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I am the smiliest mother-fucker to ever walk the Earth.

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Another smile:

I just won, on ebay, an awesome Huffy hybrid bike... for $73.00! It's only been ridden a few times, a classic case of buying a bike and realising that it's not what they thought it was.

I'm absolutely rapt with winning it and can't wait to start riding!!!

^They're a cross between a mountain bike and a road bike. Means you can go a little off-road if needs be. In general, they use the mountain bike's triple crank and handlebars giving it a more upright posture than road bikes. They also usually use one of the kinds of brakes used on mountain bikes. I love mine. :)

I'm smiling as it's finally cooling down. It was so unbearably hot today [33 degrees with 82% humidity] I had a teary. Thank goodness it looks and feels like it's going to rain.
^ yeah was feral today. I actually couldn't breathe when I went outside, well I could, but you know, it felt like I couldn't.

ffs. #*#$&#*(% Qld summers.
sydney was meant to get 35 today, i reckon it was hotter.

just had a really yummy thai dinner, and lord of the rings is on tv - yay!
spending 3 hours laying in bed watching 'How I met your mother' with the boy, nursing our hangovers with doritos and cheezels :)
I just picked up my bike - it's absolutely awesome! It's only been ridden 3 times; less than 10km :D The rubber needles are still on the tyres! :D

Also, I won the auction on a sewing machine i've been bidding on - $56.00 aww yeah.
Awesome babe. Ill start sending you my designs immediately :D

My smile is half a frown. Our netball team is in the grand final, which is awesome and because of messed travel plans we get to be here, but I cant play because I can barely walk at the moment due to injury last week.... FARKING FRUSTRATION+++++++++++
about two years ago we were looking for a park at our local shopping centre and my boy says "you know what they should have? some sort of indication where the free carspots are. like so you can look down the row and know if there's free ones without having to drive up and down."

not sure if it existed back then, but today we went to the westfield at chatswood, and there's lights above each carspot, with a sensor, and the light is red when there's a car there, and green when there's not.

wish he'd done something with the idea and made us millions, but it's still an awesome improvement to the shopping experience!
I got my results for my first semester back at uni and I got 2 high distinctions and 2 distinctions. :)
Holy shit thats awesome ^ No wonder you're not here much, you're studing all the time! :D

about two years ago we were looking for a park at our local shopping centre and my boy says "you know what they should have? some sort of indication where the free carspots are. like so you can look down the row and know if there's free ones without having to drive up and down."

not sure if it existed back then, but today we went to the westfield at chatswood, and there's lights above each carspot, with a sensor, and the light is red when there's a car there, and green when there's not.

wish he'd done something with the idea and made us millions, but it's still an awesome improvement to the shopping experience!
Thats pretty cool :D

It might placate a bit of car park rage that happens all the time ;)

One place I go to all the time up the coast has a triple story car park. It has a parking attendent that tells you where the free parks are and if there is no room at all.
My smile is from Saturday... Did the Sydney tower sky walk with the boy.... twas great fun!!

Now I'm taking the next 2 days off to be a bum and do nothing!!! Woo! :D
I'm going to MGMT tomorrow night!! Scored myself a ticket thanks to two very lovely friends. YAY!!!
The discovery of McSweeney's Quarterly Concern.

Simple pure joy that shows that the internet will not be the death of tangible literacy.
The discovery of McSweeney's Quarterly Concern.

Simple pure joy that shows that the internet will not be the death of tangible literacy.


I just bought Issue 17.... ONLINE!

fingers crossed for ya KK !!!
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