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How to spot "overconfidence" and "insecurities" in ones self

Thought provoking stuff
How good are you at having conversations with more than person? Like sitting at a table with one or two people you know, and like four strangers?

Relative to 1 on 1s, pretty bad. If I'm in an exceptionally outgoing mood I can light up a room but more often I drain it with what people perceive as negatively but I'm my reality is just, neutral feeling you know? Like not feeling inclined to be some sort of someone.

But yeah I def prefer 1 on 1.

It has a lot to do with how different people define one word differently. Unless you have a common agreement what is meant by a specific word, there can be a lot of confusion, misunderstanding, and disagreement. I see this with some people I work with (who like to confuse users with members and we had some ugly bugs in ur software because of this) and more personally with my brother.

Hell yes. My girlfriend and I, we whip out the dictionary on our phone fairly often I'd say. And I always ask for clarification because English is her second language and sometimes I feel like I know where she's coming from but the words don't match.

So instead of assuming, and without leading her one way or another, I politely ask what she means by that or something to that effect.

Nonverbal communication beyond just body language.

Sorry to butt in here I know this wasn't for me, but what exactly do you mean by beyond nonverbal? Perhaps you and SS are talking beyond what I am perceiving. I'd like to be in the loop 🤓

And they would still need a minimum of shared concepts. Basic emotions and similar thought patterns.

Right this is what I was sort of talking about w SS about how certain people are more easy to understand.

Like I'm blessed to have a fairly normal upbringing otherwise I would be so useless socially. And sometimes, often times, I still feel like I am. Especially if I am aloof and not trying, distracted, bad mood ect
I finally caught up with this very interesting thread. And I'm also on my laptop witch makes writing and quoting so much easier.
Sorry to butt in here I know this wasn't for me, but what exactly do you mean by beyond nonverbal? Perhaps you and SS are talking beyond what I am perceiving. I'd like to be in the loop 🤓
I see now how my sentence is confusing. Nonverbal would be anything that's not verbal, which includes body language, signing, touching, but could also mean something like telepathy. What I was referring to was telepathy as defined in Wiki: *Telepathy is the purported vicarious transmission of information from one person's mind to another's without using any known human sensory channels or physical interaction.*

This kind of communication could still work with language, by thinking the words you want to transmit. How much different would that be from what we are doing here?

I think language not only slows the thinking process, but is also not efficient enough to transmit everything someone wants to share. Like emotions. Or complex ideas that are just developing (at least I can't do that as I don't think in words and sentences). The more you know someone, the easier it will get eventually to understand that person. But eventually you meet strangers where you feel they get you, and that's because they have similar thought processes.

Like I'm blessed to have a fairly normal upbringing otherwise I would be so useless socially. And sometimes, often times, I still feel like I am. Especially if I am aloof and not trying, distracted, bad mood ect
My upbringing wasn't normal, which for someone with Asperger's is an extra challenge. I had to adapt so often to new people, environments, mentalities, and situations while growing up that I can't deal with monotony. And of course, with all the different behaviors I observed (because I had to understand them rationally and learn to copy them) I am socially completely useless - to use your words.
It has a lot to do with how different people define one word differently. Unless you have a common agreement what is meant by a specific word, there can be a lot of confusion, misunderstanding, and disagreement. I see this with some people I work with (who like to confuse users with members and we had some ugly bugs in ur software because of this) and more personally with my brother.
It all falls apart the longer you stare at it. Everything relies on everything else, which forms the context to support the word. In order to even define a single thing, like a dog, you first need to exclude everything else in order to get an accurate definition. And we don't even know if we have everything accounted for either.
I've been playing with this idea a lot. Nonverbal communication beyond just body language. That would require in fact some sort of different connection (meaning not auditory or visual or tactile signals) between the receiver and the transmitter. What could that be? And they would still need a minimum of shared concepts. Basic emotions and similar thought patterns.
Transmitting thoughts through the aether, like a radio broadcast, is one potential method. I think it's what most people envision, because we presume the two objects/people are separated by space and time therefore require a medium through which transmission occurs. There is another possibility which involves the opposite presumption, that time and space are already zero (what we perceive is an elaborate illusion), therefore communication can happen without a medium because everything is overlapping at no distance.

