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I caught my girlfriend rubbing one off (also; Women, what kind of porn do you watch?)


Moderator: BDD, OD
Staff member
Jul 21, 2002
So the other day my girlfriend slept on the couch because I had a meeting early the next morning and because I am such a light sleeper (if she moves around or even breathes too loud I can wake up) she offered to sleep on the couch as to not disturb me.

In my living room I have a couple cameras with night vision set up because we've been having mice sneak in and I have no idea how they're getting in so I've been trying to capture them on camera. My girlfriend knows about these cameras but I guess she forgot.

Because a few days later, when I was reviewing the footage, I see my girlfriend on the couch, lying down on her belly, and she's watching something on her ipad. Now there are multiple cameras so I could see multiple angles, including her face from the front and her from the side. It becomes clear in the video that she has one hand on her crotch while shes rubbing one out, and the expression on her face is clearly that of her masturbating. Aside from the ipad (which was playing something I couldn't identify -- it didnt look like normal porn but like a movie or something), she also had her phone out and the screen was white with some text on it. She was kind of looking at both back the ipad and phone and while rubbing it out until she finally got her nut off (which was clear by her facial expressions).

I'm no prude and I kind of thought it was funny, and she is hardly sex deprived (I dick her down almost daily, maybe 5-6 days a week -- it would be more if she could handle it). That night I did not dick her down though since i was busy preparing for the next days meeting. I have watched porn with her in the past a few years back when I was buying synthetic cathinones and other very horniness inducing stimulants, along with GHB and benzos etc. I sort of regret how far some of that chemsex went, cause it made normal sex a bit a weird after since we normally don't watch porn together or get that type of freaky (like 10 hour sex marathons and all that shit).

So I didn't really care, but of couse a few things crossed my mind. For instance, while I am packing quite abit of heat (especially in terms of girth, -- she usually can't handle more than 25 minutes of sustained pounding without it discomfort, unless alot of drugs are involved, yet even then it still hurts her but she stays horny enough to play through it), one thought I had was, how if what she was watching on her ipad was something like Blacked gangbang type shit, where abunch of fools with some seriously monster dongs are simultaneously going to town on some bitch. That is something I can't compete with. I thought that was not likely cause she can barely handle this dick, but it was still a thought. And then I thought, aside from what she's watching on her ipad, why does she keep looking at her phone, is she sexting some dude?

Well, I asked her. Turns out, she was watching Euphoria, the HBO series, which has alot of sex scenes. When I rewatched the footage it was obvious that she was indeed watching Euphoria. And as far as her phone? She was reading some erotica book that she got on some app called Galatea or something like that. She showed me the stuff she was reading. It was super lame. So all softcore stuff etc.

But I wonder, say she had been actually been watching some Blacked gangbangs? I wonder how I'd feel. I think it might bother me a bit because obviously, how does one man compete with 5 massive black dicks?

In any case, my question is, what kind of porn do you women watch?

I have a feeling that the younger generation of women, like teenagers or those in their early 20's are watching ALOT more hardcore porn than older women like my girlfriend (mid/late 20s and onward).

For instance, I moved recently to a suburban area and the new gym I go to is packed with very young people, like the majority are 16 to 22 or so. I happen to be a "shower" more than "grower" so my flaccid dick is especially large, especially in terns of flaccid girth. I mean it grows, but it doesnt triple in size. But in anycase, this means I just naturally walk around with very conspicious bulge in my pants. One would think ive got like a seriously monster 10 inch dick because of it (it is definitely bigger than average, its defintely not a 10 inch monster big). But compared to any gym ive ever been to, these women (and flat out girls in some cases, i mean some are in high school) seem really preoccupied my bulge. So much so that
its made me uncomfortable cause some of these girls are like 16 and im not about that life. Ive even had to stop wearing light grey pants and switch from boxers to boxer briefs to reduce the dick print. These girls even come up to me and ask me for my snapchat or instagram, im nice but i dont give them the info. I mean i'm a fairly handsome dude, and they must think I'm in 20s or something, but I think a big part of it is definitely the bulge. And basically, i think the reason is that younger girls are watching ALOT of porn. It's actually kind of fucked up. I mean I've had it happen of course at other gyms, but not like this. And not with then trying to chat me up or flirt, or intentionally go to whatever part of the gym I'm in to peek. My girlfriend goes to the gym with me too sometimes and she notices it as well, including once overhearing some girls talking about me in the locker room.

Yet again for second I thought, "damn how if she watching some Blacked gangbang or something like that"

But I'm curious to hear if I'm right. I don't think there are any women in their year 20s or 18 or 19 here (probably on the bluelight discord there are), but what do other women watch.

