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Cocaine how much more powerfull is crack compared to coke?

Everyone chill out and get back on topic.

Ive been tryin to do that for about half an hour now, but there have been a couple people who keep yelling at me to "shut the fuck up" and people who keep arguing as soon as I post about my personal experience with crack cocaine.
I apologize to everyone who were just trying to get information and ended up having to watch a bunch of people bicker about how my experiences with crack dont matter and are rediculous.

I agree, lets try to keep this thread on track....

anyone have any questions to ask about crack cocaine?...

or anyone with any experiences to post?
When did I ever say that the general consensus is that crack and coke are anythign but different????? I realize that is how it is for most people and ive even stated that atleast twice in this thread. why cant you people read??

I was simply saying that it was different for me therefore its possible to happen that way for other people.....the gener consensus isnt always whats gonna happen.

Also.....you have NO way of knowing the purity of my cocaine....I didnt get it in the US so stop telling me you know how pure it was or how pure it wasnt. Thats rediculous to state to someone over the internet....

I dont know know the exact purity as I didnt chemically measure it but it as waaaaaay more pure than I would get anywhere in the US. I got it in mexico. And it would always come in bricks so im pretty sure it wasnt stomped on very much before i got it.

Its best not to make assumptions of things you have no way of knowing
Once again, refrain from attacking me. and please don't incessantly post question marks at the end of a single sentence. Makes you sound very young and inexperienced. You realize that it's possible to re-brick, right? Telling me that I can't read is very ironic, since I never stated that you said anything about a general consensus. I told YOU that it's general consensus that crack > insufflated cocaine in terms of euphoria. Just because you had a different experience, doesn't mean you should force your opinion and call it "ridiculous" to compare the two. Whether or not crack worked for you isn't any of our concern. It is yours.
It's possible to get coca leaf shipped into the States. I know a few people who have done it (dunno if this goes too close to vendor discussion, sorry if it does).
Impractical and not common.
Yea ive heard of that too.....I think that Voxide was just being very negative and not very optomistic as far as how good the quality of coke can get in the states. I, for one, know that we can get some EXTREMELY pure coke, its rar, but its definitely possible.....so its kinds dumb to assume that NO ONE CAN GET GOOD QUALITY COCAINE IN THE US NO MATTER WHAT!!...which seemed to be his attitude.

I do agree that in general the coke in the US is not quite as good as some other countries, but that by no means, means that there isnt a possibility of some extremely good coke to appear now and again.

Also, the coke I get from mexico, is far better than even the best coke ive gotten in the US, and ive gotten some AMAZING coke in the US.
"Not quite as good" is an understatement. Again, you seem to very naive about the way the trade works in the US.
Ok man, im starting to get upset...

why dont we try a little test....

you find me a quote that I said that says that coke and crack are the same thing, and I will bow to you and admit you are right, or whatever, blah blah blah....

but since I know you wont find that quote because I never said it, why dont you go ahead and apologize for being such an asshole for no reason....no one here wants a stupid argument.....started for apparently no reason.

Why are so many of you soooo against people who experience drugs differently than you?....it is possible you know?.....whether or not you accept the fact, people all around the world are experiencing drugs in different ways whether you like it or not.

If you get "upset" over an internet forum, I think it's time for you to take a breather. You are an extremely sensitive person.

Also, there is no way to avoid random trolls cursing on the internet, but if you want to avoid a lengthy debate, simply post an intelligent refute. Unless you have been to every major city in the US, you have no right to optimistic about quality. It's once again general consensus that all coke in the US is trash, but that doesn't mean there isn't any exceptions. Everyone's experience with rock will be different, but yours is different to a degree where it is flat-out rarely even heard of if you were smoking correctly, ie: no direct flame, slow hit, not pulling it all at once, etc. Like I said, it isn't simple. Nevertheless, the general consensus outweighs you. Accept it and move on.

anyone have any questions to ask about crack cocaine?...

No offense, but if anyone does, I sure hope that you aren't the person that will be answering them...
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what is your peoples problem?

when you will quit it?

"Just because you had a different experience, doesn't mean you should force your opinion and call it "ridiculous" to compare the two."

