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I want to have sex with a girl that doesn't exactly know me.


Mar 20, 2013
I met a girl on facebook earlier this week and I would love<3 to see her naked. She seems interested in me and I think that helps.

I live close to her and we could actually sneak to each others house at night.

The only real problem is that I haven't talked to her a whole lot and I don't know what to say. Porn has ruined my relations with girls. I feel nervous and need help.

I really think this is my chance to get laid and I don't want to let go of it or accidentally get stuck in the friend zone. I don't know if I should date her or not.

And don't think that I'm getting pressured into doing this by friends of mine.


Kind of Anxious
Let me give you my experience with meeting a girl on Facebook.

She randomly messages me and says Hey you're cute what's up... And we had some mututal friends, and we talked for about a week. I find out this girls a total whore, and I was 18 so I didn't give a shit. I go and bang her out no rubber only to discover a few weeks later I have the clap.

If you don't know what to say to her, than chances are you wouldn't know what to say in person, either.. Making the situation extremely awkward and uncomfortable.
Take her out.

And remember that kissing is an upper body persuasion for a lower body invasion. Even if you just want to have sex with her, make out with her first. It'll A) get her going and B) help persuade her if she's on the fence. ;)
Just go out with her! Ask her out! Chat with her, hang out with her. That is a good start.
I agree with lysis. I would go for it and am planning on doing the same thing here shortly. Found a female on my friends list whom I have no idea how she got on there. I do remember she friended me though as she's friends with an ex of mine. She's pretty cute so imma see what I can do.
does anyone else realize just looking at the title it sounds like OP is trying to rape a chick?
Lol I actually did think that but mayyyyybe he doesn't mean that.
Well if you meet her on the net use a condom. Every women I have met online has either left within minutes or I scored a home run. Sounds like she is DTF if shes talking about sneaking in rooms. Also sounds like you two are pretty young. Its extremely important to apear confident but not neccesarily cocky. If you have her come to your house make sure your room is clean. Some social lubricant doesnt hurt. Alcohol is usually the best choice. Dont try to get her hammered but just comfortable. My advice is to flirt and tell her she is beatiful or pretty. Id try to get a kiss sooner than later. For me getting the first kiss establishes whether sex will happen or not. Dont choke her with your tongue on the first kiss. Wait till after you have sex to tell her she took your virginity unless she asks. If you do something awkward say "sorry Im a bit nervous". If she teases you tell her its cuz shes so beatiful. If your really really nervous I would procur some valium or something of that nature. Also remember if you cum quick, you can always go again in ten minutes. I hope I didnt over-complicate advice or make it seem like its harder to get laid than it is. Pretty much be a gentleman, flirt, and get some. One last thing date and time such as I will pick you up at 8 or I can meet you at your house at 11. Maybe take like a 6 pack or a pint of liquor but dont get hung up on having to have it. The most important thing is to secure a date and get there and not act like an ass. If you get there and she kisses you well your getting laid for sure. Oh yeah dont tell all your friends that you fucked her. A real man doesnt kiss and tell.
does anyone else realize just looking at the title it sounds like OP is trying to rape a chick?

Lol that and where's your sense of patience OP? Are you a virgin if you don't mind me asking? Most girls aren't just DTF like that..so try and get to know her first I'd say lol..Baby Steps my man and like the others have said your going to have to get to know her first and foremost.
I dunno when it comes to meeting off the internet there is a certain amount of sluttiness IMO.
For beginning , just ask her what her i ntentions are
And yes, be careful read some facts for stupid spammer linkere. That means rubber + additional care in case that you get laid with her...

lol at that website:

Finding local one night stands

Locally is simplest way to get girl for one night. Reasons are obvious: It is free, it is near you, and it is best way to get laid fast, just going to local bar, club or some other popular place. You can even visit less popular places; it depends on how you see your chances. If you think that, you can have sex with good-looking girls, then go to popular places, because most of hot girls and hot middle aged women are there. On the other side, if you are not very sure in your seduction skills, maybe it is better to try with other places where hottest girls do not coming. This is obviously too: They are shinny (like you probably) and don't like to be exposed on fancy places.
Any case, wherever you decide to go and pickup some local girl for one night fun, it is very important to read women signals. Many girls and women wish one night hooking up, but not all of them. First step is to recognize female, which wants male for tonight. It should be hard: If she looks at you often, and if you look her straight in the eyes and see that she don't try to look on another side, send her a drink. If she accepts, you can start with action. It is not 100% sure that she wants sex with you, but you are on good way.

After you meet her, and after few drinks you are sure that want sex with her, you can say "let's go at my place". If she accepts then probably you get one night sex. If she don't accepts going to hotel or your place, be gentile, and proceed with another women near you, probably in same bar, because if first don't want to have sex with you, that doesn't mean anything, world is full of beautiful women and girls, and you just need not to waste your time. So again, if you fail in first try just keep continuing. After first few fails you will feel bad, but after first few victories you will get enough self-esteem to know how easy and fast to get any women you want in your bed.
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Okay, I Lysis's advice but porn is still a problem. I stopped watching it about a month ago and I don't think I'll ever see it again at this rate (I broke a record). Porn makes it harder for me to talk to girls. I usually embarrass myself every time.

does anyone else realize just looking at the title it sounds like OP is trying to rape a chick?

Is OP some kind of rapist?

I'm new here sooo...
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Whats exactly the problem porn is causing you? Its usually healthy at your age to spill some seed once or twice a day.
Whats exactly the problem porn is causing you? Its usually healthy at your age to spill some seed once or twice a day.

It makes it awkward to talk to girls because my mind is always thinking of them naked. I just can't help it after so much porn.