• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

I Like to Draw Pictures of Random Molecules

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What does this make? It sounds like a pcp synthesis

5.3g of Bleach (sodium hypochlorite) (chlorine) and acetic acid (lemon juice) and salt None Iodized this is cyclohexane Synthesis

sodium carbonate is added with rapid stirring distilled

3.93g of potassium cyanide

8.17ml of piperine is added after it is created into piperdine (black pepper works) then cooled on ice heated in microwave

Magnesium turnings(irosply alcohol and wash containing magnesium sulfate) were added dried 30ml of (ether,gasoline,alcohol) and then bromozine-arisol (any type of fragrance)

Then toluene is added (or acetone) and sharpie ink /(calcium chloride)
add 10.3ml of anhydrous (baking soda) add

several grams of ammonium chloride and sodium hydroxide is added (drain cleaner) ice again then dilute 3 times with hydrocloric acid cool in the freezer until it's dry then unfreeze into a liquid
Lsd binds irreversibly to serotonin sites, causing them to buckle over the molecule, trapping it in. The neurons must die and be replaced by an LSD naive receptor site, if that ever really happens, that is. The conformation of the receptor after binding with LSD otherwise never occurs when plain ole 5-HT aka serotonin binds to it. I wish had jotted down a source for this information, but I didn't. All I know is that this comes from vnew research, during which the active binding site for LSD was mapped. The two ethyls lie perfeftly on the top portion of the drug-receptor site.
The neurons must die and be replaced by an LSD naive receptor site,

Not the neuron dies fortunately, but the receptors do get internalized and metabolized (along with LSD) and recycled)... also this does not happen to every one of them, some LSD molecules do wiggle loose and get dissociated again from the receptor before internalization.

O-Methyl Haoma Extract (from the plants ma huang or ephedra after chemical modification)

Note the similarity to Preludin (phenmetrazine).
Of course, I don't expect anything to top this chemically derived haoma extract, better known as methamphetamine.



Ahh, clean-burning propane...




And finally, a good alternative to MDMA:


PCA (whose effects were 'well tolerated' according to one old study)


2C-SHIVA has already been synthed and tested. It was found to be a stimulant but not a psychotomimetic.
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I don't know all that much about drug design nor pharmacology (yet, I really want to learn more) -- would either of these make a much more potent mitragynine analog? My logic was that being that acts on opioid receptors, something that causes opioids to be more potent (morphine -> heroin with diacetyls), it would also work for mitragynine? I chose the 7 position as a 7-HO-Mitragynine is more potent than regular mitragynine.

Can someone explain why I'm correct/incorrect? I want to learn more about SARs and all that jazz.


I realize aliphatic chloros are to be avoided, as they can N-chlorinate DNA, but some such as clindamycin are still prescribed, and let's face it, the typical user of a drug like this usually isn't the most health conscious.
might be pretty hard to synthesize.. lysergic acid after all is a compound you get from nature.


I realize aliphatic chloros are to be avoided, as they can N-chlorinate DNA, but some such as clindamycin are still prescribed, and let's face it, the typical user of a drug like this usually isn't the most health conscious.

I still avoid this one, the tendency to form reactive aziridine is too strong. (leaving group at beta position to a nucleophile)
(This is even a topic of study in Org.chem: see here for brief idea - Wiki )
The formation is assisted by attacking of lone pair from beta-position to kick away the leaving group forming reactive three-membered ring.

This is the principal of design of mustard gas, both sulfur and nitrogen mustard; which is much more stronger alkylating agent than a normal "chloroalkane" should have

Thought of these before giving a further look into this thread -- I saw someone propose the first one, which would be incredibly difficult to synthesize the diathiol -- or might not even be possible -- but what about the bottom two? Do you think those would be possible? An MDMA sulfur analog.
using that nomenclature, 3C-DMT would be a,n,n-trimethyltryptamine, which is already a thing..

is there any chance that your molecule would be active anyway?
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