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Cocaine how much more powerfull is crack compared to coke?

yo i'm sorry if all this shit is cause of me james

your sorry if "all the shit" is because of you??

Well...i appreciate the apology...but I think you got it wrong....most of "the shit" WAS you. But either way, an apology is appreciated. Im glad everyone seems to be acting civil again.
I just hate when Bluelight is used as an argument forum, not a harm reduction tool like it is meant to be.
Im sry but using capitalization or exclamnation points in no way reflects someones maturity level, or whether or not they have valid points.

All it means is thats how they type....plain and simple.

And I type the way I would talk in that given scenario.....so I think its a little biggeted of you to say my stories, expriences, and points, were "weighed down" by the way I type. Thats kind of ignorant dont you think? I mean....people can type however they want....its what they say that counts....not how you use your punctuations.
The experiences and points were not weighed down. The calm, unimposing tone is what was weighed down, that's all.

Style of posting does not invalidate points, of course. Not to argue again, but it can most certainly tell a lot about a maturity level, hence why many business e-mails and other formal notes tend to refrain from both.
I just hate when Bluelight is used as an argument forum, not a harm reduction tool like it is meant to be.
Arguments happen in any place where there is contact with another human beings opinions. This could be in a restaurant, on Bluelight, anywhere.
i live in Brasil, yeah Brazil, latin america, close to Bolivia, Colombia and Peru. We don't have heroin in here, but we have lot's of good coke. It ain't expensive and it's pure. Crack here is cosidered a drug that only a poor man should use, it's fucking cheap and is killing our children, I have used lot's of diferent kinds and colors of crack, and my experience is that crack (like james brown said) is pretty much like cocaine, the unique difference is the r.o.a. I still prefer banging my coke.
i live in Brasil, yeah Brazil, latin america, close to Bolivia, Colombia and Peru. We don't have heroin in here, but we have lot's of good coke. It ain't expensive and it's pure. Crack here is cosidered a drug that only a poor man should use, it's fucking cheap and is killing our children, I have used lot's of diferent kinds and colors of crack, and my experience is that crack (like james brown said) is pretty much like cocaine, the unique difference is the r.o.a. I still prefer banging my coke.

THANK YOU!....finally someone who doesnt treat me like a retard for having a different opinion on something.

Just to warn you brasil.....you may get flamed over and over for that post up there^^^.

People dont like it when someones experience goes against there experience....its like there BL racists.

(im not talking to you voxide)
But to voxide......

yes arguments CAN happen anywhere people communicate...but that doesn NOT make it right or OK to argue on Bluelight which is a community of people who have come together to HELP other people, by reducing harm through drug abuse. Arguments WILL happen here....but they should not be tolerated simply because they occur...they should be ignored at all costs.(unless ignoring an argument somehow prevents the process of harm reduction....which I doubt is a likely situation).
But to voxide......

yes arguments CAN happen anywhere people communicate...but that doesn NOT make it right or OK to argue on Bluelight which is a community of people who have come together to HELP other people, by reducing harm through drug abuse. Arguments WILL happen here....but they should not be tolerated simply because they occur...they should be ignored at all costs.(unless ignoring an argument somehow prevents the process of harm reduction....which I doubt is a likely situation).

I agree completely. If they aren't discussed in an intelligent manner, they are unfortunate, but unavoidable.
to answer the original post:

1. Crack is available in cheaper amounts, but it does not usually end up being cheaper. Say you buy a $10 rock or whatever (I don't know how much that should be- the only times I've really run across this stuff have been in the ghetto, and there were no weights mentioned). While cheaper than a gram of powder (for me anyway), that rock will last all of about ten minutes maybe, and in my experience (and the experience of all of my friends who have cruised the ghetto on some random whim to do crack), you almost immediately want to do more. It is a very, very fiendish type of drug; as soon as the high is starting to end, you immediately want to do more.

