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Opioids I threw a bag of heroin #4 into a water bottle, wondering if is safe to drink from it


Apr 19, 2019
I know this is not how 'volumetric dosing' works but I was not planning to do this.

I bought a gram #4 because all heroin I have tried in the past was just #3 smoked and I wanted to try it insufflated so I read that #4 would work better for this purpose.

Anyways, I didn´t like the high much, too sedating/incapacitating, but I still haven´t tried morphine and I read somewhere that heroin gets converted to morphine if you put it in water, so I dropped the bag inside a 35cl water bottle expecting now I will have some morphine to enjoy.

Now im not sure if is safe to slowly drink small sips of this water or not. Meaning...does the powder dissolve equally through the water?

I can´t see any powder now in the water, so it seems it did, but there are some bubbles/foam just above the water.

I don´t know if this foam contains most of the product? No? Is it completely dissolved and the bubbles/foam don´t matter? Guessing is just a result of shaking the bottle, but I thought asking wouldn´t hurt. Thanks.
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If it was a fresh bottle of water with none taken out you can calculate the dose. If 35cl = 350ml and a full gram went in we can do 1000mg/350ml=2.86 mg/ml

Of course this is assuming the product was uncut but at least its a starting point

Opiates are highly water soluble so it should all be in the water
If it was a fresh bottle of water with none taken out you can calculate the dose. If 35cl = 350ml and a full gram went in we can do 1000mg/350ml=2.86 mg/ml

Of course this is assuming the product was uncut but at least its a starting point

Opiates are highly water soluble so it should all be in the water
Thanks! I'll take a small sip the first time just in case . It seems it has dissolved pretty well though. cheers.
Drink the water and it becomes a type of eight chain morphine with good bbb permeability.

Sniff the water and it’s absorbed as diamorph

Hold the water in your mouth and coat your gums and under your tongue it’s diamorph absorbed orally
I know this is not how 'volumetric dosing' works but I was not planning to do this.

I bought a gram #4 because all heroin I have tried in the past was just #3 smoked and I wanted to try it insufflated so I read that #4 would work better for this purpose.

Anyways, I didn´t like the high much, too sedating/incapacitating, but I still haven´t tried morphine and I read somewhere that heroin gets converted to morphine if you put it in water, so I dropped the bag inside a 35cl water bottle expecting now I will have some morphine to enjoy.

Now im not sure if is safe to slowly drink small sips of this water or not. Meaning...does the powder dissolve equally through the water?

I can´t see any powder now in the water, so it seems it did, but there are some bubbles/foam just above the water.

I don´t know if this foam contains most of the product? No? Is it completely dissolved and the bubbles/foam don´t matter? Guessing is just a result of shaking the bottle, but I thought asking wouldn´t hurt. Thanks.

Totally fine, but be mindful of the dose/amount of course.
When you take it orally, your body basically converts it into morphine, but at twice the oral bioavailability of morphine.
When you take it orally, your body basically converts it into morphine, but at twice the oral bioavailability of morphine.
Isn´t converted to morphine already by putting it in water for 24 hours?

Drink the water and it becomes a type of eight chain morphine with good bbb permeability.

Sniff the water and it’s absorbed as diamorph

Hold the water in your mouth and coat your gums and under your tongue it’s diamorph absorbed orally
what you mean with 'good bbb permeability'?

I might try what you say about hold it under my tongue thanks!
Eating it has Good blood brain barrier permeability. It becomes a type of morphine. . It’s twice as effective as morphine without the eight chain group attached. Basically drinking , eating it, it goes to your liver first and your livers like wtf and removes the diacetyl compound and replaces it with an eight chain ring. Morphine usually doesn’t pass the blood brain barrier easily. A ten mg dose only 1mg makes it to the brain.

But with the eight chain ring twice as much gets to the brain. It’s a great long lasting effect. But you have to be very very careful. Each mg of the heron becomes a mg of the eight chain. So consider that a sixty mg dose of more phine is very strong. Use that formula the guy gave you with 2.68 mg per ml as a guide. This is a very strong and dangerous drug and I feel like you might not have a tolerance.

