
Hannah Capps

Let the Redeemed of the Lord Say So
Jan 29, 2006
What has happened too human contact? Who are we? Bigots for the sake of sport? Weather it be anti-homosexual, anti-female, anti-Jew, anti-Christian, fill in the blank...The realization has hit me as a sand bag, keeping out the flood waters of hate, all of it is ANTI-HUMAN...10 At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, 11 and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. 12 Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, 13 but he who stands firm to the end will be saved. Matthew 24:10-13 Christ speaking to his disciples of the end of days, brothers, sisters and family hating one another, deception, and untruths sold for a pound of flesh as what people want to hear, to please there ears...We burrow our heads in the sand, while others 'increase in wickedness' aka. demonic evil...Those in history who stood for what was right, against the tide of 'popular opinion' were imprisoned, killed, beaten, but so were the others in the end...

The difference in the two, self-preservation vs. kindness in the face of hate regardless of what the cost to the person being kind is, when history looks back and gases upon what happened, shall say: 'How were they so blind?' And the readers of the history shall be correct in there questioning, living in the face of it and doing what is right, regardless of what is lost...That is what I want to be remembered for...Be it small or great, there is more then myself on this planet...I stand accused, but I am attempting not too stay that way...I still have long too go, but I won't lie too myself any longer...Will you?
That handgun in your profile picture is odd considering your post.

I'm all for a good healthy plur session, but this sounds almost fanatical - like the rantings of someone in a manic episode. Also, don't many sects of Christianity preach anti-homosexuality?
That handgun in your profile picture is odd considering your post.

I'm all for a good healthy plur session, but this sounds almost fanatical - like the rantings of someone in a manic episode. Also, don't many sects of Christianity preach anti-homosexuality?

I've had that avi for a long while, just removed it...To your point about anti homosexuality, too me it goes beyond that...I may or may not agree with a lifestyle choice someone has made, but that surely dose not give me or anyone else the right to end that individuals life based on what one thinks...There is a right and wrong, and there is free will...Everyone chooses what they will, I cannot change anyone but my own reaction too hate...Beyond what people do behind closed doors or in public, is there business...

The 'throw-aways' in life, yes I'm one of them as I'm an active self-injurer and eating disordered 27 year old female, have been shunned from those in my home church because of my scarred arms and or distorted views of food etc...The so called trash of the world, are in my opinion the very ones that can teach the most...Pain changes people, it a. embitters them or b. matures them...Thanks for your input <3
Call me a optimist if you will but i think humanity has advanced alot over the years. We are not hanging people in the streets for being gay or black or whatever anymore atleast not in the west. In Canada, Spain, etc as well as in atleast 1 US state gay people can marry. So i would say that yes we are evolving as humans. Granted we do have a long way to go as far as everyone being equal goes :\
real true love, understanding, and unity of human kind i dont think is possible until we give up the ghost, and religion collapses.
that to me will be our last link from the mid-evil chaotic state of the mind, assumptions/belief of evil, and judgement of an individual based on pure ignorance, a different appearance, and threats from religious figures.

in a hundred years, our current understanding of the human body, pathology, pharmacology, psychology, sciences, mathematics, abstract theories etc. will be absurdly wrong, or seen as the dawn of truly beginning to understand ourselves.

we were manipulated into religion by greedy kings, and its still working, distracting us from us, and us from them.

we are in some deep doodoo, mostly ours, and if we cant embrace technology and nature, and begin to "fix"
our environment, we are in real trouble... more then any ones "god" could cause, or fix. if we would stop fixating and just sitting around "believing", fearing others, and ignoring our problems; leaving them for some entity to do it for us, we're fucked.

humanity is the opposite of religion, religion destroys any chance of such a dream.
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We've become more civilized on the surface and more malicious to eachother in subtle ways. With different routes to express ourselves and hurt eachother, it seems rather primitive to beat eachother with sticks and rocks like the olden days. Things are different, more complex; but I doubt it's better. But what do I know.
I think we hit our peak as a society in whole around the late 90's maybe. Paranoid just because we dont have corpses hanging in the streets due to colour isnt really a step forward if anything we should have all the priests that touched little kids hanging in the streets. Television and internets only promote apathy and ignorance. Mankind will become much more reckless in its stupidity in the coming days. (cut short so I didnt rant for ever)
^^^ You have a point there. But i still think we have evolved abit as far as humanity goes. But we are not even close to everyone having equal rights yet. Gay people are still persecuted in the west it is just not usually government sanctioned. Well except in most places where gays arent allowed to marry which is just bullshit in my eyes. This is one thing i am very proud of Canada for doing and i am not proud of much of what Canada has done lately. People are still discriminated against based on ethnicity and race but we are coming along abit. Women even to this day are still discriminated against which is just fucked in my mind. As a much wiser man then i said many years ago "the woman is the slave of the slave"

