(answered) I received an IP ban out of the blue

matt, These posts earlier in this thread give some info on what to do:
scrooloose, there is no disciplinary record about any problems with you as a poster. Do you know if you have a dynamic IP that changes periodically? Some DSL, dial up, smart phone connections, change your IP periodically. You could have inherited the former IP of a spammer or the like.

If this is the case turning off your modem and turning it back on could give you another IP, hopefully one that has no problem history.

If that doesn't work you can try and see if these links are helpful.


Also it is possible your network, dns server, or ISP is blocking BL rather than BL blocking your IP. Are you getting any spefic messages when you are unable to connect to Bluelight. if so would you post them or a screen pic of what happens?

Looking into this a bit.....it appears to be akin to this from our Greenlighter Guide:

Bluelight doesn't block IPs (we don't even keep them - fer realz), our software relies on other spam filtering sites that keep logs of SPAMmer IPs to block incoming problems - this is common practice for lots of sites, as maintaining a list of IPs isn't feasible, and it makes more sense to have clearing houses record them and we lean on their database for validation.

This appears to be the case with the IP you've provided me. If you go to any of a number of sites that check for IPs getting blacklisted, you'll find that your IP is in those logs (not all, but some, and one is all it takes). You have to contact each of those logs individually to get your IP removed from their blacklist.

As an example, feed your IP into any of the following blacklist checkers:


You'll probably experience the same thing at several other sites, if they also employ these clearinghouses.

Sorry we can't do more.

Good luck!
sorry about this it's a bit frustrating cos i have very limited use of this pc to check back on this because i cant use the usual one with the banned ip and have to be brief.

So the only way around this is to change the ip address?

i hope this is straight forward because i have no shame in saying that when it comes to computers i know nothing and i don't wanna mess the pc up.
Yes at this time the only way around this is to change your IP address. TLB mentioned he would attempt to discover filters that give to many false positives and make adjustments. For many people with dynamically assigned IP addresses all that is required is to unplug their DSL modems for a few minutes and turn it back on.

Sometimes it is more complicated than that. If you run into problems getting it changed via the links at the end of my post I'll make a best effort to help you with that. Sometimes the only way to get a new IP is to talk to your ISP. I'm sorry for your encountering this frustrating situation. Hope everything is working better for you soon.

^Is there a way to find out if you have a static or dynamic IP address?
The only two ways I know is that your ISP or over time you find you are continuously have the same address. If you go to http://www.whatismyip.com/ write down your IP there, shut of your modem, turn it back on, go back to whatismyip, and your IP is different than you definitely have a dynamic IP. Some dynamic IPs keep you assigned for a set period even if you reset so you don't positively prove you are static by keeping the same IP.

In the US, dial up is always dynamic, DSL is most often dynamic, and cable is most often static-but there are exceptions. Many DSL providers will let you have a static IP for a one time or monthly fee.

I believe you might be able to tell by accessing the settings in your modem or network device as well. Since the how to and applicability of doing this is going to vary a ton by devices used I'm not even going to try to make instructions on doing that.

seasonsecurity said:
How do I find out if I have a dynamic or static ip address?

3 responses so far ↓


1 falsi fiable //

If you get a different IP address every time you connect to the Internet, it is dynamic. If it is always the same you have a static or semi-permanent address. Call your service provider for details.

2 John //

If your ISP issues you a static IP. You could request to have them issue you another one and they might do it.

3 beast //

There are two ways to find out that you have a Dynamic or Static IP
1.Go to http://www.myipaddress.com it will show you your IP note it down some where
then disconnect your Internet connection by turning off the Modem then connect to Internet again
then go back to http://www.myipaddress.com again and check your IP if its different from the one you noted down before than you have a Dynamic IP otherwise Static

2.Open Command Prompt ([START], [RUN], type “cmdâ€￾ and press [OK]).
Type "IPCONFIG /ALL" and hit enter.