And if you are women and watch porn, do you ever hide what your watching from your significant other?
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My partner likes written smut too. That’s the first thing I thought of when you mentioned text on screen

I heard one woman say she liked gay porn cuz the guys have the nicest cocks lol. That made me laugh but I guess it makes sense
Regardless though, I think the vast majority of “woman gets impaled by some guy’s monster hog”-type content is aimed at a male audience. Not saying that they don’t like getting impaled by monster hogs on occasion, just that the way that content is usually presented feels very geared towards men imo
Regardless though, I think the vast majority of “woman gets impaled by some guy’s monster hog”-type content is aimed at a male audience. Not saying that they don’t like getting impaled by monster hogs on occasion, just that the way that content is usually presented feels very geared towards men

Yeah that is what I always thought, except until recently with this younger generation of women, and their unusual preoccupation with whats in my pants (which isn't a monster hog by porn standards but sort of gives an impression that that mat be possible due to the conspicious lump).

I've read somewhere that younger women are consuming way more porn than in the past, which make me think there's a connection with the bulge and all these younger girls hitting me up (again, i have no interest, theyre dumb kids). My girlfriend didn't know they were talking about me in the locker until they mentioned the shirt I frequently wear that says something very specific. In any case maybe all that porn is making these younger girls size queens. Which is fucked up.

But older women seem way less concerned with that shit. I know my girlfriend doesn't care.

But in anycase, my theory is that younger women watch more hardcore porn than older one, who are more into erotic stuff, like what my girlfriend was watching. Softcore, sensual stuff etc.

Maybe @SoCalShordie knows more about this, im just throwing out guesses.
For one I find it weird you'd insist she show you what exactly she was watching. What anyone gets off to on their own is private and none of your concern. Also why the heck are you obsessed with the idea of 'what if' she was watching big dick gang bang ? Yeah so what if she had? Porn is just fantasy. Because you like something on screen doesn't mean you necessarily want to replicate the scenario in real life. If you for example were watching porn with a bevy of super hot girls with perfect bikini bodies do you reckon her first thought would be how she can't 'compete' ? Like why does that even enter your head. Makes you sound insecure.
Pretty sure the porn sites put out (anonymous) data on what porn is enjoyed by different people, genders and in different regions.

I couldn't get past all this ranting about your schlong which didn't really seem pertinent. It seemed like your biggest problem was with what kind of porn your s/o MIGHT like and how that would make you feel, your own bulge/schlong ruminations notwithstanding.
Fake ass post

Why would I make a fake post like this.

That said, this post was written in a manic state when I was all hyped up on these very weird 7-hydroxymitragynine pills (or at least, that is what they are sold as and may potentially contain something else -- @Snafu in the Void might understand the genesis of my ranting with respect to these Weird pills as he too has experienced the unique, scattered mania that these supposedly pure 7OHM pills can produce). So those wacky pills (which have led me to talk my girlfriends ear off in some fairly uncharacteristic rants), combined, with a bunch of dexedrine, resulted in this very long winded, manic post that sort of meanders from various subjects and lacks focus.

I guess the real question was, what kind of porn do women watch. The 10 paragraphs that I used to state the question was clearly ineffective in getting any responses from female posters to explain the type of porn they might watch, but there are like 5 women total on Bluelight so it in retrospect wasn't worth asking. I wouldn't have ever made this post if I hadn't been hopped up on those pills, but I guess i felt like ranting on the subject, and the result was this post.
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You seem to be pretty interested in dick sizes. What's that all about?
You seem to be pretty interested in dick sizes. What's that all about?

Well as a dude with an unusually beefy canoli (particularly for a dude my height, in only 5'9") it has brought alot of attention and/or been the subject of discussion (once had a goofy jewish girlfriend who bought me a paperback copy of this book:

The whole dick size discussion was also the main point i was trying to make about my hypothesis that younger women, specifically that women 24 and younger watch alot more porn than older (since they seem fixated on the lump in my pants, literally staring at it etc). And I think much of the reason why they come up to me and ask me what my snapchat or instagram is, or move from one area of the gym to the part I'm at and try to show off their asses etc has alot to do with unusually prominent bulge in my sweats. This is likely because younger women watch alot more porn than previous generations, and start watching porn at an excessively young age. I'm a fairly good looking dude and in good shape but I'm not tall (5'9", which increasingly these days feels short; the average for men at this particular gym is probably 5'10.5", so I am a little shorter than most of the guys -- which definitely is an insecurity of mine). Anyway, I would bet money that if I didn't have such a prominent lump, these young women wouldn't be coming up to me and asking for my snapchat etc. And I think a big driver of this is that younger women watch way more porn than older women. So basically, they're not approaching me because they think I'm so good looking, they're approaching me because they think I have a big dick. That said, if I was ugly or weird looking, yet had a similarly visible lump, I don't think they would approach me, so it isn't 100% the lump. But I don't think it would be occuring to this extent without it.