As for religion i hate all religions and i totally agree with PIP in what he said. Personally i think religion is nothing more then a fucking disease and hopefully in 100 years it will be gone the way of small pox. Tolerance cannot coexist with religion in my opinion atleast. People say religion is the opium of the masses but i think it is much worse then opium as there is no methadone for religion. I spent the first maybe 4 years of my education in a catholic school until they made all the schools where i live non denominational. The only thing that changed was that protestants where allowed to go to the same school as catholics. Granted there are no protestants where i live anyway. We where still taught religious indoctrination in the so called religious studies we had to take in school but too a much lesser degree. We where also taught that masturbation was evil and that sex out of marrige was totally immoral 8) . Those fucking cocksuckers caused so many people to feel shame about nothing that it isint even funny. And god forbid if you where a girl and you happened to get pregnant 8)

We where also taught that homosexuality was the ultimate sin and this was alot of the reason why gay people could never come out of the closet back when i was going to school. They would be tormented until they left the place. I am actually ashamed to say that i was somewhat intolerant to gays until i actually got out in the world. If i had it back again i would gladly have smashed a few bullies heads in for tormenting gay people. Though to my credit i did tell a few gay guys to fucking stand up for themselves and fight back no matter how much of a beaten they got. The only thing bullies understand is direct confrontation.

Still i am actually happy that i went to a religious school oddly enough because there is no way a non denominational school could have ever bred as many athiests. I knew what they where teaching us was utter bullshit and that christianity and all religions where nothing more then superstition. Though i did not become a true athiest until i hit my 20's.
my dad and his siblings all went to catholic school until college.

my only religious relatives are republicans.... go figure.
Thankfully none of my family are really religious at all though my nan still goes to church sometimes but thats about it. My mom is agnostic and my brother is either agnostic or athiest like me. So you could say i am a reformed catholic =D
Judging by this thread, most of you that are atheist or agnostic are more intolerant that many religious people are. To make such a blanket statement about people who believe in God being being intolerant is wrong. PA said "Tolerance cannot coexist with religion". Really because I am extremely tolerant toward everyone. People really have to push me to get me pissed off enough to think less of them and I don't ask what their religious views are first.

Stop thinking anyone who believes must be ignorant. Religion will never go away nor will there ever be a form of methadone to "cure" it. Many of you may find religion as you grow up and become older. Sorry but the statements I have heard on BL regarding religion for the most part are immature. An adult would respond kindly to someone who expressed an opinion on religion that they did not agree with. I absolutely do NOT agree with the logic behind the 9/11 massacre but by no means do I blame every Muslim for what happened! Show some love people :) Act like an adult and live and let live.
Help me, while your post has some wonderful points I don't think anyone here was being rude save the comment "cool story bro."

Hannah, I think it is best to try and tune out anyone who is hateful to any capacity. I can see why you feel the way you do though as someone from the NFC made me aware of your struggles a while back.

Perhaps you should consider focusing on more positive things. Surely there are some loving influences in your life, right? Perhaps a friend or family member, or another church you could possibly join?

I know you didn't ask for advice but I don't exactly have anything to lose by mentioning some of these things There are good people in this world and they're the reason it keeps on spinning. It is best to surround yourself with them, ignore the rest, and be the best person you yourself can be. Optimistic people are attracted to one another; pessimistic people or also attracted to their own "kind." I'd personally rather remain around optimistic people :p

Anyway, do you think such threads would be better-suited for a blog entry perhaps?
What has happened too human contact? Who are we? Bigots for the sake of sport? Weather it be anti-homosexual, anti-female, anti-Jew, anti-Christian, fill in the blank...The realization has hit me as a sand bag, keeping out the flood waters of hate, all of it is ANTI-HUMAN...10 At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, 11 and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. 12 Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, 13 but he who stands firm to the end will be saved. Matthew 24:10-13 Christ speaking to his disciples of the end of days, brothers, sisters and family hating one another, deception, and untruths sold for a pound of flesh as what people want to hear, to please there ears...We burrow our heads in the sand, while others 'increase in wickedness' aka. demonic evil...Those in history who stood for what was right, against the tide of 'popular opinion' were imprisoned, killed, beaten, but so were the others in the end...

