TDS How to avoid abusing my prescriptions?

Ugh it's going pretty bad, I'm really ashamed of myself gave some really good advice as did everyone else and I was really motivated to do this right but then I just kinda snapped. Last sunday I got a call from my brother telling me my mom tried to kill herself again and a lot of other stuff piled up this week and I've just been doing every single drug I can find. I mean as if being on a 4-day heroin binge wasn't enough I was also on benzos and coke half the time as well. I just feel like a failure yknow?
Anyway I didn't do any drugs today and I'm really gonna try to fix this. I think I'll go with your idea of a weekly pick-up from the doctor's, it sounds good.

Thanks <3

I'm so sorry to hear about what happened. <3
Pagey, you have been through so much lately and I hate to hear you're hurting. I used to go overboard with my oxy prescription years ago. So I had my dad keep them and give me only what I needed each day. But being the fiend I was, found the hiding spot in his room. I couldn't control my myself. One thing I read about are these safe-type dispensers you can buy. I'm not sure if it was this forum or another one that mentioned he bought one for less than a hundred usd. I searched the internet but the ones I found were pretty expensive. I'm not much help today, sorry.
Hope you're ok Pagey <3 As someone who lives with chronic pain who has decided not to treat it with strong drugs and in fact to get off opioids completely I can sympathize. Some days it sure is a struggle and I will wonder why I am even doing this to myself.

As for the main topic of your thread, my suggestion would be that you could tell the pharmacy to only give you one week at a time. You don't even have to have a reason, but if they ask for one you could just say that you don't want to have large quantities of drugs on you or something like that. That way you wouldn't have to admit to anyone about not being able to control yourself (although I do think talking to someone in your life about it would be a good idea, it sure is stressful to have to hide it from everyone all the time).
Tell your doctor that you are addicted to heroin. This is something he or she should know and that something that you as his or her patient should tell. Pagey you are an addict to opiates and I do not believe for a second that you did not go to the doctor because you did not want to get oxy/hydro or whatever you could get. Tell your doctor about your drug issues as there are other ways to alleviate pain besides taking opiates. BE VERY CAREFUL ABOUT MIXING OPIATES AND BENZOS as others have said. :\
It works for athritis, particularly in the fingers, but it's good for all sorts of pain. I would try vaporizing a load of different strains too though, you don't just have to use it topically.

As far as non opiate and non-benzo alternatives, the only other drug you're probably safe using is weed. Plus it might just satiate your desire to get high, too.

I really don't think you're going to get very far trying convincing yourself you'll be able to find a way to not abuse your meds if you have them because if you're anything like me, it'll just be an exercise in futility. I know it's hard being in pain but it's not like there's nothing you can do beyond taking narcotics or benzos and you never know, one day you might look back on your life and think I wish I just sucked up the pain and dealt with it because it would have been better than a life long addiction to opiates. You say you want to keep the heroin separate from the oxycontin but if you're going to start abusing your meds I would bet money eventually you'll have a change of heart and make the jump. It happens all the time.

Okay, I'll keep it in mind then - thanks. I don't smoke weed though, don't like it :\
I dunno. I know it sounds like I'm just making excuses to keep using the benzos & narcotics but I've tried SO many things, natural treatments, physiotherapy, other meds, you name it, and nothing has helped. I mentioned in the OP that I'd decided to suck up the pain and I indeed thought it would be better than risking addiction but I can't emphasize enough how horrible it has been these past couple of weeks and I'm physically not strong enough to deal with this sort of pain. It kept me in bed half-sobbing half-screaming for hours at a time.
I'm not prescribed oxys anymore, just hydros this time. I'm really not worried about abusing those when I've got heroin at hand, don't really see the point, it's the benzos that might be an issue.

I'm so sorry to hear about what happened. <3

Thank you <3

Pagey, you have been through so much lately and I hate to hear you're hurting. I used to go overboard with my oxy prescription years ago. So I had my dad keep them and give me only what I needed each day. But being the fiend I was, found the hiding spot in his room. I couldn't control my myself. One thing I read about are these safe-type dispensers you can buy. I'm not sure if it was this forum or another one that mentioned he bought one for less than a hundred usd. I searched the internet but the ones I found were pretty expensive. I'm not much help today, sorry.

Hmm, I hadn't heard of those but that sounds like a great idea, gonna do some research - thanks a lot.

Hope you're ok Pagey <3 As someone who lives with chronic pain who has decided not to treat it with strong drugs and in fact to get off opioids completely I can sympathize. Some days it sure is a struggle and I will wonder why I am even doing this to myself.

As for the main topic of your thread, my suggestion would be that you could tell the pharmacy to only give you one week at a time. You don't even have to have a reason, but if they ask for one you could just say that you don't want to have large quantities of drugs on you or something like that. That way you wouldn't have to admit to anyone about not being able to control yourself (although I do think talking to someone in your life about it would be a good idea, it sure is stressful to have to hide it from everyone all the time).

Ugh SD, wish I was as brave as you. How do you do it? At this point I can't imagine going without the meds anymore. I'm taking a week off everything to detox right now with nothing at hand but codeine so that the WDs aren't too paralyzing but it's torture regardless of the withdrawals.
Pharmacy's another good idea, thank you. I guess I'm just looking for a party that wouldn't ask too many questions and even if they did get suspicious, it wouldn't particularly matter - the pharmacy probably fits that so that's good.
Tell your doctor that you are addicted to heroin. This is something he or she should know and that something that you as his or her patient should tell. Pagey you are an addict to opiates and I do not believe for a second that you did not go to the doctor because you did not want to get oxy/hydro or whatever you could get. Tell your doctor about your drug issues as there are other ways to alleviate pain besides taking opiates. BE VERY CAREFUL ABOUT MIXING OPIATES AND BENZOS as others have said. :\

I really don't want to tell my doctor that. I have no interest in using my doctor to score drugs for recreational purposes because I can get all the opiates I want from a reliable dealer. I don't want my doctor knowing I'm a heroin addict to hinder my LEGIT pain management possibilities. If I tell him that it's goodbye any relatively strong --> effective meds and having to deal with all the pain again or having to self-medicate it with stronger opiates, neither of which I want to do.
Tell your doctor that you are addicted to heroin. This is something he or she should know and that something that you as his or her patient should tell. Pagey you are an addict to opiates and I do not believe for a second that you did not go to the doctor because you did not want to get oxy/hydro or whatever you could get. Tell your doctor about your drug issues as there are other ways to alleviate pain besides taking opiates. BE VERY CAREFUL ABOUT MIXING OPIATES AND BENZOS as others have said. :\

My concern about this is I've known doctors to be perfectly happy to leave their patients in pain out of fear of losing their license.
I've lied to doctors before, in some ways I rationalize and justify it by thinking that by lying to them they don't have to violate their oath by not offering effective treatment because of politics or some bs.

Personally, I gave my Rxed drugs to my boyfriend under express orders not to give them to me unless he deems that I legitimately need them, and if I violate that trust, he has my go ahead to go to my doctor and rat me out as an addict. So far so good.