But eating is the safest roa and personally I find it very rewarding. Whenever I consider relapse I always want to eat it. It would be so effective and for so long. But act quickly. What you’re thinking of is true. The diamorph will break down into monoacetyl morph in the water and then you’ll have no eight chain action happening. Beyond that I don’t know what the monoacetylmorphine would do on first pass. So your options are as follows

1Eat a ml or two for about 5mg of diamorph going through first pass metabolism in the liver it will hit in two hours. This is the only method that is say has the lowest potential for strong addictive behavior. But you’ll probably love it and be super stoked on the experience. But you should know. If there’s any fentanyl in your dope. You might die. So test your dope.
Also likely to become a morphine addict. With strong possibilities of transitioning to heroin usage.

Be careful.

2Rub a ml or two on your gums and under your tongue it will hit in five to twenty minutes. The gums will hit in five. The sun lingual will hit in twenty. Personally I like the gums so much more. But this method you’ll be ingesting diamorph and it’s much stronger and much more potent than the oral route. A guarantee you’ll become a heroin addict.

3 sniff about a ml of the solution for a very strong effect hitting in about two to five minutes and coming on completely around 20-30. Very addictive route of administration. Pretty much guaranteed you will now be a heroin addict.
4 boof (rectally administer) about half a ml with an oral syringe. Very strong experience. Hits in about five minutes. You would be doing diamorph. Very strong come up. Very addictive. Likely to become a diamorlh addict.

5 shoot. Never ever shoot. Bad choice. Creates strong positive associations with the drug. Nothing will ever feel good again. No warm cups of tea will please you without having had a shot first. Your mother will no longer be as warm and fuzzy as a good shot. Everything you love will fall to the needle. You will require it for everything. No more vacations to other places unless you think you can acquire dope there and if you don’t you will be sick the entire time you are there. Feelings of strong sadness whenever you try to stop using dope as regular happiness will not compare to the happiness of the same activity on dope. Complete and total restructuring of your reward system. Extremely bad idea. Never shoot

Hope that helps. Be careful with the oral dose. Treat it like it’s contaminated with fent. Be very careful if you choose any method where you’re doing heroin. I guarantee the oral dose will be the most positive and least harmful of the experiences above so I do recommend testing the dope for fentanyl. If you can’t test it then you must exercise extreme caution with oral dosing. Remember. It will be two hours before you feel anything. It has to go through your liver. If you’re in the US and you didn’t pay about 160-300 for a three of weight it’s pretty much going to have fent in it. Please be careful bud.

I’m happy to answer any further questions and I do hope this helps you to take the path of least harm and least addictive potential.

Please be mindful of the possibility of fentanyl in your dope. I don’t know how to detect it other than test strips. Be super cautious.
I believe OP said they usually get #3, those areas of the world are far less contaminated with fent than #4 areas (geographically speaking as of 05-24)..

That said since it is #4 there is certainly a chance it has been hit with fent. Dose with caution, honestly idk how you avoid OD'ing on fent and xylazine but volumetric dosing has to be a good start tbh.
I believe OP said they usually get #3, those areas of the world are far less contaminated with fent than #4 areas (geographically speaking as of 05-24)..

That said since it is #4 there is certainly a chance it has been hit with fent. Dose with caution, honestly idk how you avoid OD'ing on fent and xylazine but volumetric dosing has to be a good start tbh.
Agreed. Volumetric dosing is the only way.
Probably try taking one ml and adding 9ml
Then taking one ml orally.

It’s really good that the whole drug is already in solution.

Does anyone happen to know if rent is active via oral consumption?
A quick analysis says it is. Through the oral mucosa 25% bioavailability and likewise oral ingestion is 25% so total bioavailability is 50%.

If I were the user in question I would take the dose orally in a volumetric solution diluting the strength of the shot with 9ml and just praying to god that there’s no fentanyl in it.

I don’t know that I would not risk the product converting to monoacetyl. I think given the time constraint if I did not have test strips nor ready access to them I would just fucking prepare two volumetric solutions. One diluted by 9 ml one diluted by 19ml.

I would take one ml from the 19+1 solution and dose that then wait two hours and thirty minutes to judge the high.

If it works well great. That’s the volumetric dosing needed. If more junk is needed then it’s time to try a ml of the 10ml diluted. Same two hour thirty minute period. Judgement

If after these tests the product is safe and effective.
Then I would try a ml of the original solution.

If ineffective after two hours and thirty minutes I would go ml by ml until I find my target dose.

Then count the mls that you took from the strongest solution and bam you have a reasonable dosage.

Good luck. I hope it’s no fent. I hope you have a lovely experience.
By the way. Eating junk is so fucking awesome. I really do hope it’s awesome for you op.