2. Is it recreational? It can be for sure. The high, in my case and in the cases of most everyone I've ever talked to or seen do it, is more like a serious "rush" type of high than the typical powder cocaine high. This rush feeling does not last very long at all, but it is much more intense than just doing a line of powder. When you read people one here mentioning "bellringers," they are referring to this type of effect from smoking rock. It feels very good actually and is much different (for most people) than the effect derived from snorting powder cocaine. It does not last as long, and is immediately followed by an intense desire to recreate the feeling, which people often do continuously until they run out of cash. Cocaine itself is a pretty short-lived high, but the crack high (ime) is much shorter and more intense, thus leaving the user wanting to do more very quickly, and this cycle can repeat itself for any number of hours/days. I guess if you were with some good friends and you all had several hundred dollars to waste, it could be a pretty fun recreational, social thing. Also, if you like to have sex w/ pros, a whole lot of them are addicted to crack, so if you consider banging prostitutes on drugs recreational (and not seriously depressing the next day(s)), that could be another recreational type of crack binge I guess.

All in all, I don't think you'll suddenly become a crackhead because you try it once. You will probably see what I'm talking about with regards to the "fiendish" nature of the drug and why it typically isn't considered the same type of disco-party drug its powdery sister is. You will probably notice the short-lived but much more intense rush-type high that most users (though not all evidently) tend to feel, and you will likely gain an understanding of how easy it would be to just sit in a room and shell out a few hundred dollars every few hours or whatever for a couple of days (or longer for some) to try to maintain the initial high. Some people seem to love it, but I don't know any people in real life (besides the people in the ghetto that help u find it/try to rip you off/try to get in on it with you for helping you find it/etc.) that have actually turned into regular crack users. Clearly it happens, and I can see why, but it has not happened to anyone I know well.

If you like coke because you like to party and go out and meet girls/guys, and dance all night, or drink better at night, or stay up late, etc., crack is not going to be the same type of recreational drug, in my experience. It is a mind-blowing initial high (in my experience) followed by the desire to do more crack, and no desire to go do any of the fun partyish type stuff u might do when you do coke. Again, this is my personal experience and obviously others differ.
i live in Brasil, yeah Brazil, latin america, close to Bolivia, Colombia and Peru. We don't have heroin in here, but we have lot's of good coke. It ain't expensive and it's pure. Crack here is cosidered a drug that only a poor man should use, it's fucking cheap and is killing our children, I have used lot's of diferent kinds and colors of crack, and my experience is that crack (like james brown said) is pretty much like cocaine, the unique difference is the r.o.a. I still prefer banging my coke.

Living in Columbia could be a be a dream or a nightmare. What is it, like $3 for a gram of very pure powder? The lifespan of coke addicts in that place must be so short, since supply is unlimited due to the low cost. Then again, earning money there isn't easy, or so I've heard. Still though, $3,000 for a fucking kilo. Wow.
Living in Columbia could be a be a dream or a nightmare. What is it, like $3 for a gram of very pure powder? The lifespan of coke addicts in that place must be so short, since supply is unlimited due to the low cost. Then again, earning money there isn't easy, or so I've heard. Still though, $3,000 for a fucking kilo. Wow.
Yeah brother, I live in Brazil not Colombia. And we are a powerfull economy, ain't like the u.s.a in terms of wealth, but i'm doing quite well making my money. Pure cocaine here costs 15 usd a gram and the same amount of crack costs 2.5 usd. Crack kills people very quickly and that's why we prefer sticking to pure cocaine. Sometimes we freebase our coke (whem we are tired of banging or sniffing) and it's pretty much like doing crack, but better. Crack is trash. off course freebase cocaine is different than snorting, but is in the r.o.a.
And bangging coke is much more powerfull than smoking freebased coke or crack, i guarantee you.
Good powder can last you a solid hour for its first high.....where as good rock is more like 10 minutes tops total experience. The "hit" that crack gives is abrasive IMO and makes me instantly sweat and just sit and stare. The first time I had a good size rock to myself I was doing it in the bathroom with the fan on, and ended up just sitting there taking one hit after another....until I became a paranoid disaster.

