How would u describe your dancing?? Style??

well..not sure if what i do could definitely be called dancing, but i do SO love matter what it is i'm doing. the one thing taht definitely defines me is that for some reason my left hand ends up behind my waist, and my right hand somehow works its way up into the air without fail.
i'm pretty sur eyou could pick me out anywhere, just look for the hand waving around above the crowd with an armful of crazy beads. and of course with a bounce of the feet too....
I was founded in ambient trance, and I don't want to sound like a conceited nerd, but my liquide is off the wall... Now im a harcore jungle case so I go a little mad now......(We all go a little mad sometimes
. When the song's in its infant stage my hands do all tha talking. I've got an energy ball type thing that kiks with the beat and morphs into and out of straight likwid flow.
Just waiting to pop out when that phat beat blows up. that's when I blow up with kiks that fly and arms to tha sky.... Damn, its boomin in my brain!~! I havent been on the floor in a whole month.
Much love to the kids that keep the party full of energy
I wanna go dance!!!!!!!!!!
Well what I find that really impresses all the ladies is constantly running into the walls full tilt.
Oh yeah, I do it every weekend, where ever I may be. Uhhhhhhhh.......hmmmmmmm.......I wonder about me.....*scratches head with a wrinkled look of confusion* Neways, I recommend it to anyone, especially those w/ steel plates in their head. If there goes by a night where I dont bash the F outta 10 or so walls I get really depressed. Then I have to do it at home.
Well I I think that the best description of my style would be retarded while sober, and actually fluid and in tune with the music when rolling.
As my buddy put it, "you looked great dancing most of the time, but when you came down, you looked stupid"...

Of course the beauty of dancing when rolling is that you cant ever do anything may look strange, but if you are loving it, to hell with what others think
i dont really have a style, i just move my feet with the music...but if u really wana call it something, my friends say is the "drunken dance" the way i move my feet makes me look like i'm gona fall or trip anytime soon...but somehow i always stay on my feet...onlya few times where i slip and fall right on my ass. i called it "rolling hard, fucked up style"

all good, i'm just having fun...
everyday is a new day...
everythought is a new idea...
Hmmmmm, style? Well i don't know what you'd call me with my glow stix. SticStylin maybe? Well I just freakin love those damn glow stix. I really suck at liquid and all that stuff. But im really fukin badass at BIG motions, infinties, all sorta shapes and designs I also like to be the human garphic equalizer too when i change to the beat and do krazy motions when certian sound hit and whatnot. There fore i enjoy useing the bigger stix that look better when you do big motions.
Also, It's kinda weird, my body tends to follow the direction and motions of my hands and arms. This gives the strange effect that my body is being dragged around by the glow stix. Well, thats how i heard it decribed anyway. I'm also tryin to get a hold of those super fire stix from that are like super-duper ultra intesity. One of my friends thats being raving alot longer than i have said that he saw those once before and that there pretty rowdy and bright as fuck. peace.love4ever
Happy Hardcore style,
hard and fast but with some control.
Quick but graceful hand movements (not like those choppy hard house dancers)
innovative foot movements using the whole body to maintain balance a posture.
<~p-E-achy~> -=+PLUR+=-
Yup -- I suck, big time - but, hey! I try!!
I move my hips a lot to in the whole "I'm trying to be a sex magnet and failing miserably" thing in a feeble attempt to distract people from my feet