The difference in the two, self-preservation vs. kindness in the face of hate regardless of what the cost to the person being kind is, when history looks back and gases upon what happened, shall say: 'How were they so blind?' And the readers of the history shall be correct in there questioning, living in the face of it and doing what is right, regardless of what is lost...That is what I want to be remembered for...Be it small or great, there is more then myself on this planet...I stand accused, but I am attempting not too stay that way...I still have long too go, but I won't lie too myself any longer...Will you?
The irony is strong in this one
Judging by this thread, most of you that are atheist or agnostic are more intolerant that many religious people are. To make such a blanket statement about people who believe in God being being intolerant is wrong. PA said "Tolerance cannot coexist with religion". Really because I am extremely tolerant toward everyone. People really have to push me to get me pissed off enough to think less of them and I don't ask what their religious views are first.

Stop thinking anyone who believes must be ignorant. Religion will never go away nor will there ever be a form of methadone to "cure" it. Many of you may find religion as you grow up and become older. Sorry but the statements I have heard on BL regarding religion for the most part are immature. An adult would respond kindly to someone who expressed an opinion on religion that they did not agree with. I absolutely do NOT agree with the logic behind the 9/11 massacre but by no means do I blame every Muslim for what happened! Show some love people :) Act like an adult and live and let live.

Every religion ive known has breed some form of intolerance. What religion thinks homosexuality is not a sin? 8) Not to mention all the stuff about adultury and the punishment for that type of so called sins. I believed in alot of the superstition that came with being a catholic when i was young but when i got older i became a athiest. Why? Well because i started to actually think for myself and observe the existence of a god or lack there of. I have seen the same type of control in every religion i have witnessed or heard so im not bashing christianity.

I don't doubt that people who believe in some god can be tolerant but i still stand by my original statement that tolerance cannot coexist with religion.
^^^PA, you are entitled to your own opinion. All I ask is that you keep an open mind about those of us who believe. Till the last maybe 30 years or so most people did go to church (or synogogue, etc.). Personally I think the world and the people in it have changed too much to have time to believe anymore. It's easier to bash people that still do.

You know I bet you'd be pissed if I said that all IV drug users are dirty, stupid, diseased, etc. I've seen one or two living in the streets that met that description. Does that mean that the 20 somethings living in their parents basments are too? Good thing I don't generalize about people!

I think Methodists have now let gay ministers be part of thier church. Not 100% sure but some christian group did. You know the boys scouts are not a religious group but an openly gay man probabaly won't be welcome as a troop leader though I don't see why.
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^ I agree that people should have the freedom to have their religious beliefs in peace. Not everyone who is religious is dogmatic and Hateful in their practice. If someone were a Skinhead; would it be fair to say they'd be violent, racist, and homophobic? Well much the same way I know many Christians/Muslims/Protestants who are far more tolerant than alot of 'Liberal Athiest/Agnostics' I know, so I dont think this is a fair Judgement and People get Stereotyped for this.
I take an Interest in varying Religions and could be labled I suppose, although I dont feel the need to be labeled.
I understand that nearly every religious tradition is seen as being synonymous with intolerance, War, bloodshed, Political corruption, and basic crimes against humanity and yes, this is a Fact but it isnt isolated and many other contributing factors in Society have massive influence on Social Dysfunction: It's not a just analysis to Scapegoat Religion alone, especially when it is used by some people in a Sacred and Concientious way.
Im not an Advocate of any Religion but theres alot of people who use the Good and basic tenets of Religion to evolve and enhance their lives. Its the people who hide behind their Religious Dogma and who weild their dysfunctional bullshit around, and through it, that have stigmatised it for genuinely decent people. It's not Religion thats to blame, its these people who ignorantly hold steadfast to their hateful interpretaion of what they want it to be. They point to old texts and justify their crazy behaviour based on something that should have evolved over the years but they dont want it to. If it wern't Religion, they'd be signing up to anything else they could use to make them feel powerful and justified in their tunnelvision.

....and more on Topic, theres good and bad stuff happenin at present in the world. History seems to repeat itself but just take different forms IMO. Its up to us to recognise which side were on Individually: Evolving or Devolving (Spiritually, Socially, Physically, and any other/all levels of being), and start to cultivate and mature our lives based on this.<3
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i doubt PA, like myself do not immediately judge and want nothing to do with people who have religious beliefs.
that would be hypocritical and counter-productive...

i think it takes more then a few conversations to really get to know what someone is about.
Asclepius, thank you for your post.

PIP, I certainly don't think in a face to face conversation either of you would judge. I think if PA ever met me I would freak him out. I am covered in tats but most are religious in nature. Most are very visible. I don't ever preach religion to people. I practice it and it is personal to me. I share my faith with those I go to mass with. I get why religion and politics are two conversations that should not be discussed most of the time. I will put my two cents in when someone makes blanket statements like PA did though. Stand up for what we believe in 'eh?
Any1 from america notice the blatent insanity and evil in politics, if its not the world coming to an end im willing to bet money its the end of the american empire, but my money will soon be worthless