You guys seem to think I'm making this up. The phenomenon is so prominent that some of the girls that stare at me the most (there are a few that do it alot and frequently go out of their way to flaunt their asses) will aggressively stare at my girlfriend. This has happened numerous time but I haven't explained to my girlfriend why it's happening. Take a look at this text my girlfriend sent me the last time we went to the gym together:

The blond girl she is referring to is one of the ones that is most preoccupied with me, and is one that I've seen flat at staring at my lump. She'll go out of her way to walk past me or show off her body, which is fucked up because she is often with her boyfriend. The thing is, she actually has incredible shape, is maybe 20 year old, and has probably the 2nd best ass in the gym (the gymgoers are frequently the same people, this area is remote subarb). She is pretty too, but seems like a bitch. Of course I didn't explain to my girlfriend that the reason why that girl is staring her down is out of jealously. This has happened a number of times with other girls there, where my girlfriend tells me that a girl was staring her down in a mean one.

There is however another part of this phenomenon (other women hating on my girlfriend). My girlfriend isn't in as good shape as these girls (who work out constantly and have perfect figures), whereas my girlfriend is not as fit and could lose a few pounds. Also, with respect to our faces, im the pretty one in our relationship, so part of the staring is because these girls are trying to find out why I'm with her (this type of judgement happens in other settings, so its not just the dong). But my girlfriend isn't ugly, and has a nice shape, but she is just more curvy than these white girls (also, my girlfriend is Hispanic and I am white, and this area is predominantly white). I love my girlfriend though, she is attractive and she is very good for me, but as a couple we get judged (especially initially, when she was actually overweight-- I even had friends say stuff like, "dude, what the fuck" because she was different than women that they had seen me date before). But I wouldn't trade her for anything, I'm lucky to have her. She did lose the weight and has a naturally pretty face, but there is a bit of a disparity. But when going to this new gym, the issue is magnified due to the lump, so the girls are especially mean to her. But I wouldn't trade her for any of those bitches.

And yes, this was written under the influence of those 7OHM pills again (@Snafu in the Void can understand the state I'm writing this under). This explains the manic, ranting nature, as well as perhaps the egotistical undertones

But anycase the point remains, I'm almost positive these younger girls are so interested in me because of my unusual dick print, which in turn is because they watch alot of porn so have a greater fascination.

The whole point of this post was to get an idea of the type of porn that women watch. I know for instance that my girlfriend doesn't like actual porn videos and preferred the porn GIFs that used to be on tumblr. I actually found that out early on in our relationship when I gave her an RC stimulant for the first time. We did some lines of it, I went to the bathroom, and when I came back she was on her bed with her laptop out and was looking at porn GIFs on tumblr (which have since been banned from tumblr). I did show her porn videos when we used RC stimulants, but she didn't seem to like videos and prefered the GIFs).
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According to Women, they don’t watch porn and they also don’t masserbate.

Also surprised you didn’t get accused of being a “pedo” for talking about high school chicks checking you out. Teenage chicks aren’t attracted to grown men, everyone knows that…🙄

I don't talk to them. I blow them off and have never given them my contact info. I am not attracted to them either; they seem like dumb kids and I have zero interest in them.
For one I find it weird you'd insist she show you what exactly she was watching. What anyone gets off to on their own is private and none of your concern. Also why the heck are you obsessed with the idea of 'what if' she was watching big dick gang bang ? Yeah so what if she had?

If she had been watching some BBC gangbang porn I would have been OK with it generally. But in the back of my mind it naturally somewhat unsettling.

This is because, as a straight man, and a homo sapien species of primate, in the context of evolutionary psychology, a human male might naturally experience discomfort with their female mate watching that type pornography due to ingrained competitive instincts (similar to those observed in other primate species, where there's a very deep-seated/instinctual drive to ensure loyalty and exclusivity from ones mate to optimize ones chance of reproductive success). So knowing that your mate's fantasy is to be gangbanged by a bunch of giant black dudes could feed a subconscious fear of competition (i.e., feeling threatened by the prospect of their mate's attention or attraction being drawn towards other potential mates, even in a virtual or imaginary setting). To label this as an insecurity fails to recognize that we as humans are primates with deeply ingrained instincts formed over hundreds of thousands or perhaps millions of years.