^^^that quote doesnt make any sense....I was the one who originally compared crack and cocaine....and I was told it was rediculous to compare the two!!!!.....IM NOT THE ONE WHO SAID ITS REDICULOUS TO COMPARE CRACK WITH COKE. GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT.


please quit this shit...its rediculous and off track....what your trying to argue about doesnt matter, expecially because you dont even seem to know how to get your facts straight.
what is your peoples problem?

when you will quit it?

"Just because you had a different experience, doesn't mean you should force your opinion and call it "ridiculous" to compare the two."

^^^that quote doesnt make any sense....I was the one who originally compared crack and cocaine....and I was told it was rediculous to compare the two!!!!.....IM NOT THE ONE WHO SAID ITS REDICULOUS TO COMPARE CRACK WITH COKE. GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT.


please quit this shit...its rediculous and off track....what your trying to argue about doesnt matter, expecially because you dont even seem to know how to get your facts straight.

Ah, really?:

All these people who are bitching about how "you should NEVER compare crack with coke!!!" are being rediculous.
Even worse, you insulted the people as being ridiculous. So, you are calling majority of coke/crack users ridiculous? Nice.

Again, stop typing in all caps. Makes you look like a child who is having a temper tantrum. Take a breather, and come back when you're ready to post some intelligent info, rather than saying crack is no more addicting than snorted coke. You posted no factual information to disprove of what I'm saying. You're just rambling about how your feelings are being hurt. The reason that I, along with others are responding is because you refuse to drop it and you continue posting more asinine jibber-jabber. Here is a protip: ITS HARD TO TAKE UR POSTS SRSLY WHEN U TYPE LIKE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Keep that in mind when posting in the future.
I give up, the maturity level in this thread is just rediculous.

I tried to get the thread back on track but you both seem to have nothing on your minds but arguing, bitching, and posting false comments....as well as talking shi to someone who had a different experience with crack than you.
Ah, really?:

Even worse, you insulted the people as being ridiculous. So, you are calling majority of coke/crack users ridiculous? Nice.

Again, stop typing in all caps. Makes you look like a child who is having a temper tantrum. Take a breather, and come back when you're ready to post some intelligent info, rather than saying crack is no more addicting than snorted coke. You posted no factual information to disprove of what I'm saying. You're just rambling about how your feelings are being hurt. The reason that I, along with others are responding is because you refuse to drop it and you continue posting more asinine jibber-jabber. Here is a protip: ITS HARD TO TAKE UR POSTS SRSLY WHEN U TYPE LIKE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Keep that in mind when posting in the future.

Once again, I never said that crack is no more addicting snorting coke, in fact, i never said anything about one or the other being addictive in any way. I simply posted FACTUAL information about my experiences with the highs from smoking crack. Very simple.....you guys seem to wanna take my experiences as a presonal attack against you for some reason. My experiences reflect my experiences....nothing to do wiht you. And for the thousandth time...I agree that for the most part people get a stronger rush from smoking crack than snorting coke. When will you ever understand what im saying?
Once again, I never said that crack is no more addicting snorting coke, in fact, i never said anything about one or the other being addictive in any way. I simply posted FACTUAL information about my experiences with the highs from smoking crack. Very simple.....you guys seem to wanna take my experiences as a presonal attack against you for some reason. My experiences reflect my experiences....nothing to do wiht you. And for the thousandth time...I agree that for the most part people get a stronger rush from smoking crack than snorting coke. When will you ever understand what im saying?

Factual =/= anecdotal. You seem to not know the difference...

Also, um.........
I think its about the same as coke...no more addicting, no less.
OK...fantastic...you are SOOOOO right.....and I am SOOOOOO wrong......and all my experiences with crack do not matter one bit and its rediculous to listen to my stories of what happened to me when i did coke. OK? you happy? can we fucking move on from this shit man?
This is not what BL is about. were supposed to be helping people not arguing semantics about STUPID FUCKING SHIT. You done?
I know im ready to finally shut the fuck up about this shit. I apologize for ever telling my experience with crack cocaine...I didnt realize it would cause so much anger with so many people.
I know that it is the same basic chemical just one is in the hydrochloride formation....I know that....these people are the ones trying to bitch me out saying that im causing harm by saying that crack and coke felt pretty much the same to me.

Were talking about how the high feels, not the chemical formulation comparisons.

