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Detox I need some words of encouragement rn


Jan 24, 2017
I'm going through some brutal kratom wds after transitioning from morphine. I went through a whole box of morphine ampoules in 8 days, the last couple of days I couldn't even hit a vein. I'm sick of choosing squalor over having a good healthy life. I no longer wanna escape from pain, the grip of opiates have had in my life has been insane. But I'm fucking decided now.
I would love some support from this lovely community.
Every single one of u Is amazing.
N xx
P.S pregabalin is a fucking godsend for wds.
I'm so glad to hear this. You can do this man. You've been here before and much worse. I'm still holding strong. Not sleeping but holding strong. If I can make it through 2mths of this methadone bullshit then you'll make it out the otherside as well. I have faith. You got my # anytime you wanna call.

How much kratom did you go through?
I'm so glad to hear this. You can do this man. You've been here before and much worse. I'm still holding strong. Not sleeping but holding strong. If I can make it through 2mths of this methadone bullshit then you'll make it out the otherside as well. I have faith. You got my # anytime you wanna call.

How much kratom did you go through?
I got like 10g left from 100g I ordered, but tbh man I'm sick of having a crutch to live. So I'm fucking embracing the pain, fuck hiding through drugs man. I want my emotions back.
💪this is gonna sound crazy but pain feels good rn. My will power now is stronger than my wish to drown in opiates.
I got this.
Thanks for the message buddy.
I got like 10g left from 100g I ordered, but tbh man I'm sick of having a crutch to live. So I'm fucking embracing the pain, fuck hiding through drugs man. I want my emotions back.
💪this is gonna sound crazy but pain feels good rn. My will power now is stronger than my wish to drown in opiates.
I got this.
Thanks for the message buddy.
Appears we have a post full of confidence and determination. I like this kinda post kinda turns me on a bit... of course not in a sick way.
We both know you have been through a hell of a lot worse withdrawals and you one of those do something "type" so I have no doubts you can/will attain your goals.
You know we always here for ya, too, right?
One Love, bruv.
I got like 10g left from 100g I ordered, but tbh man I'm sick of having a crutch to live. So I'm fucking embracing the pain, fuck hiding through drugs man. I want my emotions back.
💪this is gonna sound crazy but pain feels good rn. My will power now is stronger than my wish to drown in opiates.
I got this.
Thanks for the message buddy.
I know the feeling all to well. Sometimes it's rough for me because I'm not sleeping and having a lot of ups and downs but I honestly feel so good. Having my feelings back(ability to feel good) is amazing. I felt dead on methadone. No emotions, motivation, happiness, sadness or love for life. It's all coming back. Stay strong brother.
Appears we have a post full of confidence and determination. I like this kinda post kinda turns me on a bit... of course not in a sick way.
We both know you have been through a hell of a lot worse withdrawals and you one of those do something "type" so I have no doubts you can/will attain your goals.
You know we always here for ya, too, right?
One Love, bruv.
Thanks man, 😊 really gives me strength to read that.
Ive never spoken with you but read many many comments and positive advice you have given to so many.I have also read the ones of despair and suffering ...i know you can win the battle ....you are stronger than you may feel mr peru ...one day at at time one day you be fine .....peace
This thread rocks. I don’t know you but I’m super pumped to hear you’re trying to get through to the other side. Withdrawal can be tough. Keep rocking it.

Yes, enjoy the fight (the pain) even, why not!? Your strength is louder. Use your supports! -including this community, just as you are. Again— nice work and keep going.
I'm going through some brutal kratom wds after transitioning from morphine. I went through a whole box of morphine ampoules in 8 days, the last couple of days I couldn't even hit a vein. I'm sick of choosing squalor over having a good healthy life. I no longer wanna escape from pain, the grip of opiates have had in my life has been insane. But I'm fucking decided now.
I would love some support from this lovely community.
Every single one of u Is amazing.
N xx
P.S pregabalin is a fucking godsend for wds.
You got this! Distract as mich as possible. Get to enjoy baths.it helps. Grab a joint and take it one day at a time, if that seems too much ( I know how slow time goes when wd) one minute at a time. Each minute goes by your that much cleaner and ready for a new life! Hang in there!
you can do it. I commend your commitment. I am at the end of a benzo my taper and about to jump off. It will be uncomfortable. You didn't dig this hole in a day, you won't get out of it in a day -- it will take a few months but things will even out. Two things I have found immensely helpful in opioid taper are: ultra low dose naltrexone and black seed oil. search my user name for posts about it. after the benzos, i will be quitting opioids altogether. these things are doable, you just have to really want it and not let anything get in the way of you getting better. <3 respect
I'm going through some brutal kratom wds after transitioning from morphine. I went through a whole box of morphine ampoules in 8 days, the last couple of days I couldn't even hit a vein. I'm sick of choosing squalor over having a good healthy life. I no longer wanna escape from pain, the grip of opiates have had in my life has been insane. But I'm fucking decided now.
I would love some support from this lovely community.
Every single one of u Is amazing.
N xx
P.S pregabalin is a fucking godsend for wds.
Good on you brother being addicted to opiates is slavery the drug runs your life . Just remember your mind is your enemy it will try all the tricks to get you back on it . Pregabs are a miracle for wds but don't swap addictions ..The good thing is you come to that point where your sick of it .. Remember its not a race it takes time but one day you be watching something and laugh a natural laugh and you know you come through it
Every step further you go is a step closer towards never having to feel like this again. It is so incredibly worth it. One day, not long from now, you'll feel completely better and all of this will just be a memory that you've learned from. You got this, you can do it. <3
Every step further you go is a step closer towards never having to feel like this again. It is so incredibly worth it. One day, not long from now, you'll feel completely better and all of this will just be a memory that you've learned from. You got this, you can do it. <3
I haven't slept a wink for 2 days, only like 2-3 hrs from exhaustion. Srsly going through 1g of morphine intravenously was the fucking breaking point for me, the shit devours me completely and I'm tired of it. No more kratom, no more tramadol either. I need to feel again, I want to.
Ty swilow
Good on you brother being addicted to opiates is slavery the drug runs your life . Just remember your mind is your enemy it will try all the tricks to get you back on it . Pregabs are a miracle for wds but don't swap addictions ..The good thing is you come to that point where your sick of it .. Remember its not a race it takes time but one day you be watching something and laugh a natural laugh and you know you come through it
I'm just taking pregabs and gaba because I'm at the peak rn, then I'll just cut it off immediately so I don't have gabaergic wds which are awful too I know.
I'm just taking pregabs and gaba because I'm at the peak rn, then I'll just cut it off immediately so I don't have gabaergic wds which are awful too I know.
Best way my brother the problem with pregabs is they take the fatigue away let you sleep eat and for you being in peru you can just pop into the pharmacy and get some . After the wds were over i told my self ill do them one day a week to lift mood still on the fucking things now . They just so good opiate wd miracle coke comedown the best
You've done it before so you'll do it again - your organism "knows" it can do it through experience

Also, you're a bloody minded little shit who is stubborn as fuck - both great 'attributes' for combating addiction ;)

Been a bit concerned about you lately for various reasons.

What really bodes well is you saying stuff like "I need to feel again. I want to". You're a young man - you do need to feel again and you will mate. Even if the feels are 'bad' - so what? Better to feel anyway. Lets not value-judge the feels. All experience is useful in some way

Virtual hugs friend <3