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Harm Reduction How much do Kratom and L-Theanine potentiate Alcohol and Klonopin?


Mar 3, 2014
Ok, well, we've all fucked up badly with drugs before on this forum, so I doubt the following story will surprise many people:

The other night I took about 9 grams of Kratom, some L-Theanine, 1.7mgs of Klonopin and had about 10 drinks, some of them shots of whiskey and some beer.

Needless to say, it resulted in me blacking out and thoroughly embarrassing myself and a lot of other people as well.

The thing is, I used to take Klonopin Every day for 11 years but then I stopped for 9 months.

Then the other week I got a new prescription to use them only as needed, so obviously my tolerance went WAY down.

Though it is NOT AT ALL advised, I used to drink on Klonopin all the time and NEVER blacked out because my body was so used to it.

But now my theory was that because I hadn't taken the KLonopin for 9 months I lost my tolerance and when I drank on it I blacked out for that reason.

What I want to know is: Do you guys think If I had NOT TAKEN ANY KLONOPIN AT ALL.....ONLY the Kratom, L-Theanine and Alcohol, that it is likely I would not have blacked out??

I am sure you can't answer the question 100%, I just want to know what people think and this is coming from someone who has a MASSIVE tolerance to alcohol and who frequently drinks as much or more than I did on this night without ever blacking out.

1)How greatly does Kratom increase the effects of Klonopin and Alcohol and likewise, or greatly do alcohol and Klonopin increase the effects of Kratom?

2) How greatly does L-Theanine increase the effects of Klonopin, Alcohol and Kratom and likewise, how greatly do Kratom, Alcohol and Klonopin increase the effectivenss of L-Theanine.

I remember I read a thread where someone mentioned something about a very specific effect that the combo of L-Theanine and alcohol have on eachother.

Does anyone know what the combination of L-Theanine and Alcohol does in the brain or what the effect I'd read about might have been??

I thought it MIGHT have been that L-Theanine actually helps lessen the side effects of alcohol but I'm not sure.

Note: I am NOT asking about how much Alcohol and Klonopin potentiate eachother as I already know they do and how foolish an idea it was to mix them and I am NEVER going to drink alcohol while on Klonopin again. I've learned my lesson there.

But what I want to understand is how bad the Kratom/Alcohol/L-Theanine combo is WITHOUT the Klonopin and whether or not people agree that it was probably MOSTLY the interaction between the Klonopin with my greatly lowered tolerance from 9 months off of it and alcohol that resulted in the blackout and not the Kratom or L-Theanine.

Note also that this was PLAIN LEAF KRATOM (bali and Super Green Malay) and not an extract.

I fucked up badly this time and need to make sure it NEVER happens again.

Yes, I think the klonopin pushed you over the edge into blackout territory. That's lot of heavy drinking and drugs combined, you could die in your sleep from respiratory depression from a combo like that.

Next time either don't drink or don't use the klonopin and you should be much safer and unlikely to blackout.

However, you can still die from the combination of any depressants so always dose very cautiously...
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Yes, I think the klonopin pushed you over the edge into blackout territory. That's lot of heavy drinking and drugs combined, you could die in your sleep from respiratory depression from a combo like that.

Next time either don't drink or don't use the klonopin and you should be much safer and unlikely to blackout.

However, you can still die from the combination of any depressants so always dose very cautiously...

Yeah, I'm not going to drink more than like 2-3 beers MAX on Klonopin again to be sure that never happens.

Although the truth is I did it MANY times over 11 years of being on Klonopin but back then I had a HUGE Klonopin tolerance and my dosage is still VERY low 1.0--1.5mgs but now I don't have a tolerance making it MUCH more dangerous.

(I also don't think the L-Theanine is considered a "serious drug though)

However, Kratom isn't known to be a serious respiratory depressant so don't you think drinking on it probably wouldn't be that much more likely than drinking alone to cause respiratory depression or blacking out??

And I am still wondering about the specific answers to the other questions like does Kratom strongly potentiate alcohol and Klonopin and vice versa and likewise does L-Theanine potentiate Kratom, Klonopin and alcohol and vice versa??

And does anyone know the specific interaction between L-Theanine and alcohol??

I had heard at one point that they had some unique effect together like L-Theanine reduces the side effects of alcohol or something like that??
These drugs synergize, they don't potentiate. Other than the alcohol and benzo combo of course.
The L-Theanine, I feel is irrelevant. I know it possesses some psychoactive properties, but I don't feel they will factor in appreciably in determining the outcome of your combination. Clonazepam (Klonopin), alcohol and kratom - especially in concert - are going to overpower the more subtle L-Theanine.

