Mental Health Hypochondria?


Oct 19, 2009
Over the last 12 months I've seen the doctor on a regular basis regarding serious, terminal illnesses. I've seen specialists regarding skin cancer of the lip, throat cancer, had CTs for lung cancer, worried that I have Motor Neuron Disease, Gangrene, Necrosis, Emphysema, tongue cancer and mouth cancer on the roof of my mouth. Every single day, I am constantly thinking about my physical health. Right now, I'm worried about Aseptic Necrosis, as for the past 6 hours I've had a sore leg (from the bone). I have been seeing my GP roughly once a week. Every time I see a discoloration on my skin I think of the worst case scenario -- the start of Necrosis. Then I see my GP and he states it's simply a bruise ... I hate living like this. But how do I get over it? I don't want limbs amputated.

EDIT: In addition, in mid-2012 I was diagnosed with Paranoid Schizophrenia. I'm on meds for it -- clozapine. But these constant feelings of being severely physically ill have only been present for just over 12 months.
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You know i had this in my 20's. I had a problem swallowing.. probably because of eating to quick and had something hard, like a fishbone, whatever something like that. Anyway after a few months i was confinced i had throat cancer. Been to the doctor, had xrays blood etc. Nothing was found. It grew in my mind somehow that 'they' missed it and that something was growing inside me. Months went by and i was terrified in my perception that i had some cancer growing in me. I concentrated on my swallowing so much that it felt like there was something wrong also.

After like a year i even had a rectal investigation made, dont know how it is called but a camera went in the backside with a hose of like 4 meters. Needless to say nothing was found.

I requested this evne without permission of the familie doctor.. a bizar situation. Anything feel apart in my system i thought i had metastases. The doctors could not convince me and i had this for i think little shy of 3 years.

It stopped only after i ran into some 'real' problems in the shape of a relationship that went sour in a bizar way. I guess my system got wired different because of this. Hope it makes sense... a solution i can not realy provide im afraid. Only keep your sanity by realising this is in your mind only, only you can make these thougts stop.

A period of very intense physical and or emotional stress can possibly straighten this out for you. This could very possably be some intense type of sport or some other (healthy)stress on the system .. getting real real busy.

I should advice against smoking weed. I did this a lot in that period. It makes you turn into yourself and with this condition this is exactly what you dont want.

Maybe it will help (a little) if you see this as just a mental condition. I know it is very true what you feel, but it is only mental and nothing more.
btw. It has been 30 years ago for me but i still have this Hypochondria latently there. When i feel something unusual in my system i still get a split second thought like: ooh ooh.. but it disappears quick enough.

Hope this is of use to you in some way.
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