I actually think both might be true. That there might exist a telepathic ability of projecting thought directly, as well as the ability for a resonance to develop that puts two points of consciousness in direct overlap with each other. From my own subjective experiences, I have experienced both, which is why I believe both are true. Or perhaps the telepathy is still only an abstraction of the more fundamental truth (no space and time).
I actually think both might be true. That there might exist a telepathic ability of projecting thought directly, as well as the ability for a resonance to develop that puts two points of consciousness in direct overlap with each other. From my own subjective experiences, I have experienced both, which is why I believe both are true. Or perhaps the telepathy is still only an abstraction of the more fundamental truth (no space and time).
Interesting ideas, though I don't think the first one (aether) would be possible without some kind of enhancing device. I read about the second idea, can't remember where on in what context. Unfortunately, I haven't experienced more than a random "hey, I was just thinking the same" moment with someone. But this whole topic has been on my mind for so long now that I even started to include it in stories I write for fun.
And now I got reinspired with it...:unsure:
Interesting ideas, though I don't think the first one (aether) would be possible without some kind of enhancing device. I read about the second idea, can't remember where on in what context. Unfortunately, I haven't experienced more than a random "hey, I was just thinking the same" moment with someone. But this whole topic has been on my mind for so long now that I even started to include it in stories I write for fun.
And now I got reinspired with it...:unsure:
Philosophy and Spirituality are very mind expanding. I love it !!

I didn't get to read the whole thread though.

And the pendulum swings.
Interesting ideas, though I don't think the first one (aether) would be possible without some kind of enhancing device.
If the human nervous system is electrical in nature, if the body, organic life, and perhaps the stellar bodies are all inherently electrical in nature too.. then there may be some electrical mechanism we're currently not aware of that would make it possible to cause a ripple to percolate and be perceived by another. I believe this is probably the modality of telepathy, that somehow the nervous system (brain) can generate a subtle voltage and broadcast it like a radio tower. Perhaps there is a frequency band and/or a complex wave pattern that it can generate, one that is incredibly weak but somehow sophisticated enough that it converges on the target to produce an effect. Or perhaps our understanding of electricity is wrong, so that the voltage isn't actually weak at all but it's just that we can't register it on our instruments yet. Or maybe there is an aether, with additional properties and mechanics. Who knows.

It's interesting to speculate whether such communication is happening faster than the speed of light too. That would open a nice can of juicy worms if it were.
This is where I have to bow out.

I do agree that when we are flowing, in tune, things come so effortlessly its almost like the stars are aligned.

Its so interesting, though, how much we don't know about the world, the body, and how we all interact.
that somehow the nervous system (brain) can generate a subtle voltage and broadcast it like a radio tower.

that somehow the nervous system (brain) can generate a subtle voltage and broadcast it like a radio tower. Perhaps there is a frequency band and/or a complex wave pattern that it can generate, one that is incredibly weak but somehow sophisticated enough that it converges on the target to produce an effect. Or perhaps our understanding of electricity is wrong, so that the voltage isn't actually weak at all but it's just that we can't register it on our instruments yet.
In fact, that is what the brain does. It's what an EEG measures. The problem is that the voltage the brain generates is so weak, that it can barely penetrate the skull. That's why we would need more sophisticated devices, like you mention. But not only to measure the weak signals, but also to detect different sources. Otherwise it would just receive all signals from all brains within it's reach at once. It's not like radio where assign each station its own frequency on which to operate. You would have to find something unique yet obvious and easy to detect for every single brain in order to identify it.
It's interesting to speculate whether such communication is happening faster than the speed of light too. That would open a nice can of juicy worms if it were.
I think I read something about that, too. Def have to look over my book list. It might have been one of Michio Kaku's books.
This is where I have to bow out.

I do agree that when we are flowing, in tune, things come so effortlessly its almost like the stars are aligned.

