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How much cocaine is too much?

yeah if your nose bleeds for 3days it means ur doing too much.
hell, if ur doing it daily it means its too much.

im surprised at the amounts mentioned here htough, k'd ur crazy bro, the amounts and purity u talk about are enuff to make me piss my pants
So I'm trying to clarify here:

Can you overdose on coke? Everybody says yes, but reliable information is always hard to come by. If so, what is a safe amount to take? Is blowing a gram in a couple hours dangerous? Will 5.7g really kill 50% of users? Basically, what guidelines should be observed for taking coke and not ending up in the ER?

Thanks again.
theseum said:

Can you overdose on coke? Everybody says yes, but reliable information is always hard to come by. If so, what is a safe amount to take? Is blowing a gram in a couple hours dangerous?

Yes, you certainly can overdose on coke.

However, your physical condition is likely to be the key contributing factor. If you are obese, have a high cholestrerol level and smoke/drink heavily you are increasing the likelihood of overdose from cocaine. There's no shortage of examples if you search google or similar for 'cocaine overdose'.

IMHO a gram over the course of two hours shouldn't pose any problems if you've done this before and felt good during and after the experience.
However, I'm no expert...

Nobody can tell you what a safe amount of coke to take is. Even a doctor, though he'll likely give you a smartass, 'The safest amount of cocaine is NO COCAINE AT ALL' response.

I say, if you feel OK then enjoy. Just try to keep your use as sporadic as possible, as much for the enjoyment factor as the health one.
thanks spell... I guess it's like driving a car, there's only one way of finding out how fast is too fast...
I'm just curious. Bringing this back up with a 'related' question.

How much coke is too much coke to do 'in one line'?
A friend of mine has a pretty good amount and he wants to take One Gram in a single line.. straight up the nostril... I told him it wasn't worth it and he would just be way too cracked out, but he says he wants to try it.
He's generally pretty healthy I guess, never had any coke problems before - Is this relatively safe?
Jesus Verga said:
Ever heard of kindling?- one can get sensitized to coke smaller and smaller doses can be increasingly lethal.

I used to be able to slam a quarter of pure coke (and I know it was pure because the quarter would dissolve in a 1/2 cc H20 and leave no residue- no chill or numb like procaine, no shits like mannitol etc,). When I started slamming coke I would just relax with friends. Started having grand mal seizure from this amount of coke after a year- also Cheyne-stokes.

I would also get bad reactions from snorting it- nose bleeds from intermittent "social use".

My dick never got hard once during my last year of serious coke.
ur talking out of ur arse dick boy!!!!! are u seriously expecting me to believe that u dissolved 7 grams of coke in 0.5 ml of water, bullfuckingshit. 7 grams of coke is quite a big pile and 1/2 a cc of water is perhaps two drops
enoftheworld, no homie....quarter as in 1/4 gram. (not quarter as in quarter ounce, pound or key)...

regarding solubility you might try and read merck....

a 50 unit U-100 insulin CCis a half cc.

good night and happy trolling.
heheheheheh......am no troll, just thought u were making sum proper outlandish claim. 1/4 g sounds more reasonable for that amount of water ;) ;)