two hands, at least.

Gods and all that worship devoted to one thing while the material-minded consciousness of the late Roman society was another, we've all witnessed some kind of martyr be brought down by whatever is the current law at the time, whether it was Jesus or Martin Luther King Jr.
The law is really just a power tool in support of lobotomies. We've seen civilizations rise and rust due to the corruption in their rule. Poor Jesus was just a public nuisance though. He might have gotten caught tagging on the side of a public bathroom and two guards standing not far off nodded their heads, and that was that.
There's no such thing as "sin". It's a man-made construct to control people. Basically anything enjoyable is a "sin". Bullshit.
To get down to brass, demons are the ones who traditionally sin. Humans don't have a damn thing to do with it :)