Its so interesting, though, how much we don't know about the world, the body, and how we all interact.
Flowing in tune with ourselves? That's an amazing feeling. I guess that's where all the good ideas emerge and good decisions made.
Flowing in tune with others... that's something I haven't been able to fully experience. I'm not even sure I would like that.
In fact, that is what the brain does. It's what an EEG measures. The problem is that the voltage the brain generates is so weak, that it can barely penetrate the skull. That's why we would need more sophisticated devices, like you mention. But not only to measure the weak signals, but also to detect different sources. Otherwise it would just receive all signals from all brains within it's reach at once. It's not like radio where assign each station its own frequency on which to operate. You would have to find something unique yet obvious and easy to detect for every single brain in order to identify it.
I feel there is a sort of crossover analogy here with the health controversy around microwave technologies, in that the prevailing focus there too is on raw power (wattage, as opposed to voltage) and its relationship to heating effect. When there may actually be another mechanism at play that doesn't rely on raw power but instead resonance of frequencies in a way we don't yet grasp.

Another parallel is the Tacoma bridge collapse, where despite all our physics and technical understanding, the immense raw structural power of the bridge was reduced to rubble because of a breezy day.. because there was a frequency effect at play not understood at the time.

Now, when you take into consideration how complex we are, the brain itself, and also how the body seemingly has its own remarkable intelligence beyond our conscious control of it, I don't think its far fetched to imagine that there may be like a shared intelligence between all bodies. Not as a distinct entity as such, but somehow the body (all bodies) has figured out how to communicate directly. This subtle ability may even go far back in the evolutionary tree to the point where all organisms with a sufficiently complex voltage apparatus develop it. It may not even be linked to sheer mass of grey matter. The neural like network of fungi is incredibly fine, yet there seems to be an intelligence behind mushroom trips (Terence McKenna talked about this), which supposes that this intelligence is communicated between all the fungal networks. Perhaps the fungi too evolved this little trickery of hooking into Earth's electric network or something, I don't know. Maybe it's inherent? Like the 'ground' of an electrical circuit - we're all made of Earth, so perhaps that comes with certain privileges we're not consciously aware of?
So not to go too far off topic.. but that brings up a question.

I didn't know until now what grey matter is talked about as. IIRC, less emotional empathy has more grey matter. And also, some savants are autistic and such. So does this mean, while emotions connect us to each other, grey matter and clear thought ability connects us to something beyond?
I do actually believe that all things are connected on some level. This means not only animals and plants, but also stones, water, air, and even the man-made stuff or my washing machine. To most this sounds crazy, and maybe that's why I have been so eager in finding a scientific explanation for it. I know my rational self (which is very prominent) wants explanation and speculation. The more intuitive part can enjoy this connection (I admit it's easier with my dog, or even a tree, than my washing machine). Isn't there a documentary about how fungi communicate?
I didn't know until now what grey matter is talked about as. IIRC, less emotional empathy has more grey matter. And also, some savants are autistic and such. So does this mean, while emotions connect us to each other, grey matter and clear thought ability connects us to something beyond?
This is a good and very interesting question!
Intuitively (which means based on what I know, even it's only on a subconsciuos level) I would say yes.
Welcome to the matrix :)

. . . . and I do love the supernatural and its occurrences :cool:

oops edit: There are specific frequencies and vibrations out there. Also the forces that they are gifted from.

But anyway long story short, the universe offers anomalies and different energies that can be received as well.

YaDa YaDa ect ect. o_O
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. . . . and I do love the supernatural and its occurrences :cool:

oops edit: There are specific frequencies and vibrations out there. Also the forces that they are gifted from.

But anyway long story short, the universe offers anomalies and different energies that can be received as well.

YaDa YaDa ect ect. o_O
I used to read and think a lot about all this stuff. Both about the original topic of this threat and where it went to (which is where we are now). But I didn't have anyone to bounce ideas off, or get new ones from, so it all got very diffuse very fast. Then along came my brother, and we had a good start with this until the communication became weird and toxic (another story). This was also around the time I moved to my new place, where I have other things to do. So I stopped reading/watching/thinking/writing/speculating about this stuff.

Not sure why I'm telling this now. Maybe yadda yadda, too, after eight! hours of almost no stop work thanks to a little more modafinil than usual.
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Oh well, I guess we have to find a way to learn composer between the two extremes of overconfidence and insecurities.

I don't know if I had already said this. I can't remember. Oh my brains. :sarcasm: lools.
Oh well, I guess we have to find a way to learn composer between the two extremes of overconfidence and insecurities.

I don't know if I had already said this. I can't remember. Oh my brains. :sarcasm: lools.
What kind of composer?