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Howard Stern

back on topic to Stern- I hear Martha Stewart's daughter is "cunty."
Not that that's a bad thing.

Howard 100 - no more bullshit

Hey now, first show on Sirius was a HUGE SUCCESS!!

Fortunately for those who haven't bought a Sirius radio yet, people are already posting the show on that old message board v.2, so you can download it if you know the address and registered in time.
BlueAdonis said:
Hey now, first show on Sirius was a HUGE SUCCESS!!

Not according to the Tribune. I can't comment personally, but they didn't have anything good to say about the show.


Howard Stern: uncensored, uninteresting

By Howard Reich
Tribune arts critic

January 9, 2006, 8:57 AM CST

If there's a four-letter word or outrageous sex act that didn't get mentioned on Howard Stern's new satellite radio show, it wasn't for lack of trying.

Words that once were bleeped on Stern's terrestrial radio program, previously broadcast in Chicago on WCKG 105.9 FM, flowed uninterrupted on Howard 101, the Sirius satellite frequency that's airing Stern's reincarnated show.

And though it's true that the triple-X rated comedy bits and salty on-air patter didn't wholly define the program, the show unquestionably plunged more deeply than ever into material that many listeners would consider obscene.

On purely comedic terms, however, the satellite debut proved surprisingly flat, the program unfolding more as a promotion of Stern's latest than venture than as a bona radio show. After opening with several minutes of technical difficulties – including microphones that produced piercing feedback – Stern and his longtime cast clearly struggled to find something interesting to discuss. The initial repartee sounded spare, slow and stumbling, a palpable letdown that even Stern seemed to acknowledge.

"I hyped this thing so much, it could never, ever live up to anyone's expectations," said Stern, who at his best has proven capable of brilliant satire and shrewd political commentary.

Before long, he was playing unedited excerpts of the salacious voice mail messages that TV personality Pat O'Brien infamously left on a woman's voice mail last year, causing a mini-scandal; aired ribald prank phone calls; and played a bit in which an impersonator of Dave Letterman -- dubbed Evil Dave – described a series of sex fantasies in remarkable detail.

Neither the patter of the show's new announcer, George Takei (who was Mr. Sulu on the original "Star Trek"), nor Stern's fake announcement that he had gotten married (quickly retracted) offered much more than a chuckle.

Yet this was just Day One of the program, and Stern will have plenty of time in which to find his voice in a new setting.

Judging by the opening installment, he'll need it.
8( are you fucking kidding me?!?! todays show was AWESOME! holy crap, it took all the will power I had, plus the fear of getting fired, to get my ass out of the car and turn the radio off. Takei's presence is fantastic; I couldn't believe it was actually him for a while. Wow, I can't imagine a review being more off than that.
it only takes me 2 minutes to get to work (seriously) but as soon as i'm working further away i am SO getting sirius. i can't imagine a morning commute without howard.
Having Takei in was genius, it's obvious the crew really likes him. Aside from the technical problem the first 20 mins of the show, it went fine. The press has been getting hyped, and hyped, and hyped for a year now - anything less than crucifying the head of the FCC on a cross would be a let down.

Actual swear words were few and far between, and it wasn't a flurry of F-bombs like most would suspect. Im glad they can finally talk about normal stuff like sex positions or masturbation, average stuff they had to dance around at old fashioned FM.

I really liked the revelations, I can't wait to find out who did what! Oh, Sirius up to 3.3 million subscribers! :D
It wouldn't be the first time the Tribune wrote a asinine review about something. I was just surprised to see such a biting review on the front page of their website today.
Hey Finder have you ever heard "Rover's morning glory" show? He used to broadcast from Cleveland and recently moved his show to chicago and picked up a few new markets.

Any reports on David Lee Roth, Stern's KROCK replacement?
Nah, I haven't heard Rover, but I have seen some ads around the city and was wondering what the fuck it was until I read in this thread it's a radio show. I thought it was another one of those lame JACKFM-type automated DJ programs. I honestly never listen to the radio and I'm not up early enough in the mornings to catch any of these shows. Seems like Rover is trash though. I haven't heard anything about David Lee Roth or Adam Corolla's shows.
wow, did this weeks shows just fly by or what? I'm going to be really sad on monday when George Takei isn't there in the studio :(
krock has gone more to the talk side now with booker, radio chick, penn and david lee roth.
booker always has been a poor man's replacement for stern eventually changing his style to be more stern like (acting uninterested about the advertisers and barley making it through the spots. problem is where stern couldn't care less about them since he didnt have to the companies have a say (pay) in booker's show). radio chick has been pretty good for what i have caught from her shows.

i havent heard too much of roth so my assessment might not be spot on but he is just different from stern and not what a stren fan is going to want to hear. he has guest that are interesting, somewhat, and he thinks he on edge... but it just isnt stren and it will take a while for people to get over that before he can do his best work.
Dammit, I have no more Howard Stern downloads anymore. This got posted on the hosting site:
Abe Vigoda is Dead
« Thread Started on Yesterday at 10:47pm »
There have been people who have made serious threats that would compromise this site ... and this is only 2 weeks in. This is pretty much the reality of why Abe Vigoda fans could not have an open-invite board the way it was done.

BTW ... this site has NEVER had anything to do with the ZeroDust message board. ::)

Ave Vigoda is dead .... forever.

If anyone knows of another site out there with people prepared to host the downloads, plz plz plz let me know. I am in South Africa, so cant get any HS shows.
also krock is now 92.3free fm- talk during the day music on weekends and later at night.
Yeah the Vigoda board went down. :( I can contact the owner of that board so when/if a new board appears I can hopefully get an invite. It does suck though not being able to log in and download.

On a side note, I am really loving Bubba the love sponge's show in the evenings on Howard 101. Him and Brent really have a good connection, and its sweet that Ned came back on for more prank calls.

If anyone knows who Opie & Anthony or Bubba is, check this audio clip out http://media.putfile.com/bubba012506 :D
wanderlust said:
also krock is now 92.3free fm- talk during the day music on weekends and later at night.

their new format sucks :( david lee roth, as suspected, is terrible. he sounds like such a pompus jackass all the time. he talks out of his ass and interrupts everyone else. you'd never know their were other people in the room.
yes, david lee roth is sucky. it's kinda funny when he talks about van halen...but that'll get old fast.

One of my favorite pics of Gary and Grandpa Al Lewis.