If "Dhcp Enabled = No" , your IP is not Dynamic. if it is yes the IP is Dynamic

Now days most companies provide Dynamic IP however if your IP comes out to be Static you can request your service provider to change it to Dynamic

One temporary solution is
1.Go to Control Panel,
2.then to Network,
7.Click on Obtain IP address automatically.
then OK and you are done

Good Day
The ipconfig thing will only work if you aren't on an internal network (if you are then your IP address will show as 192.168.*.* on ipconfig).
in general it costs more to have a static ip address, and for home users it's pretty unusual, though not impossible. that doesn't mean you won't get assigned the same external ip address more often than not particularly if you just leave your router running the lease on the ip it is using will often times just get renewed. as mentioned above turning off your router for a while should do it, if not unplug the router from the phone line then have another go.
starting with the easiest options,when unplugging your router,does everything need to be turned off first,the pc and the router?

if this don't work,the other options seem complicated.The only thing i can do on a pc is browse the web and buy things online,that is it!
there's no need to turn off your computer. if you are trying to get a new ip address then turning off the router ought to be plan a. plan b would be unplugging it from the phone socket.
well I'm still getting around this using TOR. Not ideal, but it's a means to an end. Oddly there is at least one day in the week when I can access using IE, but otherwise my IP is banned from Bluelight.
still no luck here tried unplugging phone connection,turning off router etc same old,same old.will have to get someone else to look at cos i dunno what i,m doing :!
^ My next step would be to call your ISP and say that the IP you have had for sometime is on a ban list for multiple sites and you would like to request that they move you to a new one.
I hope your ISP can help. The ipconfig thing is kind of a shot in the dark and not likely to work if the router reset did not.
still no luck here tried unplugging phone connection,turning off router etc same old,same old.will have to get someone else to look at cos i dunno what i,m doing :!
Then you most likely have a static IP address. Call up your ISP and tell them you are having issues and ask them to reassign you a new IP address. I've found some won't but the mention of switching ISP's to solve the problem seems to change their mind.

If you can't manage that well the there is a perfectly good solution to your issues posted by TheLoveBandit.

Edit.. lol too slow.
We are getting A LOT of admin emails about this issue, which to repeat, we cannot get people's IP addy's or ranges removed from the spam filtering sites. HOWEVER, I will investigate which of the ones we're relying on is kicking out the most errors and see if we can drop them from our list of resources. This may hopefully address the majority of people experiencing this problem.

Within the last hour I've removed a couple of our spam filtering services, please let us know if this has alleviated some problems (as we pray it doesn't invite more spam bots :eek: ).
Repeated banning of IP address

As it says in the title, my IP addy has been banned maybe a dozen times over the last 4 months, apparently it's occuring with some other accounts as well. Anyone any ideas as & when ( or if) it will be rectified permanently ?

In some ways it's probably a good thing all round =D
It seems we're still experiencing this issue, so offer apologies (lot of good that does). We'll continue to look further into it. We do not like that so many valuable members and lurkers are unable to reach us and join in the community...but we're limited in what we can control and effect.
It should also be noted (if it hasn't been already) that people who browse on their phone, often get eachother's IP routinely, as in person A gets a new IP when browsing on his phone, and that IP happens to be person's B his old IP. And person C get's person A's old IP and person B gets C's old IP and so on. I hope this explanation is understandable, and of course it doesn't happen in a routine of 3 people but most likely more. I've seen it occur on other forums.
banned IP address?

For some reason when I tried coming on here a lil while ago, it said my IP address is banned!

I don't think I did anything wrong (did i?!) so why is it coming up as banned? :( I'm only posting now by using a cheeky proxy server...
Your IP address is probably blacklisted... How to fix this unfortunately isn't in the sticky at the top of this forum... Surely someone will point you in the right direction, though. It happened to me years ago and it is definitely correctable, if this actually what is going on.