Sorry, I didn't even read the title. :eek:
^(@jB) Dude, you're not helping. I'm just about to close the thread unless people start talking about crack again...!
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I know im ready to finally shut the fuck up about this shit. I apologize for ever telling my experience with crack cocaine...I didnt realize it would cause so much anger with so many people.

I'm not angry with you at all. :\

The reason I'm confused and somewhat insulted is because you say you didn't post anything of the sort, when I clearly provided where you posted it. I don't care about your experience. Your experience isn't the reason I'm arguing. It was the way you presented yourself. "all these people bitching are ridiculous", "crack is no more addictive" etc. It was almost as if you thought you're superior to everyone in here. If you used words like "In my experience" "no offense" "I felt differently" "maybe I did something wrong" "I don't want to insult anyone", you would have gotten WAY different responses. I hope you at least read this post so you can learn something. And like I said, don't get worked up. It's the internet. No one here has any personal issues with you, even though it seems that way at times.

^Dude, you're not helping. I'm just about to close the thread unless people start talking about crack again...!

To anyone who wants to know what feeling ripped off from a crack high feels like, do this:

-Masturbate furiosly
-Right before ejaculation, stop
-Burn a 20 dollar bill.

There you go.
Im sorry but when people tell me to "shut the fuck up!"...and say that "your on your period"....that is most definitely personal, and uncalled for...no matter how someone interpreted my experience with crack.

And just because my ideas are different than yours...like....crack isnt stronger than coke, or anything like that.....doesnt mean im acting like im superior...it simply means i react differently to the drug...and YTOU were the ones who wouldnt accept that and say...."oh, well thats nice that you experience crack that way....but we feel crack does something else to you....etc..."

you know?....why start cussing and bitching at me simply for being different?

I never forced my opinions on anyone, i simply stated my experiences and you could take it or leave it.
and by the way I did post in the manner you were suggesting there....

for example...

"i realize that most people react differently than i do..."

"I do agree in general that the coke in the US is not quite as good..."

"Lets try to keep the anger level down, and try to accept peoples personal experiences....."

"I was simply stating that it was different for me...."

...you see???......I WAS posting in the correct manner. And I resent the fact you think otherwise.

there are alot more of those^^^ type of posts I could quote myself on. But I figured you could do the work and just read back and see what I posted on your own.
Im sorry but when people tell me to "shut the fuck up!"...and say that "your on your period"....that is most definitely personal, and uncalled for...no matter how someone interpreted my experience with crack.

And just because my ideas are different than yours...like....crack isnt stronger than coke, or anything like that.....doesnt mean im acting like im superior...it simply means i react differently to the drug...and YTOU were the ones who wouldnt accept that and say...."oh, well thats nice that you experience crack that way....but we feel crack does something else to you....etc..."

you know?....why start cussing and bitching at me simply for being different?

I never forced my opinions on anyone, i simply stated my experiences and you could take it or leave it.
I think you are confusing me with all the other people in this thread. I never once insulted you or told you to shut the fuck up. I pointed out that your use of capitalization is immature, but that's about it.
and by the way I did post in the manner you were suggesting there....

for example...

"i realize that most people react differently than i do..."

"I do agree in general that the coke in the US is not quite as good..."

"Lets try to keep the anger level down, and try to accept peoples personal experiences....."

"I was simply stating that it was different for me...."

...you see???......I WAS posting in the correct manner. And I resent the fact you think otherwise.

there are alot more of those^^^ type of posts I could quote myself on. But I figured you could do the work and just read back and see what I posted on your own.
You did indeed, but along with that, there was also a lot of nonsense which weighed the effectiveness of those posts down, like the capitalization and multiple exclamation points.

Like I said, I'm not mad. Misunderstandings have been resolved, and I think I can get back on topic. I can't speak for the other users who were arguing with you, since, well, I'm not them.
Im sry but using capitalization or exclamnation points in no way reflects someones maturity level, or whether or not they have valid points.

All it means is thats how they type....plain and simple.

And I type the way I would talk in that given scenario.....so I think its a little biggeted of you to say my stories, expriences, and points, were "weighed down" by the way I type. Thats kind of ignorant dont you think? I mean....people can type however they want....its what they say that counts....not how you use your punctuations.