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How High Are You? v. Who Am I And What Is High?

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Acquired a decent supply of high quality crystal, simultaneously sipping on a 5th of some whiskey.

Just did a few lines about5 minutes ago and I'm already coming up hard...have an amazing feeling I'm gonna be straight SPUN within the hour. Had previously taken a much needed tolerance break past 3-4 months, only dosing very small amounts just to test the waters and like I had hoped tolerance levels dropped greatly..

LIFE IS GOOD....Whats up BL?!?!
Actually, they are pretty foul tasting ;)

Yes, but you can learn to like it. Kinda like how oxy/heroin/morphine can taste pretty nasty but eventually tastes like bliss. I've been told by alcoholics that liquor has a similar effect as well. I never really got into alcohol much, so I wouldn't know. The only situation where I can handle or even enjoy drinks is at a bar/club with good friends and dancing, cocaine really helps also.
^How are those sodas? I've seen them but most of the pre-mixed drinks are too sweet for me. (Have you tried the DNG Lemonade?)
Also, I'm impressed you like the taste of mushrooms lol

was extremely disappointed tbph, for over 120mg thc that was nothing.

Way prefer the VCC Pink Strawberry Lemonade. I haven't tried the DNG lemonade but my local shop stocks it so I might give it a shot. And the shroom taste is acquired taste for sure, I eat a lot of non psychoactive mushrooms and tbh the taste is not too far off to that off dried edible mushrooms, but are actually sweeter, to really get the feel for the taste, you should make mushroom tea with some lemon, cayenne, and marshmallow leaf in mushroom tea, the flavors really bring out the weird magical taste that can actually be quite pleasant and add a whole new dimension to the trip. God now I really wanna eat some mushrooms... but not until the full moon.
I much prefer them fresh, and really... what type of dried mushroom does not taste bad on its own?

I ate another gram or two about 45 minutes ago and am struggling to keep myself together. Very visual, and of course... very emotional as well.
4 mgs xanax
countless bowls of some Captain America (og dj short blueberry x bruce banner #3. absolutely unreal)
3 bags of heroin (so far)
about half a dozen dabs of some Skywalker OG shatter
and a fat ass line of high quality cocaine.

but man am i feeling nice right now. its also free icecream day at ben and jerrys so im about to go get some lol

luckily i got 2 more bags of this FIRE dope, like a dozen more bars, and atleast an 8th of the captain america/2 gs of the shatter....so it is apparently a good day in the neighborhood.

damn!!! sounds like such a good time.

I too, am smoking on skywalker shatter as well as some cherry pie. also working my way through a 750ml of jager. drank a redbull earlier. I feel pretty decent, but a nice line of cocaine would be awesome. I want to sleep but i also want to enjoy my high so illl prolly dab a little more before calling it a night
Well that was fun while it lasted...crashing now from dope, euphorias slowly subsiding, hopefully I can get more in a few...man was I spun though

Just drinking on some vodka for now, really fiending for some more amphetamines though
I gotta good buzz going and I want to go outside to smoke weed and tobacco but there's someone (like family friend status almost) here fixing some shit and I can't make it awkward like that. Gotta wait for them to bounce, hopefully very soon since I'm out of wine.

earlier ~6-7mg clonazolam under the tongue
20mg etiz oral to follow

now ~40mg etiz

where did my tolerance go? Just last week diclazepam doses had me pass out and loose all mt stash

My supplier has always had pure powders too. Am I ust having rapid tolerance increase? After today Im takin a break and hittin the gin agiain,

edit: 50 oz of 8% beer
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Alright, my clinic officially ran out of Methadone PILLS today. So today is my 1st day in almost 2 years using Liquid Methadone, instead of Wafers/pills.
The good news is, a couple months ago, they got a digital monitor to get exact dosage on Liquid. So that's a good thing, I know for SURE I'm getting the dose i'm supposed to be getting, yay on that part!

Here's the difference so far, the liquid kicked in SUPER quick, im talking like in 30-45 minutes quick. Compared to the pills, I had to wait 2-4 hours for it to peak in. So I feel REALLY good right now. :D
But what I'm worried about is it leaving my system quicker to put me in minor w/d later tonight, hopefully it doesn't, but we'll see. If it doesn't hold me long enough, I'm def going up to 90mg.
I'm currently feeling Fantastic right now!

