How well known/famous is Bluelight?

I don't know. I just looked at some of the newbies in New Member Introduction to get that #. ;)
I like it how it's underground'ish, although not as much as it used to be. If it was too well known then it would lose the special feel that it has always had.
I'm relatively sure that means registered users, probably including inactive and banned ones.
Sideways_Falling said:
is it impossible to figure out how many 'active' members we have?
they're all browsing the Lounge... 90% of them in invisible mode
I'm registered on a message board for a weekly EDM party (the biggest and best party!) in Washington, DC.

Months ago, someone started a thread asking for what we thought was the most well-known site having to do with EDM and the rave scene. I went through about 50 replies and was actually really shocked that nobody had mentioned Bluelight yet. So, I mentioned Bluelight and people fucking JUMPED DOWN MY THROAT about it. The guy who started the thread is a happy little candy raver who has never taken drugs in his life and only drinks on his birthday, and he's heavy into the rave scene and goes to tons of parties. But he REALLY didn't like me mentioning BL as he saw it as ONLY a drug message board. I proceeded to defend BL's honor meanwhile getting flamed by him and his friends 8( Normally I wouldn't care and I'd just stop posting and reading that thread, but I HAD to defend BL's honor LOL =D I had to explain how it is NOT just a drug message board, and I talked about all the other forums and really just went into great detail about what BL REALLY is.

In the end, all was good, and hopefully I educated some people on how great BL is, and I know I definitely had some people wondering what the fuck me and that guy were getting so heated about lol.
I really don't know, S_F. I've seen Catch-22 and skydancer toss out some of those numbers a long time ago. I'm kind of curious about that myself.
There would have to be a way of working out how many active members we had, even if it was brute force manual (look at all posts in the last month, say, sort 'em by member name, and count 'em manually, maybe?).

I'd be really interested to know if we actually have more active members than two years ago, or five years ago - it doesn't feel like we do.

Heh, I also remember when we passed 10K there was a huge debate about how the board had been ruined because it had got too big, and it was much better when we only had 3K members ;)
I can't actually remember where I heard about bluelight, I wish I could because nobody who I've mentioned it to knows what I'm talking about... must say I'm glad to be a member!

blue, if you have direct access to the sql database then all thats needed is jus a simple sql query..
Just click the info button above your name in any of your posts. You're 6460!!!! I'm like 55000 something....
Member numbers aren't totally accurate anymore due to the software upgrades BL has gone through since the beginning.
The SPIN magazine mention is what made me find this place,
and in the process, it changed my life.

SLG- Joey D is a wanker.
'nuff said.
kittyinthedark said:
Just click the info button above your name in any of your posts. You're 6460!!!! I'm like 55000 something....
Where do you see that? I still can't find it.
if you go to your profile it says it in the URL. For you it is
chrissie said:
if you go to your profile it says it in the URL. For you it is
I see it now, thanks
haha, i remember how ppl were bracing for the influx of n00bs when the spin magazine article mentioned us...

I just told a good friend of mine, who now does social work with drug addicts, about BL and he said he had heard of it through his organization. He is the only one that would know though...
None of my therapists/psychiatrists have ever heard of it now that I'm thinking about that... And the awful one I have now thinks she's some sort of expert about social drug use... I'd think any good doctor would have at least gotten wind of this website after treating hundreds of people and talking with dozens of other professionals...
Their organization takes on a stance of harm reductionism, so our goals are in alignment with theirs. I would think for people in the profession, because a simple google search always reveals BL, that knowledge of BL would be more widespread.

It's funny because when I used to go to parties with this guy and I tried to explain what was going on with the drug and his body, he would always say "shit man, im getting high and thats all i know..." Funny how things work out. :)