I think eating is the most pleasurable and safest roa for a user with access to junk but without access to a safer product like raw opium or a legit pharma product.

You’re going to have a beautiful time I hope.
If you're worried it's not dissolved evenly, just thoroughly shake the bottle.

By the way. Eating junk is so fucking awesome. I really do hope it’s awesome for you op.

I think eating is the most pleasurable and safest roa for a user with access to junk but without access to a safer product like raw opium or a legit pharma product.

You’re going to have a beautiful time I hope.

I also found oral dosing to produce the best high, for all opiates. However, with heroin I would always IV because the IV rush is so pleasurable even if the high that follows is inferior compared to oral.

One of the greatest parts of oral dosing opiates is the come up. When you start feeling high and then it keeps building and you know that feeling is only going to get more and more intense over the next 30-40 minutes vs IV where you jump right to the peak and then it's a long ride down.
By the way. Eating junk is so fucking awesome. I really do hope it’s awesome for you op.

I think eating is the most pleasurable and safest roa for a user with access to junk but without access to a safer product like raw opium or a legit pharma product.

You’re going to have a beautiful time I hope.
I tried it yesterday, it hit kinda of ok but the effect didn´t last long. Probably it converted into morphine already @helpingout

Im from Eu but I bought it from the onions

I send a sample to test but still waiting for the results, I did a bit of a small trial last week snorting it.

I know I should have waited lol but I did an allergy test and slowly worked up the dosage in safely manner.
2Rub a ml or two on your gums and under your tongue it will hit in five to twenty minutes. The gums will hit in five. The sun lingual will hit in twenty. Personally I like the gums so much more. But this method you’ll be ingesting diamorph and it’s much stronger and much more potent than the oral route. A guarantee you’ll become a heroin addict.
I tried this this morning, it definetely hits much stronger. I would say even more than snorting it like I tried in past.

However, I wouldn´t say this makes me become a heroin addict.

Is quite an intoxicating/impairing high which I find quite 'darkish' and low consciousness, after having tried smoking + snorting + sublingual (and not going to try IV Lol) at this point I don´t see the hype in heroin more than just a pure evasive high. Is a good evasive high but that´s about it. I much prefer oxycodone.

I think you are a bit exaggerated by saying 'A guarantee you'll become a heroin addict'. People used to tell me the same when I decided to try oxy. I appreciate your help but you might be projecting things here. As I said, I tried heroin about 2 years ago and it didn´t felt nothing special more than incredible drowsiness and intoxication. Just another drug .
talk to me in ten years and if you’re still not using opiates I’ll give you a medal.

Addiction is repeating a behavior with compulsion. Whether that compulsion is daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, every five years, every decade, every twenty years, every fifty years.

Whatever it is, you never forget the feeling.

A lady posted on here about having done heroin once when she was in her twenties. She described going twenty years without a fix. She recounted that she was now actively searching and that her entire concept of happiness had altered.

I don’t know man. This is a harm reduction forum. Do you really want me to tell you to sniff heroin and not give you a disclaimer of the potential for addiction?

I’m happy that you’re free of the shackles I wear but I didn’t want to advise you to put onto your wrists the same shackles which confine me.

What kind of friend would I be if I allowed heroin to do to you what it had done to me?
If you got it off the onions I would assume it has been hit with fent and god knows what unless otherwise stated directly.

I also suspect you may getting more of a buzz off the cuts than the H by your description. Heroin is a good 6 hour ride and if you dont feel warm and content; and your situation isn't wretched, I suspect foul play.

The H train has left the station quite possibly forever (much as opium did). Now its "grey death" and fentoin.

Fent is a very fleeting elusive buzz that is much colder and less euphoric. Add xylazine and you are just knocking yourself out.

If you do continue I would stick to #3 and you really gotta get fet strips (even those arent enough now days)....so yea I would listen to your friend and bail while you can!
If you got it off the onions I would assume it has been hit with fent and god knows what unless otherwise stated directly.

I also suspect you may getting more of a buzz off the cuts than the H by your description. Heroin is a good 6 hour ride and if you dont feel warm and content; and your situation isn't wretched, I suspect foul play.

The H train has left the station quite possibly forever (much as opium did). Now its "grey death" and fentoin.

Fent is a very fleeting elusive buzz that is much colder and less euphoric. Add xylazine and you are just knocking yourself out.

