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How much cocaine is too much?

I think that it depends a lot on personal tolerance and weight. I weigh something around 165 and would not be able to get off on a couple grams of coke...it would just piss me off, crave for more. If I plan on doing cocaine I need to pick up a Q-Ball and usually split it with my girl or a friend and go to the club. I don't use cocaine everyday, just weekends, and have had my share of stimulant use. I also use benzodiazepines with cocaine so that may be why I need more, but hey, they get rid of the negative effects such as...oh I don't know....the comedown! I usually like it when I have something like 4 grams and I just Scarface that shit. Bastard piles of coke.

Thats just me. Somebody else could probably get off at 1-2 grams a night and some others may not. I would probably keep my use under 2 grams if I was using daily. I hate coke binges though. I don't sleep ever.

Also, I understand that cocaine is PRICEY so some people can't purchase as much. But when you get 8-balls for $45 its not hard at all to get free coke, so basically free for me. ;)
8b for $45? Unless you know the direct source, it is shitty quality ;) Normal price from where I am is $50 a g for good quality.
LiquorLaureate said:
8b for $45? Unless you know the direct source, it is shitty quality ;) Normal price from where I am is $50 a g for good quality.

Nope. Straight rock cocaine with yellow tint. Never powder, straight shiny crystal rock with yellow tint everytime. And yes, I do get it directly from the source. I know Mexican people, thats all! ;)

Everybody gets grams for like $30-$50 and if I was still, I wouldn't be doing it anymore!
nothing like a good mexican connect, i agree i wouldnt do it for that much either
7-hoe-7 said:
cocaine is addictive like weed is adictive.. its all in the mind, if you really need to stop you can.. i walked away from some frequent heavy use with no problem.. its all in the mind

I think that you'll find the residual effects of cocaine, stay 'in the mind' a few days longer after quitting, than those of weed.

Have you ever smoked a j/taken a bong rip, with little or no enjoyment because it's the last one? There you go. With coke that feeling is all too common.

Plus cocaine can change an individuals behaviour so much that it frightens them at the thought of reverting to their old self, regardless of whether it's an improvement or not. I'll never have that fear as I'm an evil-thinking asshole on coke - Godlike though.
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Unless I trust you or a good friend, you really don't want to cross me while on cocaine. I'm a delusional, mean motherfucker, who wants to take your girl over a fist fight, punk! A couple days ago I finished off like 10 grams with a friend at his apartment complex. Too...Too....and so the night began, I had a bad ass butterfly knife with me and my homebody hat a baseball bat in his pants covered by his leather jacket. "This apartment complex and everything in it is mine!" I felt like I was a mafia member keeping shit together, making sure that "my people" were being taken care of.

like i said.. if you absolutely need to stop, you can.. it might be harder to quit then smokin weed but its not impossible, it can be done and it has been done..
Have you ever smoked a j/taken a bong rip, with little or no enjoyment because it's the last one? There you go. With coke that feeling is all too common.

that is a perfect way to explain it.. but if theres absolutely no way to get anymore or there is no more money to get any.. after the comedown its nothin.. its like youve never fiended for coke before
waking up after a coke binge in a pillow full of blood sucks
after a night like that, youll prob know whats too much
Ever heard of kindling?- one can get sensitized to coke smaller and smaller doses can be increasingly lethal.

The ability of cocaine to induce a seizure is not one of the effects for which tolerance develops. In fact, the opposite may be true. The kindling effect is a kind of reverse tolerance or increasing sensitivity to a specific drug effect. It is thought, with chronic cocaine use, that a kindling effect may develop for seizures, agitation, and restlessness (Washton, 1989).

I used to be able to slam a quarter of pure coke (and I know it was pure because the quarter would dissolve in a 1/2 cc H20 and leave no residue- no chill or numb like procaine, no shits like mannitol etc,). When I started slamming coke I would just relax with friends. Started having grand mal seizure from this amount of coke after a year- also Cheyne-stokes.

I would also get bad reactions from snorting it- nose bleeds from intermittent "social use".

My dick never got hard once during my last year of serious coke.
LD50 is the dose at which 50% of people would be dead. Its a kind of "average" for the lethal level for a drug.
i dunno, i did coke for the first time about 2 weeks ago, i am never touching that crap again. NExt day my nose bled and hurt like hell, i was up until 6am.... The high wasnt even that great, i did a gram of some FIRE stuff (what all my friends were saying) and i was geeked but it wasnt what i was expecting... i just felt really confident and chatty... but other that that it wasn't anything special and wasnt worth the comedown and shitty side effects
LD50 is the dose at which 50% of people would be dead. Its a kind of "average" for the lethal level for a drug.

actually its a dose at which 50% of the test subjects in a study to determine the lethal dose (in [atleast?] 50% of the test subjects) died. (naturally those studies were not made on humans) so saying 50% people would be dead is kind of inaccurate.
coke is awesome until you start doing it everyday and its ALL you want and think about it. im sorry but whoever said that coke is as easy as weed to kick has go to be kidding themselves. i just spent 3 days in HELL because i quit coke after doing it pretty much everyday for 2-3 weeks. aniexty, extreme depression, stomach pain, dizziness, either sleeping very little or sleeping excessive amounts, and CONSTNATLY wanting coke.

ugh coke nose is the worst thing my nose has ever experienced. the burning and bleeding is disgusting. but ahh coke is so amazing, i love it :) ooh im so excitied for when the 'rents get off my back and i can go back to some weekend use.
I don't think anyone on this forum has ever done actual pure coke that has not been touched since it left the coca fields. Supposedly, one small line of pharmicutical grade pure cocaine, when snorted, gives euphoria for up to one to one and a half hours. If that were the case, you wouldn't really need to blow two grams a day. I bet his nose is bleeding because of the cut. And just because have "mexican connections" doesn't mean it is not stepped on.
^i had some of that straight from a friend via the pharmacy and i think it was more like 45 mins to an hour. I have had stuff in the carribean thats nearly as good for a lot less.

BTW you can get it on script in England like you can get smack on script here. But its rare.
trip407 said:
i can just warn you cocain can lead easily into psychosis, maybe the alc reduces some of the psycotic side effects but i was pretty much ready for the mentalhospital after 2 month consumption (1-2g day) and a final 2 day bing. i saw shadows, heard noises/voices and saw people following me , that is what _real_ paranoia feels. so keep you consumption low. It also saves you lots of Cash, but who do i tell that. :)

yikes, i hate the psychosis. if coke psychosis is that bad, i wonder how bad the meth must be... 0.o

yeah, man, cutting down is good.