At least with coke you get a few hours of normal, enjoy the high kind of feeling before the ultimate cokehead deep inside you comes out. I tell all the legal high takers...meph in particular, that it is moreish but in a way that can't be compared to rock or white. Some people try coke once and chase it for years.......most people try rock once and chase it for years. Big difference.
Yeah brother, I live in Brazil not Colombia. And we are a powerfull economy, ain't like the u.s.a in terms of wealth, but i'm doing quite well making my money. Pure cocaine here costs 15 usd a gram and the same amount of crack costs 2.5 usd. Crack kills people very quickly and that's why we prefer sticking to pure cocaine. Sometimes we freebase our coke (whem we are tired of banging or sniffing) and it's pretty much like doing crack, but better. Crack is trash. off course freebase cocaine is different than snorting, but is in the r.o.a.
And bangging coke is much more powerfull than smoking freebased coke or crack, i guarantee you.

I'm not doubting this at all. I know that IV is by far the most intense.

How do you guys use your freebase? With a glass stem like with crack? Do they even sell those over there?
i would definately say iv coke causes way more fiendin then smoking crack they both suck, and both leave me longing for opiates...so i just try to spend my mone loyaly on opiates....bottom line...if you dont want to be addictied to a drug dont do addictive drugs...ive its exciting to try then know u mihglt be in for perils and rollercoasters of addiction...who knows maybe that excites you too...do as you please, but do it becasue its what you wnat to do
For me crack isn't that great, I prefer IV coke.

I was hooked on IV opiates for a few years (still am really), particularly hydromorphone, but when they stopped being available to me all the time I looked for something else.

I smoked crack and it was pretty good, I liked it a good bit, but it wasn't what I wanted. A few days later I got a hold of some powder and snorted it and really didn't like it. I just wasn't for me. I was never addicted to the high, always the rush. After a couple days I found more powder and shot it, and to me, but maybe because I'm a needle junkie, IV coke is better than smoked crack. I've smoked crack once or twice since but it's just nothing I'm interested in.

I think it all comes down to whether you get off from rushes or you just want to stay high. I honestly never gave a shit about being high, though it came from all the stuff I did, all I wanted was the rush. I kind of need to stay clear headed for my job/responsibilities.

Definitely in it for the rush. H is the best high, but the hours of nodding and the heaviness into the next day make it sth one can only use Fri/Sat or holidays. That's the reason coke, speed and valium are so popular in investment banking circles....you can still operate on it. Agree with you that work responsibilities are a big party pooper when it comes to taking drugs.....probably for the better though. Has kept me from getting addicted.
Good powder can last you a solid hour for its first high.....where as good rock is more like 10 minutes tops total experience. The "hit" that crack gives is abrasive IMO and makes me instantly sweat and just sit and stare. The first time I had a good size rock to myself I was doing it in the bathroom with the fan on, and ended up just sitting there taking one hit after another....until I became a paranoid disaster.

At least with coke you get a few hours of normal, enjoy the high kind of feeling before the ultimate cokehead deep inside you comes out. I tell all the legal high takers...meph in particular, that it is moreish but in a way that can't be compared to rock or white. Some people try coke once and chase it for years.......most people try rock once and chase it for years. Big difference.

This is spot on. Every single time I ever binged on the stuff, it seemed as though I would always eventually reach a state of INTENSE anxiety that resulted in me feeling like an absolute piece of shit reevaluating my life and concluding that the last few hours of smoking crack were an absolute waste of my life.

If the OP still reads this thread-

please, for the sake of your wellbeing, listen to us experienced users who have made the mistakes that you have no need to make. This stuff is an absolute hellish nightmare that I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy.
Seeing as crack is basically the same thing as coke, to me they feel pretty much the same. The rush from crack is more intense, but not by much. it almost feels like sniffing some really pure cut but only lasts a short period of time. The stigma placed on rock is pretty bad, and most all people will look down on you. Even coke heads and iv junkies. Its your call.

Coke/crack is a dirty drug to begin with, its usually cut to shit and full of harmful chems. I wouldn't fuck with it too much. It leaves you feeling like a dirt bag and the high is so short lived its not even worth it. Just my 2 cents.