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How Old Are you, and Do you still Crave MDMA?

i agree entirely with kate66 -- listening to the music i associate with MDMA from my past has really reinvigorated my interest in 'e'.

and it's been 10 years since i was taking e regularly.. i know that my tolerance levels must have plummeted now. And i strongly suspect my next 'e' experience will be just lovely.

zurich :)
I'm 18, I took MDMA (not "Extacy") 8 times over the summer. I loved it, I took it almost every weekend. For the first few months that I didn't do it I thought about it constantly. I made MDMA inspired art and listened to trance 24/7. About 4 months ago I was put on Zoloft, an SSRI, by my psychiatrist for depression. I decided that I would rather lose the ability to take MDMA than keep being depressed. The depression was there years before the MDMA so that wasn't the cause of it btw. Now that I've accepted the fact that I could take tons of MDMA and not feel it I no longer have to urge to take it. I even stared at a fat line of MDMA crystals and said to my friend "That looks so good right now" and he offered it to me but I was able to just say, "No, it wouldn't do anything. I'm already on adderall and acid I don't need molly." So in short the answer is no, but its just because I can't take it. In maybe two years when I don't need the meds anymore and my brain is fully developed I can indulge in it again.
15... looks like I'm the youngest here :p
It's sad to see so many people around here start at 13-14 and do it multiple times a week or even during school...
I guess it's just because this is such a good area, it always comes in capsules (almost always straight MDMA) and it's usually $10/pill for first 2 then $5/pill for any more...

Anyway, I'm here because I consider myself a more responsible user and I basically need to know everything about a drug before I'll do it, even prescriptions from the doc. Kids around here pop 4 at once and don't even know anything about tolerance. They just keep popping more and more every time thinking that they're just becoming more of an expert on the effects or some shit...

I do it about every other month. What drives me nuts is not having possession of any. As long as I got a few sittin in my room then I'm fine and won't touch them until a perfect night.
What I do crave though, is just being intoxicated in general. I just can't stand a weekend night sober. Luckily, it'll just take some good ole mary jane to satisfy those cravings.
What I do crave though, is just being intoxicated in general. I just can't stand a weekend night sober. Luckily, it'll just take some good ole mary jane to satisfy those cravings.

That's my exact situation except its hard for me to be sober or week days too.
18, use it every now and then when I can afford it; I never craved MDMA. Coke on the other hand, is a different story.
20 Years old... not craving it all too much, first time trying it was 6 months ago. Its great and all but its lost its flare... maybe I will try it again in another 6 months and see what happens.
I'm 45, started using it about eight years ago. I don't really crave it ... if I did, I wouldn't be able to save them (I once kept four pills for a year, waiting for the right time).
I'm 20.. i recently (last week) decided to quit it after seeing The Prodigy Live rolling off my head. I figured it was the best way to end it..

I simply can't deal with the comedowns of them anymore, i get massively paranoid,anxious and depressed. Maybe sometime in the next 5years.. but i want to keep it out of my life for as long as i can at least.

LSD will occupy my mind :)
lets see: I first dropped when I was 15, took a 8 month break, took another E pill , waited another 5 month break and rolled on Halloween. That's been my ecstasy history so far. (I'm 16 now almost 17). Craving......the feeling is flipping amazing but I think I will keep on taking long breaks, I think I will enjoy ecstasy in moderation.
17. Male, do I crave it? No, there is a tenth in my car but I know I can't take any more for a while.

I guess I obviously have been craving it lately because I did 1.25 grams since the sunday before last to monday.
i dont crave the MDMA so much as the entire party experience... living in a place where the scene is shite and nothing beats a well put on festival/dance party with a really clean hit of MDMA or 3

oh yeah im 26 and first rolled when i was 17 or 18 and the scene was a lot different back than
Im 27 and first started using mdma about 6 years ago. I only used it for about 6 months, on and off, but when i was on,,,, oh boy was I on... Anyways I stopped and have gotten back into it recently again. Sucks because i lost contact with the people i knew back when I was into it and now I dont know who to go to anymore.

I dont really crave it, as long as I don't think about it, its okay. But if I have some on me, then I'll want to do them.
im 20 now done it about 6 times but not really craving it, more looking forward to events where i just so happen to roll and seem to have soo many good nites out on it, but i could still have an insane time without it if i went to the same events because the atmosphere is soo good :)
I'm 22 and no longer crave.. i did xtc weekly or more from 18 to 21... now i do MDMA once every two months or so... when the time is right...
turned 23 today. And right now i really really want it. Just cause it's my birthday and all.

Can't find any though, so I'll just have to distract myself.
im 20.

i wouldnt say crave, but i have friends that still roll and what not, and hearing them talk about it makes me miss it sometimes
20, don't crave it, would like to do it, but I can go with 1-2 a year and I'm good (4 years running).
I'm 23. I've been on a break from E since August 2007 to try to bring the magic back, although I did take MDMA crystals one time at the end of last year - it was shit.

I'm waiting for some decent MDA pills to come back around now - they were things I loved, never MDMA.

But yeah, I still miss it, espescially if I hear songs that bring back good memories.. it can be pretty crushing, because I had so many indescribably awesome times on MDA, and I really miss the whole culture that goes with it too, clubbing every weekend, making new friends, staying up all night in total magic land..

People who make pills - sort your shit out, get rid of the piperazines and give us some MDA!!
shit im 32 i dont crave md but do it now n again, what i would crave would be if some ex con con just got out from a 19 yr stretch n they ahd a stash of proper doves, i'd deffo have some of them