Here's what I'm on-

80mg Methadone, Cherry red Liquid 10mg/1ml
7.0mg Clonazepam, 7 1mg pills
150mg Morphine Sulfate ER, 5 30mg pills, plugged
40mg Norco/Hydrocodone, 4 10mg pills
1300mg APAP, from Norco pills
125mg Hydroxyzine, 5 25mg capsules
75mg Promethazine, 3 25mg pills
Caffeine, Coffee
Nicotine/Tobacco, Parliament light 100s

#opiated #pinpointed

Cheers BL's!
I used to take 80 mg of methadone but it blocked all other opiates. But there are a lot of opiates, so my guess is that the amount might have gone through your tolerance.

I miss these days..
5 bags of some damn good quality heroin (so far. got the other half of the bundle for the comedown of the speed)
2mgs xanax (with another 5 in case of emergency)
a large quantity of some Blueberry Death (originaly DJ Short blueberry x deathstar og) rolled up into many joints
a few dabs of some killer C99 shatter
and a couple huge rips off the my heroin dealer's methpipe of some AMAZING quality crystal. my god. he had a crystal the size of my goddamn index finger. i couldnt say no even though im not really a stimulant fan by any means.

that's why his boyfriend sympathized and threw me a bundle (instead of the 5 i was going to buy) just to cope with the comedown.

but until i hit that brick wall at full force when i come down, atleast i know i have more xanny bars, heroin, and weed. happy hump day lol.
Baked. Baked. Baked....

Waiting on a buddy, maybe get a couple 8mg Dillies for doing a quick run around.. I kinda want some benzos though, might ask if he can hook it up with some Xannies or Temaz if he has. :sus:
Gotta Oxy, Morphine, and 'Spice' buzz. Morhine was 60mg shot slit into two, though i missed on half of one(i did it in to halves but just a few mins behind each other) and 50mg of Oxycodone oral. Actually got noddy, got a call for 15 norcos or somethin but had just gotten home & didn't wanna drive another 40 mins there...though I wish I did now...it's so nice to have a full-agonist buzz for a change...
Got some new weed in my Plenty vaporizer, it's kind of cheese like, just sat here grinning & giggling at nothing, had to turn it off before I finished the bowl, twice so far, going to have to do it in 3 sittings with tea breaks between. There's only about half a gram in it, but the Plenty always gets good results.
Just daily Rx

Been smoking my weeds at home, pack a couple hits at a time and get high as fuck for 2 hours, repeat.

Gotta remember to pick up a pack of cigs on the way home this morning

Right now I'm just kinda.... Bored.
I sure do...
Captain obvious :p lol
I know you can tell I have a very high tolerance by what I post and take.

Ok, the 1st day went good. But I know Any form of Methadone takes a few days or up to a week to get used to a particular form of 'done.
Taking the extra opiates probly helped a lot, lol.

Anyways.......been REAL busy the last couple days, grocery shopping, taking mom to Dr. Appts. Helping dad with work, etc.

I'm finally free and FEEL AMAZING..here's what I took-

80mg Methadone, Cherry Red Liquid 10mg/1ml
7mg Clonazepam, 6 1mg pills, 2 1/2mg pills
60mg Morphine Sulfate ER, 2 30mg pills, plugged
90mg ROXICODONE/Oxycodone IR, 3 30mg pills, 2 oral, 1 smoked
55mg NORCO/Hydrocodone, 5 1/2 10mg pills
1687.5mg APAP/Tylenol, from Norco pills
100mg Hydroxyzine, 4 25mg capsules
50mg Promethazine, 2 25mg pills
Caffeine, coffee
Tobacco/Nicotine, Parliament light 100s



High! Did a big ol- shot of coke. Then a baby one... Shoulda just snorted that last bit but, oh well! Took my shot of sub, and been smokin aallll day. Im good and ripped. :)
Tonight is kpin night, I know it's hard to understand being excited over 1mg kpin but it makes me kind of tipsy like a few shots of vodka but way clearer head space. Last night I ate all the tylenol cold+sinus in the house (9) to get a dxm buzz and it worked my thoughts were kind of out there I liked it.I also pulled the trigger on a gram of MXP so that should be fun when it gets here next week :D
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