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How much have you spent on drugs in your lifetime?

Ugh one of those things that should never be known. Spent 2000 euro over two weeks on mdma most of that time I wasnt really wired, just telling myself I was:/
complete guess - 4,000 per year for 10 yrs = 40,000USD. Would I give it all back for 40 grand? Nah. A quarter of it for 10 grand would be nice though...who should I talk to about this?
shit on alcohol alone i probably bought the liquor store owner a goddamn yacht,
roughly 500 a month on weed, smoking for like 20 years
i think thats 120,000 dollars if my math aint fucked up
maybe knock off 20 large for droughts, and poor times

fuckity fuck
over 30yrs...? no idea. if i ever tried to estimate i'd be joining generic mind in the gasoline dousing setting myself on fire event.
i'm sure i've prob spent more on dope than i did on my house.
damn that's wicked when u think about it...

alcohol 80-200$
tobacco 50-80$
cannabis 100-150$
lsa 40$
salvia 10-30$
benzodiazepine's 10-25$
opioids 20-30$
dxm 5-10$
adderall 10$
jwh 60-90$

overall about 390-670$
A ridiculous amount of money. It wasn't THAt much until i started doing heroin. I know i spent over 3,000 in 2 months on my first heroin binge..
id say about 5k all up in the last 2 years...

but ive wasted alot more money on other useless crap (which i could have spent on drugs)
It's only been two years since I started partaking:

Alcohol: $40
Mdma: $60
Mushrooms: $15
Ketamine: %15
Cannabis: $0



I like being a girl. ;)
I once tried to count it. It was ~20 000 in euros but almost a year passed and now I pay 300-400PLN (= ~75-100€ = ~100-135$).
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Probably only about $600 on drugs (pills etc) but if I were to consider alcohol, that would be a depressing amount. It would be in the thousands for sure. 8) Luckily I've cut way down!
More money than I had. The money from pawning everything I owned that was worth anything, rent money and became homeless, money I got lying to my friends and family, and money I stole. Not too mention all the money I blew at the casinos while spun out. I just got paid today, and that money has been spent, too.
oh god if i really had to sit down and think about it, id probably stab myself and throw myself off of my balcony!!! not only that id also have to come to grips with the fact that i really am a drug addict!!:) i think were looking at litterally millions, over the past 22yrs. im feeling like a real winner right about now.:(
this thread is pretty old but anyway. Too much is the simple answer. I'd say around £15,000 but that would be an extremely conservative estimate.

I want my money back! :(