Of course there are a subset of men who actually fantasize about such a thing (like cuckold fetishes), but as a dominant male, such a thing is not a fantasy of mine.

Again, I could cope with it if she had been actually watching such a thing, but it would possibly linger in the back of mind while having aex.

On a side note, not that there is anything wrong with it, but aren't you @TheUltimateFixx not a straight male? In that case, it's not that you are more evolved of a human by emphasizing that you wouldn't be bothered by it (or you are somehow more secure in yourself). You are simply different from me, so such a notion seems less troubling to you.
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On a side note, not that there is anything wrong with it, but aren't you @TheUltimateFixx not a straight male? In that case, it's not that you are more evolved of a human by emphasizing that you wouldn't be bothered by it (or you are somehow more secure in yourself). You are simply different from me, so such a notion seems less troubling to you.
Ok I don't even know what you're getting at with this. I'm bisexual. In my experience sexual orientation has nothing directly to do with how possessive anyone is of their partners.

Also just why be so intrusive about her personal tastes.
I already find it slightly creepy that you would INTENTIONALLY watch your gf get off when clearly she thought it was a private unobserved moment. If that had been me I'd have discreetly skipped that bit and pretended I hadn't seen. But then to actually scrutinize and demand to know what she was watching is controlling and more than a bit paranoid. Plus you seem to have a major hang-up about dick size and the adequacy of your own appendage, despite claiming to be much above average.

None of this is normal and maybe you ought to be in therapy rather than a relationship.
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Ok I don't even know what you're getting at with this. I'm bisexual. In my experience sexual orientation has nothing directly to do with how possessive anyone is of their partners.

Unlike my other rambling posts in this thread, I articulated that one point with great clarity when I said:

"In the context of evolutionary psychology, a human male might naturally experience discomfort with their female mate watching that type pornography due to ingrained competitive instincts (similar to those observed in other primate species, where there's a very deep-seated/instinctual drive to ensure loyalty and exclusivity from ones mate to optimize ones chance of reproductive success). So knowing that your mate's fantasy is to be gangbanged by a bunch of giant black dudes could feed a subconscious fear of competition (i.e., feeling threatened by the prospect of their mate's attention or attraction being drawn towards other potential mates, even in a virtual or imaginary setting). To label this as an insecurity fails to recognize that we as humans are primates with deeply ingrained instincts formed over hundreds of thousands or perhaps millions of years."

So you, as a bisexual male who (if I am recalling the correct person) was in the process of getting married to another man, are not in competition for a female mate (with which whom offspring could be produced), whereas I, a heterosexual male, am in essentially constant competition with other males for female mates. And while in modern times this competition for female mates has become more figurative instead of literal, it is an ongoing thing (in the Neolithic era, dominant males formed harems of female mates and were in constant competition for female mates -- these behaviors live in us to this, manifested in weight lifting to emphasize dimorphism, some men buying flashy cars, etc etc, despite being this monogamous society we've developed only recently in human history). Thus, you as a bisexual man, would not have been involved in the same type of fierce competition for female mates that I would have. Thus, seeing a female of your harem descended upon by a pack of rivals would not bother you. Because you wouldn't have a harem to begin with.

So your notion that, "sexual orientation has nothing directly to do with how possessive anyone is of their partners" contradicts how we evolved as a primate species (you realize we are animals right?).

In anycase this post was a major fail because:

1) I rambled while high on some mysterious tablets purported to contain only 7-hydroxymitragynine (but are suspiciously strong), leaving a scattered message with some egotistical undertones

2) the almost exclusively male audience was unreceptive to my rambling, responding alternatively by calling me a liar, a "homosex", insecure, etc

3) I didn't get any of the insight I was looking for given the half-baked question and demographics/age distribution of those who visit this site (older and predominantly male)

I tell you this though, those pills are quite good for a the first 2 hours or so, but it's followed by a crash more reminiscent of a stimulant crash than an opioid crash
So the other day my girlfriend slept on the couch because I had a meeting early the next morning and because I am such a light sleeper (if she moves around or even breathes too loud I can wake up) she offered to sleep on the couch as to not disturb me.

In my living room I have a couple cameras with night vision set up because we've been having mice sneak in and I have no idea how they're getting in so I've been trying to capture them on camera. My girlfriend knows about these cameras but I guess she forgot.