If you do continue I would stick to #3 and you really gotta get fet strips (even those arent enough now days)....so yea I would listen to your friend and bail while you can!
Well, I must update. I did afterwards a good oral dose and definetely today lasted way way more, in fact im still intoxicated by it.

Maybe yesterday I ate something weird or took too little and that made the effect not really hit that good.

I´ll update us with the results of the test when it comes. But for some reason everyone always want to say that is fake, then it usually I never get nothing fake, I research a lot what I buy.

Regarding the effects, let´s say I´ve put enough consciousness work where the high of opiates, and overall the high of any drug, falls short to the possibilities of my conciousness, so what people call 'high' at this point I call 'low'.

Just to give you an idea of what I mean, with Yogic practices I regularly reach blissful and euphoric states of consciousness that go beyond psychedelics. No wonder at this point even heroin I find a meh feeling.

talk to me in ten years and if you’re still not using opiates I’ll give you a medal.

Addiction is repeating a behavior with compulsion. Whether that compulsion is daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, every five years, every decade, every twenty years, every fifty years.

Whatever it is, you never forget the feeling.

A lady posted on here about having done heroin once when she was in her twenties. She described going twenty years without a fix. She recounted that she was now actively searching and that her entire concept of happiness had altered.

I don’t know man. This is a harm reduction forum. Do you really want me to tell you to sniff heroin and not give you a disclaimer of the potential for addiction?

I’m happy that you’re free of the shackles I wear but I didn’t want to advise you to put onto your wrists the same shackles which confine me.

What kind of friend would I be if I allowed heroin to do to you what it had done to me?
I´ve been doing opiates for 6 years (occasionally, regularly, daily, with breaks, some time off, and everything in between) and Not a single day I had a thought of "damn! Im such a slave to the drug! poor me! Once I get sober all my problems will be solved! Is just this drug that fucks my life up!"

My father was exactly like that. Guess what, when he quit the drug, his bullshit were exactly the same. He was just hiding his bullshit with the excuse that is the drug that is the problem. Drug is absolutely never the problem.

Everything is a decision on life. A powder or drug does not have the responsibility of my life. Never has and never will.

Even if suddenly I would get addicted to heroin as you said and from tomorrow I will use it for 20 years straight, it would still be a decision. This is what you are not getting. I still would not create an addict mentality because I don´t understand life as that.

The difference between you guys and me is that I never have constructed an identity around a drug. Is just not how I play life. I don´t like to play victim and project responsibility towards external stuff. Is not smart and is not correct because life works in such a way the responsibility is always 100% yours.

Which makes that if you construct an identity about being addict to something, is precisely the best trick to keep doing the drug and not even face what your real shadows you are trying to cover up. Classic how my father was. And your thinking is quite similar.

If you don't built an identity of being a 'coffee addict' why you build an identity of being opiate or heroin addict? What does it serve you? What kind of falsehood are you trying to avoid in constructing this type of stories?

Can´t you just accept the responsibility of actions? Withouth constructing a personal story about it? What is behind this construction that you are trying to cover up?
I don’t know. I never have considerred myself addicted. But I did choose to be dependent. When ji decided to stop I could feel that my body and mind were physically dependent on the drug and that I was now facing a strong compulsion to continue using.

Like I said earlier. It’s a disclaimer. A warning. A pórtense of things to come. Good luck. I hope you stay the person you are today.

Me personally. The drug rewired my reward system and I find it difficult to feel good without it. I’m glad your yogic practice protects you from this. Enjoy
I´ll update us with the results of the test when it comes. But for some reason everyone always want to say that is fake, then it usually I never get nothing fake, I research a lot what I buy.

Well you shoulda mentioned that; I didn't mean to imply anything other than most #4 is hit with fent, fentalogues, nitrines? (thats wrong someone correct it, they are ultra powerful and long lastting)

Ya know most ppl just grab that ish on a corner!

You aren't different. It isn't you that constructs your identity according to what drug you are on; it is other people and the way they perceive you/drug use / your drug use. I don't think most anyone considers themselve a junky addict crack/pothead; other people frame you with that shit and you are unable to show them otherwise as noone wants to give a 'junky' a try. I never stole a red cent, ripped anyone off, robbed a place; you know junky shit; yet you can best believe that is the first name people would call me. Go deductive logic over socratic and the problem becomes as simple as math and will power.

Glad that things went well, that had to be one expensive glass of water or I would be thinking of doing the same. That and I dont have the luxury of research and im in the US so H is just over.... best way to explain it.