(answered) I received an IP ban out of the blue

I seriously hope so... I mean this was only 5 minutes ago and I just feel so...rejected :(

I guess until it's fixed I can just go and stand in the corner over there and cry or something....
We dont ban IPs but every now and then we'll get IPs that have been flagged due to spammers. You likely have a dynamic IP address and picked up one of those. I dont know the ins and outs of this kind of thing, but I've merged your thread into another of the same nature, so all the information you need should be on this page or the previous page here. :) Until you've figured it out, all I can suggest is to continue with the proxies and to let you know that we still love you and it was nothing personal. <3 :D You likely just got unlucky in the IP draw.
thanks...especially for the reassurance, I love bluelight and would have hated to outstay my welcome!

I tried my IP on the ban list things and they are all coming up as okay. However, it does say 'warning No Reverse-DNS (PTR) is assigned' to my ip address. My IP on this computer is assigned by the router at my house tho, I have no idea what the IP address of my router is.

I've tried turning it off and on n all that jazz but I am still stuck.... argh!!!
'warning No Reverse-DNS (PTR) is assigned'
DNS stands for Domain Name Somethingorother. All that means is that you don't have a domain name registered for your IP which is common for personal use. A domain name being google.com which resolves to from my location.

My IP on this computer is assigned by the router at my house tho, I have no idea what the IP address of my router is.
The IP that Bluelight sees will be one owned by your service provider and assigned to the router. If you look up your own box's local IP it will be assigned by the router and probably be a common one like If you use a website or command line to "see" your IP it will be the router's and unique to the web.

What you want to do is use a site like http://www.whatismyip.com/ to determine your internet IP address. Then turn off/back on your router, and once it comes back check the site again and it should be different. It seems like you already did this but it can't hurt to try again and double check whether it is changing. If it is the same after resetting your router you may have a static IP assigned by your service provider. This is to ensure you (and others) can access your local network from remote locations over the long term (e.g. including power failures). You'll have to access the router's web interface which is likely still at it's default local IP address (eg. for linksys but you'll need to look it up for your router). From here you can use admin settings and should be able to request a new IP.
A quick update,everythings back to normal now but only because the person who runs and looks after this pc changed fro BT to Talk Talk and was sent a new router,so it's all good :).
Admin Help Please! IP Address Keeps Getting Banned!

Every few days my IP address gets banned and I have to just switch the router on and off to login.

I;ve contaced the administrators about 3 times with no reply.

Can someone explain what's going on or even better, fix the issue please?

Tbh, there are more of these 'ip ban' complaints coming into the admin than is reasonable. This thread can provide some of the history of what we've been trying to do to address it, with minimal success. What's really screwing it up is that it sounds like a vBulletin error message screen, but someone reported something similar on the Pillreports pages (they use a diff software, so it shouldn't be the same error, but they share a server, so there is a connection). We're still trying to address it.

The best we can do at this point is suggest people reset their IP as outlined in the thread. If you know your ISP, please tell us (it may be a common issue to an ISP, as many of the complaints are coming from the UK). Give us a screen capture of your error message, as it may help.
What's your geographical location (approximately)?

What's your current ISP?

Can you circumvent using a proxy site?

Can you circumvent using Tor (or Tor plugin for FF)?

Currently having the same issue here. Working fine via a proxy / TOR. Based in Scotland UK using Sky as my ISP. Can PM my IP to a mod if they can help me out. As you can see I don't really post here so assume someone using my IP previously has been causing trouble, but I do like to browse!

Thanks in advance for any help:)
Nothing any staff can do on our end to help you. Bluelight uses huge industry wide black lists to avoid spamming IPs. Your best bet is to obtain a new IP from your ISP. Generally this would be done by just resetting your router or by contacting your ISP if you have signed up for a static IP address.
Thanks for the reply amapola. I'm dynamic so will just force a new IP next time I can.
There seems to be a problem blocking people on sky.

It must be something in the vbulletin settings but I was unable to find out what it was when i looked.
There seems to be a problem blocking people on sky.

It must be something in the vbulletin settings but I was unable to find out what it was when i looked.

I've got an IP address starting 2.x.x.x. This seems to cause problems at some other sites, and I remember Virgin Media having similar issues a few years back. At a guess I'd say the IP range I'm getting (not the specific IP) is the cause of the problem. This would also fit in with what you're saying chr1.5 if other Sky users are experiencing the same issue. I can't see my IP on any meaningful blocklist.

Unfortunately rebooting the router isn't giving me a new IP, and I can't be arsed keeping it off for a long time at present. Back when I was with Virgin changing the routers MAC to one of your computers forced a new IP, unfortunately I can't see the same options on Skys efforts.

Ah well, TOR for the win=D
hey i also have a similar issue, i've had an account for maybe a year now and it still wont let me post threads and ask questions etc, it says summin like 'the moderator may need to bla bla' or something like this, i just want to join like everyone else :( lol. cheers. x
^ did you confirm your account with the email link that was sent to you when you registered?