The above combination isn't advisable from a safety standpoint. Benzodiazepines and alcohol aren't advisable in their own right as the CNS depression could cause an overdose. The Kratom, with it's opioid effects are just throwing another depressant into an already "hearty" mix. The use of all three together is playing with fire.

So to answer your question, your central nervous system is going to be depressed and you'll probably have a good time. Just try to keep to a relatively conservative dose of each. It shouldn't be at all surprising that you blacked out having taken clonazepam with ~10 shots of hard liquor. Your outcome is as predictable as 2 + 2 = 4. Ten shots is pretty hefty for an average person, regardless of what other drugs they've ingested.

I'll take ten shots in a couple hours' time when I'm "tying one on", but truthfully, it'll be more like 15 shots in 2 hours... but I usually end up half-clothed in my front lawn.
"What I want to know is: Do you guys think If I had NOT TAKEN ANY KLONOPIN AT ALL.....ONLY the Kratom, L-Theanine and Alcohol, that it is likely I would not have blacked out??"

All I can say is kratom is a tricky one......I drank a quantity of alcohol I normally did (w/o ever blacking out on) a quantity of kratom I normally used and did fall asleep and/or blackout.Reason I put fall asleep is that possibly if I was with people maybe the stimulation of social interactions would of prevented it? Was in a little league dugout few years past 4th of July shooting bottle rockets and just thought to lay down on the hard wooden bench to rest and woke up a hour or two later,a bit confused and saying what the **** ? Normally don't do that,very weird. Maybe depends on the strain of kratom? as usually kratom is more activating to me, but don't know. Of course if a benzo was there too(it wasn't) I would have thought like you it was the benzo. But no benzo involved.So take that for what it is,maybe this helps? Not sure about theanine but from what I read it is not synergistic with alcohol or kratom.
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These drugs synergize, they don't potentiate. Other than the alcohol and benzo combo of course.

What is the difference between synergizing and potentiating?

So do YOU think that I had left the Klonopin out of the mix and hadn't taken any Klonopin at all, just the Kratom, alcohol and L-Theanine that I PROBABLY wouldn't have blacked out??

And did the Kratom make the alcohol and Klonopin hit me harder and likewise, did the alcohol and KLonopin make the Kratom hit me harder??

Also, do you know what it is I might have heard in passing about the combo of alcohol and L-Theanine?

I'm not sure what it was, but it was something interesting, I think it was actually a GOOD thing like L-Theanine reduces negative effects of alcohol or lessens hangovers or something like that but I forget what it was.
Could someone else PLEASE try to answer some of these other questions for me??

This is concerning a situation that was a big issue for me and I KNOW that there are lots of people here who have answers to these questions because lots of people use them and have combined them.

I do my best to answer most questions that I actually believe I have the answers to when someone else posts a thread.
Could someone else PLEASE try to answer some of these other questions for me??

This is concerning a situation that was a big issue for me and I KNOW that there are lots of people here who have answers to these questions because lots of people use them and have combined them.

I do my best to answer most questions that I actually believe I have the answers to when someone else posts a thread.

I already answered this question, the klonopin was obviously the main culprit here. Any time you mix a benzo with alcohol you are risking blackout. Quit being so demanding, you are asking people to give you advice on a combination that is highly not recommended because of the amount of deaths it causes. I don't think the kratom played a big role in the blackout, neither did the l-theanine. The main culprits here are benzos + alcohol which are a common sense no no if you want to wake up. Just because you once could combine them without blackout doesn't mean you weren't walking a tight rope, and I heavily believe the main contributors to the black out were the alcohol and klonopin, with maybe a small push from the kratom and L-theanine.

I do NOT think you would have blacked out if you left out the klonopin.
There is very little info on l-theanine, try a google search. I think kratom wouldn't have very enjoyable effects when combined with alcohol anyways. The alcohol and benzo made the kratom effects just have a dirtier feel IMO... Not neccesarily stronger and definitely not better, just more fucked up. I guess that could be considered potentiation?

Have you even given us the strain of kratom consumed or the amount of kratom / L-theanine. The truth is not much is known about L-theanine interactions so no one can say for sure if it did or did not have an effect on the situation. I believe if it was a red strain of kratom that the kratom played a role in the blackout, but a much lesser one then the alcohol and benzo combonation. With alcohol + benzos, 2+2 doesn't = 4. Some days it can equal 6, other days 10. That's why this is such a dangerous combination, it's very unpredictable what will happen when you drink in excess on any dose of a benzo.
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