Because a few days later, when I was reviewing the footage, I see my girlfriend on the couch, lying down on her belly, and she's watching something on her ipad. Now there are multiple cameras so I could see multiple angles, including her face from the front and her from the side. It becomes clear in the video that she has one hand on her crotch while shes rubbing one out, and the expression on her face is clearly that of her masturbating. Aside from the ipad (which was playing something I couldn't identify -- it didnt look like normal porn but like a movie or something), she also had her phone out and the screen was white with some text on it. She was kind of looking at both back the ipad and phone and while rubbing it out until she finally got her nut off (which was clear by her facial expressions).

I'm no prude and I kind of thought it was funny, and she is hardly sex deprived (I dick her down almost daily, maybe 5-6 days a week -- it would be more if she could handle it). That night I did not dick her down though since i was busy preparing for the next days meeting. I have watched porn with her in the past a few years back when I was buying synthetic cathinones and other very horniness inducing stimulants, along with GHB and benzos etc. I sort of regret how far some of that chemsex went, cause it made normal sex a bit a weird after since we normally don't watch porn together or get that type of freaky (like 10 hour sex marathons and all that shit).

So I didn't really care, but of couse a few things crossed my mind. For instance, while I am packing quite abit of heat (especially in terms of girth, -- she usually can't handle more than 25 minutes of sustained pounding without it discomfort, unless alot of drugs are involved, yet even then it still hurts her but she stays horny enough to play through it), one thought I had was, how if what she was watching on her ipad was something like Blacked gangbang type shit, where abunch of fools with some seriously monster dongs are simultaneously going to town on some bitch. That is something I can't compete with. I thought that was not likely cause she can barely handle this dick, but it was still a thought. And then I thought, aside from what she's watching on her ipad, why does she keep looking at her phone, is she sexting some dude?

Well, I asked her. Turns out, she was watching Euphoria, the HBO series, which has alot of sex scenes. When I rewatched the footage it was obvious that she was indeed watching Euphoria. And as far as her phone? She was reading some erotica book that she got on some app called Galatea or something like that. She showed me the stuff she was reading. It was super lame. So all softcore stuff etc.

But I wonder, say she had been actually been watching some Blacked gangbangs? I wonder how I'd feel. I think it might bother me a bit because obviously, how does one man compete with 5 massive black dicks?

In any case, my question is, what kind of porn do you women watch?

I have a feeling that the younger generation of women, like teenagers or those in their early 20's are watching ALOT more hardcore porn than older women like my girlfriend (mid/late 20s and onward).

For instance, I moved recently to a suburban area and the new gym I go to is packed with very young people, like the majority are 16 to 22 or so. I happen to be a "shower" more than "grower" so my flaccid dick is especially large, especially in terns of flaccid girth. I mean it grows, but it doesnt triple in size. But in anycase, this means I just naturally walk around with very conspicious bulge in my pants. One would think ive got like a seriously monster 10 inch dick because of it (it is definitely bigger than average, its defintely not a 10 inch monster big). But compared to any gym ive ever been to, these women (and flat out girls in some cases, i mean some are in high school) seem really preoccupied my bulge. So much so that
its made me uncomfortable cause some of these girls are like 16 and im not about that life. Ive even had to stop wearing light grey pants and switch from boxers to boxer briefs to reduce the dick print. These girls even come up to me and ask me for my snapchat or instagram, im nice but i dont give them the info. I mean i'm a fairly handsome dude, and they must think I'm in 20s or something, but I think a big part of it is definitely the bulge. And basically, i think the reason is that younger girls are watching ALOT of porn. It's actually kind of fucked up. I mean I've had it happen of course at other gyms, but not like this. And not with then trying to chat me up or flirt, or intentionally go to whatever part of the gym I'm in to peek. My girlfriend goes to the gym with me too sometimes and she notices it as well, including once overhearing some girls talking about me in the locker room.

Yet again for second I thought, "damn how if she watching some Blacked gangbang or something like that"

But I'm curious to hear if I'm right. I don't think there are any women in their year 20s or 18 or 19 here (probably on the bluelight discord there are), but what do other women watch.

And if you are women and watch porn, do you ever hide what your watching from your significant other?

The only thing I found weird about reading this was that you looked at her computer history to figure out what she was watching so you could try to figure out if the imagery she was looking at was a threat to your fragile male-penis ego.

You "caught" her rubbing one off sounds like she was doing something wrong. In all my relationships masturbation is normal. If my partner walks in and I'm jerking off, I'll just say hi and "Please give me a minute."

I'm glad I'm gay. Straight people are so fucking weird about this stuff, and porn, etc.