I feeling very depressed and suicidal

Lysis, I don't know you but I feel for you. It sounds like you are a very caring and compassionate person, sometimes others will prey on that and take advantage. I can relate to what you are going through....just don't let him and others like him change the great person you are. I agree with the going cold turkey, that jerk doesn't deserve another second of your time or energy. You will be okay, and eventually you'll meet someone who treats you like gold, like you deserve to be treated. <3
Oh Lysis, don't be so hard on yourself! This guy isn't worth your time or emotions if he's willing to take advantage of you and if anything you're lucky you can see what kind of a person he truly is before you wasted any more time with him!

Repeat after me: I am NOT a whore. He took advantage of me when I was weak, but that doesn't make me a whore or an idiot.

Hon, this happens to even the smartest, most reserved women out there so don't feel as if you are dumb or in any way a whore. I can think of two good things that have already come out of this situation: 1.) You realized what kind of person he actually is and what he's truly capable of, and 2.) You have learned from what has happened so that it [hopefully] will never happen again! You're a smart girl so don't think any of this is a result of you being stupid in any way, alright?

Now, what you need to do is purge this guy from your life 100% no matter how hard this may be. I'm not saying get rid of him forever, but you really do need to absolve him from your routine in every possible way, even by deleting his phone numbers and Facebook off your contact lists. The less you see him, the easier all of this will become. Unfortunately it can seem damn near impossible to get over that initial hump of getting rid of someone entirely but once you do it and you've gotten back on your feet--and you WILL!--you will be so glad you did it, I promise =)

You're a smart, beautiful girl and you're worth so much more than any of this. Don't let something momentary like this put thoughts of actions with permanent consequences in your head, especially because things WILL get better for you.

Please keep us updated so we can know how you're doing and message me if you need anyone to talk to!
Sometimes I sit and think to myself how wonderful it would to be in a relationship, even if it took me to the brink of death and back. You see, I have some antisocial issues and find it very hard to articulate my feelings to other people - as a result, I have not been in very many relationships and lemme tell you this:

Being in a relationship and feeling the way you do is about 10000x better than never being in a relationship at all and believe me, that takes the GREATEST toll on a person... to never really been loved is a bad bad thing. Try to realize that this man is probably not worth your time and realize that it's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved, or been loved... take it from me!

I would rather have my heart ripped outa my chest and thrashed back and forth by someone than to have never of felt anything at all. Sorry if my post really sucks, but I hope you find some value from it and I really do wish you the best. Try to stick it out, I am sure there are tons of guys out there who would be more than willing to treat you right - just a matter of time
Jesus im glad i logged on here and saw you logged into today too.

Hugs and best wishes
