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How much Ketamine needed to get high?

I don't know if it's just me, but I think those oral K dosages on Erowid are waaay off. Well, unless it synergizes like crazy with LSD (which I admit is the only time I've tried it orally). I ate 70mg of K with a couple hits (~200μg) of acid, and forgot where I was for about half an hour. I couldn't even tell if my eyes were open or closed. I've done a fair bit of acid before, and I have never experienced anything close to the amount of confusion or immersion in the experience than that. Might have been fun if I knew what to expect before hand, and I don't think I'd use that much again.

Anyway... I really hate the K drip, I find it incredibly nauseating. After the above experience, I don't know why more people don't just eat the stuff. Lasts longer, and nothing gross stuffed up your nose required!
You have to be careful with K dosing... its totally variable... I've seen people K-hole off of as little as 50mg while others like myself don't hole until 200 or so. Personally, I don't mind snorting K, but what I did when I first started with it was I took a key and dipped it in the bag and did tiny bumps. I know now those were about 20-30mg - you wait 5-10 minutes and see how you feel then do more if you want to.

Orally, I haven't tried it yet, but I am going to try a rectal dose and see how that is... I like the idea of an extended duration K high without going into a K hole.

ok im first time user of K and i have a vial of Ketaset' ketamine HCI INJ USP
Equivalent to 100 mg/mL

ketamine 10mL

ok thats being said im 5"3 160lbs and i use alot of hard different drugs on a common basis,
but im new to this ive tried it orally last night , i drank roughly a lil bit more than a teaspoon full if not maybe 1 and a half teaspoons and i was fucked up for few hours and it was great . however its not what i was looking to get from it , i want to know how much do i need to snort to trip a lil (visuals) and k-hole or would i be better off going and buying a syringe and do it IM. a rapid response would be greatly appreciated please and thanks in advance.